First Aid Guide For Your Dog
There is nothing worse than watching your dog suffer and not have any idea what is wrong. Is it something minor or is it something worse? Bad meat, snake or insect bite, rat poison? What you know or don't know about emergency first aid for your dog could cost him his life. Are you prepared to stand by and watch your dog die?
Your dog can't tell you what's wrong with him, he can only give you clues. It's up to you to make a quick diagnosis and to take those critical first aid steps. Are you up to the job?
Twice as many dogs die from accidents or illness than from old age.
If your dog was bitten by a snake or a poisonous insect, or if he ate something bad, got hit by a car, or passed out from dehydration or heat stroke -- would you know what to do? Would you be in a position to take those critical first aid steps in the first 5 minutes? Or would you stand by helplessly and watch your dog die?
Don't let your dog become a victim. Learn the basic elements of Canine First Aid in about as much time as it will take you to read the Sports Section in tomorrow's newspaper...
Would you know what to do if any of these things happened to your dog:
He choked on food or a bone?
He ate or got bit by something poisonous?
He was bleeding from an arterial cut?
He got hit by a car?
He collapsed and stopped breathing?
He lost an ear or an eye in a dog or cat fight?
He was bitten by a wild animal?
Dear Fellow Dog Lover,
Millions of dogs die each year from accidents, illnesses and injuries. It's a sad fact of life. What's even sadder, however, is the fact that many dogs could have been saved if only their owner knew the latest canine first aid techniques. Don't get me wrong, first aid is no substitute for trained veterinary care, but the best vets in the world won't do your dog one bit of good if he dies before you get him professional medical attention.
"Bee stings, snake bites and heat stroke are leading causes of canine death" according to one veterinarian who specializes in canine medicine. Wouldn't it be sad for your dog to die of such a common occurrence simply because you didn't spend a small bit of time learning all you could about dog first aid?
When you became a dog owner, you took on the responsibility for your dog's health, happiness and safety. As a good dog owner, I'm sure that you feed your dog well and exercise him regularly. You probably also take him to the vet for his annual checkup and shots. But what are you doing to ensure his every-day safety when the vet can be far away?
If you're like most dog owners, it's never occurred to you that you should know all you can about dog first aid techniques. I don't blame you, it wasn't the first thing I thought of either until I found my dog laying on his side, tongue hanging out and choking on his own vomit. It turned out that he had eaten a Calla Lily, which is one of the hundreds of common household plants that can be dangerous or even fatal to dogs. Fortunately I had the presence of mind to clear the vomit from his mouth so he could breathe, but that's all I knew how to do. If my vet's office wasn't as close as it was, and if he wasn't open on Saturdays, I could have lost my best friend. Don't let this happen to you!
Once I recovered from the fear and panic of almost losing my dog to something as ridiculous as his eating a plant from my garden, I made it a point to learn all I could learn about dog first aid.
I wrote everything down that I learned and I double-checked every canine first aid fact. Before I knew it, I had amassed quite a collection of first aid procedures. That's when I got the idea to take everything I had learned and put it into a book entitled: First Aid Guide For Your Dog."
If you already own a dog, or you are thinking about getting a dog, this book should be the next thing you buy! Honestly, you don't want to go through what I went through when my dog almost died in my arms.
Knowing what to do in those first 5 critical moments after your dog becomes ill or gets injured can mean the difference between life and death for your best friend. I know that's true, that's why I wrote First Aid Guide For Your Dog. It's a no-nonsense, straight-to-the-point first aid guide that's designed to help anyone provide lifesaving critical care to their dog before the medical professionals can take over.
First Aid Guide For Your Dog will guide you through the most common medical emergency situations that you'll face as a dog owner. Read it and you'll know for sure what needs to be done the next time your dog becomes ill or suffers and injury.
If you are serious about keeping your dog healthy, then a good diet and exercise is not enough. You absolutely must know how to care for your dog when an emergency strikes. Ignore this fact and you could end up watching your dog die in your arms like I nearly did. Don't let this happen to you or to your dog! You MUST download First Aid Guide For Your Dog RIGHT NOW before tragedy strikes and you end up losing your best friend!
I've assembled everything you need to known about emergency first aid for dogs. Of course, I am not a veterinarian, and my book is no substitute for professional medical care. However, if just one thing in my book keeps your dog alive until medical care is provided, I've done the job that I set out to do when I wrote First Aid Guide For Your Dog.
"I live in Florida and my dog is subject to encountering a variety of poisonous snakes, insects, plants and any number of wild animals including birds of prey and coyotes. That's why I jumped on First Aid Guide For Your Dog the moment I saw it. I knew that I might end up being the lifeline for my dog and I didn't want to let him down.
-- Kisa G., Palm Harbor, FL.
Are you willing to spend just an hour or so of your time so you'll know what to do the next time your dogs becomes ill or gets injured? If you truly love your dog, the answer must be "YES"
First Aid Guide For Your Dog is the best book available on the subject that you'll ever read.
First Aid Guide For Your Dog is a quick and easy read. It's just 36 pages of hard-hitting, just-the-facts information about how to provide immediate first aid when your dog becomes ill or injured. Reading this book just might end up saving your dog's life.
You really need to make the right decision, because owning a dog comes with a lot of responsibility. And one of the most important responsibilities is keeping him safe and healthy, don't you agree?
Here are some things you'll learn when you read First Aid Guide For Your Dog: How (and when) to take your dog's temperature. See Page 5
When you absolutely must be concerned about your dog's diarrhea. See Page 7
What are the dangers of constipation and how you can help. See Page 8
What you absolutely must look for in your dog's vomit.
See Page 10
How to recognize and treat heat stroke (a potentially fatal condition.)
See Page 11
Learn how to recognize these symptoms of poisoning.
See Page 12
How to safely bandage wounds.
See Page 15
How to recognize and treat the symptoms of snake and poisonous insect bites.
See Page 25
These are just a few examples of the valuable "how and why" information that's waiting for you when you download your copy of First Aid Guide For Your Dog for just $15.