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6 Brand New Profit-Pulling Video And Audio Pack with MRR

Attention: Anyone Serious About Joining The Ranks Of TOP Infopreneurs But Hates Writing...

"Get This Exclusive Collection Of Instant, In-Demand, Profit-Pulling Video And Audio Products
2 Minutes From Now..."

... By Grabbing The Full Master Resale Rights To 6 Brand New Potential Hot Sellers That You Can Turn Around With Them And Rake In Massive Profits... Selling These Products in Your Name!

Dear Professional Marketer,
We all know that video and audio are a TON more profitable then just your average information product, or product manual. Thats why it is so important to incorporate video into your everyday marketing, and at the least audio so that your readers can really connect with the product. Especially if they are going to resell the product that you offer them with Master Resale Rights!

Today you have a chance at a BRAND NEW RESELLERS KIT specifically designed to help you get your hands on quiality video & audio products that WILL SELL FOR YOUR CUSTOMERS!

This means that they will view you as an expert because of the money you generated for them and they will keep coming back!

What else does this mean for you?

Not only can you make up-front sales, you can:

Decide how you want to make back-end income,

Sell the product at a higher price by offering its Resell Rights and/or Master Resale Rights!

Watch and listen offline

If you have a collection of them, you can run a limited time sale by selling ALL of them in one package (JUST LIKE THIS ONE!!)

These are some prime examples but you get the idea. In short, these are what good stuff profit-pulling power houses are made of!

"While Selling Your Own Products Is Cool, But There's Still A Huge Problem... "

... And it's called product development. You need to have a flair for writing to begin with. Then, you need to be an expert or reasonably knowledgeable in your niche. And speaking of niche, there's also niche marketing research.

All these consume weeks to even months of your time!

Sure, you've heard of marketers outsourcing their writing work to ghostwriters, but how much can you really afford?

"Aww great... so what other options do I have?" you ask.

"Now What If I Tell You To Give Up Your Product Development Completely? Because..."

... I am giving you the **Full** Master Resale Rights to my latest collection of not one, not two, but 6 brand new, smoking HOT Video/Audio Products... that you can sell with your name on it!

You see, I understand how you and many other people feel about creating products. They are a chore. And that spells a bore. So what I did... I've taken the liberty to aquire the video and audio products, E-Covers and graphics for you... so you don't have to!

And the best part is that I am dropping them all on your lap... I've taken the time to make up the professionally written sales page, graphics, and put it all together with specially researched video and audio products so that you can begin to profit right away!

"Before I Go Into That, Let Me Show The Full List Of Video & Audio Products That You Will Be Selling In Just A Few Minutes..."

Full Master Resale Rights

Secrets to Doubling Your Freelancing Fee - Audio and Video

"How to Double Your Fees with no Extra Work, no Extra Time and no Extra Training!"

Here's what you receive in this package:

Time Length: 13 minutes 01 seconds

* Audio Product in MP3 format
* Presentation in Video format (Flash)
* Written Transcript in PDF
* Product E-Covers in JPEG format
* Transferable Master Resell Rights License

Description: There are many talents in the world of freelancing but why is it that there are those who are struggling to make a few bucks and make end's meet? And then, there are those who are being paid DOUBLE the average fee set by the industry, yet being paid willingly by clients?

Secrets to Doubling Your Freelancing Fee reveals the little known insider methods to finding clients and get paid twice as much legally - without putting in extra effort, extra time or extra commitment on your part. And of course, do this without resorting to cheating anyone (because we hate that very much too).

Sneak Peak:
In This Course, You Will Learn:

* How to alter your position in the market - leave the basement price fighting scene and elevate yourself to a new class of clients!
* How to quickly and easily get and pre-qualify clients - a simple under-the-nose method to getting the kind of clients you want to work with (and not those who want to milk your time and effort for what it's worth in exchange for chump change!)
* Easy negotiating tactics to doubling your freelancing fee without risking the client feeling cheated! And no, you don't have to 'add more hard work' just to justify the price!

(sales page provided in word doc and a basic html layout)

You Receive The Full Master Resale Rights To This Video And Audio BRAND NEW Pacakge!

Full Master Resale Rights

Attracting Online Riches! Audio & Video!

"Discover How To Set Realistic Goals At A Whole New Level & Manifest Your Dream Wealth!"

