*new* Ebay Info Profits with PLR
If You Are Tired of Constantly Shipping And Packaging Products, Paying Outrageous Customs Charges And Barely Breaking Even With The Products You Sell On eBay, Then Discover…
“The Secrets to Selling the Single Most Profitable Type of Product there is…And Keeping 100% of the Profit from Every Single Sale You Make!”
From: Name
Dear Friend,
If you are just plain tired of dealing with stubborn and unreliable suppliers, paying way too much money for products to make any kind of significant profits, packing and shipping physical products and quite simply not making enough money, this letter is for you!
Because you are about to discover how to keep the profit from every single dollar your customers pay you and get rid of dealing with stubborn suppliers and shipping all together!
No packaging or shipping!
No dealing with stubborn overseas suppliers!
No paying outrageous shipping and customs charges just to get your hands on the products you want to sell!
No more making a measly 30% or 20% profit on every sale you make!
Not only are you about to find out how to get rid of some of the biggest problems related to running an eBay business, but you are about to find out how to sell and where to get the most profitable kind of products you can possibly sell on eBay.
So what kind products am I talking about? I am talking about digital information products!
But before I go into what digital information products are, here are just a few advantages to selling digital info products:
You keep 100% of the profit your customers pay you. That’s rights! Info products have a whopping 100% profit margin!
You don’t have to ship or pack anything, you can even have an automatic download link sent to your customers after every single sale you make (this sure beats spending hours each day packaging products and going to the post office).
You will never run out of stock! It’s that simple, since info products are digital all you have to do is upload it to the Internet and give your customers access to the download page!
You don’t need any storage space! No more boxes and packaging materials littering your whole house. You can store as many info products in your hard drive as you like.
No need to constantly look for and deal with suppliers! You can simply create your own info products or even easier: buy resell rights!
You don’t have to buy every single product you sell! With physical products, you must pay for every single item you sell, and this significantly eats away at your profits. Digital products on the other hand are free to create. And if you do buy resell rights, you only have to pay once!
Your customers get access to their purchases immediately, instead of waiting days or weeks for the products they just bought. Instant gratification!
You eliminate the single biggest reason people refuse to buy stuff online: paying too much for shipping charges.
And that is exactly why selling info products is a lot easier, hassle free, enjoyable, less time consuming and a lot more profitable than selling electronics, antiques, clothing and other physical products!
In fact, if you sell digital products on eBay instead of physical ones, you can easily have your whole eBay business automated! Because you will NOT have to package and ship anything, you can simply have automatic emails with download instructions sent to everyone that buys from you!
As easy as selling info products on eBay is, there are still some things you absolutely MUST learn in order to start selling info products successfully. And that is exactly what you'll learn in the...
ReSell IT on eBay
Here is just a small sample of some of the things you will learn in the “eBay Info Profits” Guide:
The different types of information products you can easily sell and what to do in order to make them fetch a higher price.
How to find the most profitable eBay niches to sell your info products in.
A simple guide to easily selling your first extremely profitable info product on eBay using the new digital download rules!
How to sell your info products on eBay and get top dollar! And even how to make money with products when they don't sell!
A list of the best resale rights sources-- most are free! Exactly where to go to get resell rights to other people’s products for free and below wholesale.
How to advertise your new business for the most traffic and hits to your listings.
How to get others to help you sell more products. How to build your mailing list.
And much, much more!
The above list is just a small sample of all the things you are about to learn in “ReSell IT on eBay” Guide!
Remember: when you start selling information products on eBay, there will be no shipping, no packaging, no dealing with stubborn suppliers and no barely breaking even with barely profitable products…you will keep 100% of the profit of every sale you make! Now that’s profitable!
So how much is this amazing information worth to you?
Normally, you would have to pay $47, which is still an amazing deal for all of the amazingly profitable information packed into “ReSell IT on eBay” Guide. But right now I am testing a special price of only $27 to attract new customers.
I am not going to lie, I have no idea when this price will rise back up. It could be a few hours from now or it could be a couple of weeks. All I know is that ideally, I want to sell this great guide at $47 and I just might start doing that in the very near future.
But for now, the price is only $27.
But I am not just going to make a bunch of crazy claims. I will back up my promises with a 100%, 90 day money back guarantee…
I am going to do this because I am so confident that once you get your hands on the “ReSell IT on eBay” Guide I won’t be able to buy it back from you, let alone get you to simply give it up!
And that is exactly why you have my 100%, 90 day, no questions asked, Iron Clad Money Back Guarantee:
GUARANTEE: Get the "ReSell IT on eBay” guide right now and read it over. Try the information out. If you are for any reason at all not 100% satisfied, send me an email within 90 days after purchasing, and I will personally refund every penny of your money, no questions asked. It's as simple as that.
Remember: this guarantee means that if for any reason you are not 100% satisfied with this guide, all you have to do is send me an email and you will get a prompt, 100%, no questions asked refund.
You have absolutely NOTHING to lose! With the above guarantee the risk is 100% mine not yours. So why not give the “title” guide a try right now.
You will be downloading and reading the
"ReSell IT on eBay” guide
e-book within just a few minutes from now
To Your Success,
Your Name
PS: You will learn everything you need to know about getting your hands on and selling the most profitable kind of products you can possibly sell on eBay.
PPS: If you are fed up with all the hassles involved with selling physical products on eBay (i.e. shipping, packaging, customs charges, finding suppliers, barely breaking even etc.) or are simply finding it impossible to find a supplier for any physical products. It has never been a better time to switch over to selling information products and keeping 100% of profit from every sale you make!
PPPS: The price of $27 is only a test price and I will likely be bringing it back up to $47 in the near future. I am not sure when, it could be tomorrow or a week from now. But this may be your last chance to get “ReSell IT on eBay” for $27.