MP3 Dubfreque - Dubfrequency
A reggae/ska/funk mashup, dance hall stylee.
12 MP3 Songs in this album (44:24) !
Related styles: World: Reggae, Rock: Ska, Mood: Upbeat
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For over nine years now, on stages & dancefloors, nightclubs & community halls, for festivals, parties, gatherings & fundraisers of all kinds, Dubfreque has combined six unique, experienced and diverse musicians who all share one goal; to bring songs, rhythms, harmony, positive energy and the love of reggae music in all it''s forms to as many bouncing souls as possible. In honour of the release of their debut album "DUBFREQUENCY" (DFS001), Dubfreque wishes to invite you to join them in the pure pleasure of celebration, singing & dancing together.