Here's what you receive in this package:

Time Length: 9 minutes 55 seconds

* Audio Product in MP3 format
* Presentation in Video format (Flash)
* Written Transcript in PDF format
* Product E-Covers in JPEG format
* Transferable Master Resale Rights License

Description: Some call it the Law of Attraction. Some believe it's the work of God. But there's no denying that an unseen force is at work. If you can relate to experiences where a series of bad things have occurred to you in a row, or when you started going through a paradigm shift then you're suddenly in the company of the right people, then you should pay close attention to what we share in Attracting Online Riches For Internet Marketers.

Sneak Peak:

In This Course, You Will Learn:

* Law of Attraction Defined - a passage in The Bible that relates to this Law.
* Goal Setting taken to the next level - how a bigger and clearer picture enabled visionaries to achieve ground breaking success and changed the landscape of the world throughout history, including how people think!
* How to make the Law of Attraction work in your favor!

(sales page provided in word doc and a basic html layout)

You Receive The Full Master Resale Rights To This Video And Audio BRAND NEW Pacakge!

Full Master Resale Rights

Sales Conversion Boosting Tactics - Audio And Video!

"10 Simple Tweaks on Your Copy to Get Twice as Many Customers!"

Here's what you receive in this package:

Time Length: 21 minutes 38 seconds

* Audio Product in MP3 format
* Presentation in Video format (Flash)
* Written Transcript in PDF
* Product E-Covers in JPEG format
* Transferable Master Resell Rights License

Description: If you have a killer offer and traffic already flowing in, there's no better and more productive thing to do than making simple tweaks to your sales copy and boost your conversion rates twice as high. This is what Sales Conversion Boosting Tactics is about.

Sneak Peak:

In This Course, You Will Learn:

* Important Sales Principle: how these 3 cornerstones can directly and indirectly affect the volume and conversion of sales you are making!
* Formula For Sales Success: GO + GC + BTT = Big Sales!
* 10 simple tweaks you can perform on your copy and boost your conversions overnight!
* The ideal headline - manipulate the looks and feel of your headline to grab twice as much attention from your prospects!
* A simple tweak to your letter's introduction can actually boost continued reading!
* The Truth About Bonuses: why some types of bonuses can kill your offer instead. Discover how to strategically position your bonuses for maximum conversions!
* A risk reversal method many wouldn't dare do... but you can easily do it without feeling a pinch!
* And many more sales boosting tactics!

(sales page provided in word doc and a basic html layout)

You Receive The Full Master Resale Rights To This Video And Audio BRAND NEW Pacakge!

Full Master Resale Rights

High Converting One Time Offer Secrets - Audio And Video!

"Strategically Increase Your Customer Lifetime Value and Boost Your Income with No Extra Effort!"

Here's what you receive in this package:

Time Length: 21 minutes 24 seconds

* Audio Product in MP3 format
* Presentation in Video format (Flash)
* Written Transcript in PDF
* Product E-Covers in JPEG format
* Transferable Master Resell Rights License

Description: The idea of using One Time Offers is becoming more popularly preached among Internet Marketers. (In fact, you are seeing one right now) Everything you see on this page now is a result of walking our talk in this audio session. In the past, we have achieved high conversion rates with One Time Offers - often going as high as 33 - 43 to even hitting 50 - where every 1 in 2 customers actually picked up our extra offer!
High Converting One Time Offer Secrets isn't about anything you already know so well about and after scouring over various other courses and offline seminars on the same topic, we learned a technique and school of thought different from the rest, and most importantly, the formula for a high converting OTO has been finally discovered and distilled into just a few minutes of audio recording... rather than a 400 page text book!

Sneak Peak:

In This Course, You Will Learn:

* How to craft the ideal One Time Offer - strive to convert 2-4 for cold prospects; 20-40 for paid customers!
* The 5 secret ingredients to creating a One Time Offer that converts like crazy! At least 3 of these insider methods have not been discussed anywhere else.
* Case Study of a REAL One Time Offer in effect that produced a 49.3 conversion rate!
4 profit-pulling ideas on types of One Time Offers you can create for your Front-End products. You will also learn why, for many reasons, we don't encourage putting a careless stack of rehashed Resell Rights products as your One Time Offer.
* A list of third party scripts and software we have tested that can do One Time Offers - a full range of scripts, at least one is bound to match your business and marketing needs.
How to save from losing sales at One Time Offer - an insider technique to saving lost sales from One Time Offer (and do it legally and ethically!)

(sales page provided in word doc and a basic html layout)

You Receive The Full Master Resale Rights To This Video And Audio BRAND NEW Pacakge!

Full Master Resale Rights

Your Own Squeeze Page In 10 Minutes - Audio And Video!

"How to Build a Simple but Powerful Lead-Sucking Web Page in under 10 Minutes!"

