Sony Field Problem Report Database
This database was (and possibly still is) used by repair shops to archive and exchange information related to problems that occur in Sony consumer electronics equipment. The last updates to this database were in the early nineties, so it is of no use for more recent equipment. However, if you should have the opportunity to service any of the older Sony televisions, stereos, reel-to-reel machines, CD decks, etceteras, you\ll want this. There are thousands and thousands of case histories for all types of Sony equipment, both US and International models. We have no idea of the total number of repair units included, but to give you an idea, the database file is over 12 megs in size, and it is text. As a rough estimate, then, based on the old idea that one printed page is 4K of text, this is the equivalent of some 3,000 printed 8-1/2x11 pages. An example of the database being used is linked to in the description of the higher priced CD we sell for this item on our web site (www dot aa4df dot com). We\ve searched the entire file system for signs of a copyright and can find none, so you should have no problem using this system in your service operation to take care of those older models that still do come in. Use it once and it\\\s more than paid for itself. This is a DOS based system and has no problem running under Windows. You do have to copy the folders from the CD-ROM you make from the .ISO file we\re selling you here to your c: drive and then remove the \read-only\ attribute (this is easily done in Windows Explorer), as the system will not run directly from the CD, and there is
no installation program. If you don\t feel confident of your ability to do this, please don\t buy this system. This system was originally intended for the practicing professional electronics service agency, but should also be useful to student technicians and engineers, electronics hobbyists, and https://www.tradebit.comase note that we\re distributing the .ISO file to burn a CD of the material, you do have to have a CD burner and burning software that uses .ISO files.