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Inspirational DRM free

Peace By Peter Shearer

Inspirational, soothing and relaxing, this soaking music helps to assist with the process of harmonising with the place of peace.
1. Unknown God
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16.99 GBP (19.22 USD)
XSeller keywords: inspirational, instrumental, relaxing
Thumbnail Presence


Presence by Peter Shearer from the Album Peace track 07. The challenge to ask God for help can be overcome to allow our souls to know the presence of an inner world.
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3.49 GBP (1.91 USD)
Thumbnail Search Me

Search Me

Search Me by Peter Shearer from the Album Peace track 04. God calls us to look closely at ourselves.
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3.49 GBP (1.91 USD)

Unknown God

Unknown God by Peter Shearer, from the Album Peace, Track 01. Peter plays music which starts from the inner knowledge which we all have, that there is something bigger than ourselves which we have access to but often choose to ignore - this is the......
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16.99 GBP (19.22 USD)
XSeller keywords: inspirational, instrumental, peace

The Oneness Space

MUSIC and WORDS Inspired by and created for The Living Love System of the Science of Happiness. Developed by Ken Keyes Jr. The music and words are always gentle, inspirational, and uplifting as they guide you to attaining a mo......

9.95 USD
XSeller keywords: inspirational, keyes, living love

Carry The Love

MUSIC and WORDS Inspired by and created for The Living Love System of the Science of Happiness. Developed by Ken Keyes Jr. The music and words are always gentle, inspirational, and uplifting as they guide you to atta......

9.95 USD
XSeller keywords: inspirational, keyes, living love

Ocean Of Love

MUSIC Inspired by and created for The Living Love System of the Science of Happiness. Developed by Ken Keyes Jr. The music and words are always gentle, inspirational, and uplifting as they guide you to attaining a mo......

9.95 USD

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