Here's what you receive in this package:

Time Length: 14 minutes 57 seconds

* Audio Product in MP3 format
* Presentation in Video format (Flash)
* Written Transcript in PDF
* Product E-Covers in JPEG format
* Transferable Master Resell Rights License

Sneak Peak:
Description: If you are learning about opt-in list building then the subject of creating your own squeeze pages is rarely ever ignored. In as simple as the concept is - whereby your visitors would visit this web page and a big fraction of them would sign up to your mailing list - many people are still technically challenged.

Here's where you can come in and sell in your name -
Your Own Squeeze Page in 10 Minutes teaches exactly just that.

(sales page provided in word doc and a basic html layout)

You Receive The Full Master Resale Rights To This Video And Audio BRAND NEW Pacakge!

Full Master Resale Rights

Financial IQ For Beginners - Audio And video!

"Your Stepping Stones to a Solid Financial Future - No Technical Jargons or Complicated Accounting Skills Needed!"

Here's what you receive in this package:

Time Length: 18 minutes 51 seconds

* Audio Product in MP3 format
* Presentation in Video format (Flash)
* Written Transcript in PDF
* Product E-Covers in JPEG format
* Transferable Master Resell Rights License

Description: With everyone parroting the bad news that "the sky is falling" in the stock market and the failing economy worldwide, developing your own Financial IQ is more important than ever.
The conventional schools and hall of academics recognize only IQ, fewer people had the interest to develop their EQ (Emotional Quotient), and Financial Intelligence is severely neglected. It's no surprise why many nations today are crumbling owing to poor money management habits.
Developing a stronger understanding about money and how it works doesn't have to be necessarily difficult. In fact, it's NOT rocket science.

Sneak Peak:

In This Course, You Will Learn:

* How to start your journey towards achieving financial freedom following easy beginner steps - as long as you know elementary school math, you too can start taking control of your finances as early as today.
* MONEY redefined - some believe that money is the root of all evil. Some believe that it is nothing more than a currency. But the really rich people see something else different about money.
* GOAL SETTING 2 models in earning your wealth. Which one are you?
* The 1 and only rule of self investment - the Aberdeen Asset Management preaches their own set of 10 rules to smart investing. But for beginners, you only need to follow one rule of investment.
* The DEFENSE tactic in money management - what to do before learning how to make money.
* Easy method to watching and accounting your cash flow on a daily basis - most people have no idea how much money they keep. It's embarrassing because even those who are making a lot of money every month often find that their bank balance doesn't show for their hard work. Keep tabs of your cash flow starting today quickly and easily.
* Investment vs Expenses - how would you know when you're spending money, or when is it genuinely an investment?

(sales page provided in word doc and a basic html layout)

You Receive The Full Master Resale Rights To This Video And Audio BRAND NEW Pacakge!

"What Can You Do With The Master Resale Rights To These Products..."

NOTE: These terms & conditions apply to all of the products within this package.
Distribution Rights:

YES May Sell Master Resale Rights
YES May Sell Products Individually
YES May Edit/Alter the Sales Materials (text only)
YES May be Added to Paid Membership Sites
NO May be Added to Free Membership Sites
YES May be Packaged with Other Products
NO May Sell at Auction Sites
NO May be Offered as Free Bonus
NO May be Given Away for Free

"I've Solved Practically Every Single Product Creation Problem You Have!"

That's right. With all the product creation fully done for you to the 'T':

You don't have to write another single word of content from scratch... ever.

You don't have to do market and niche research anymore - the results of research for hot demands are now staring back at you within the collection of videos, audios, and 100s of pages of solid content in this Master Resale Rights package.

You don't have to fork out hundreds to thousands of dollars in exorbitant ghostwriting fees.

And most importantly, you now have the freedom to promote these products in your name and make an absolute KILLING!

"So Here's A Summary On Everything You Get From This Awesome MRR Pack..."

PLR Product #1: Secrets To Doubling Your Freelancing Fee!
PLR Product #2: Attracting Online Riches!
PLR Product #3: Sales Conversion Boosting Tactics!
PLR Product #4: High Converting One Time Offer Secrets!
PLR Product #5: Your Own Squeeze Page In 10 Minutes!
PLR Product #6: Financial IQ For Beginners!

"Act Now And Grab Your Copy Of This Professional Sales Page As Well!"

Grab The Whole Package And Your Reseller Site For Only:


To YOUR Sucess!

P.S. Don't just pass it up before leaving this page... now this is your golden opportunity to grab the FULL MASTER RESALE RIGHTS to over 6 brand new products for cents on the dollar and skip weeks of boring product development chores!

Tags: mrr
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File Type ZIP
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