PLR Cheater - Cheat your way to success
Welcome to your shortcut to success!
Seriously, if used right then PLR gives you the key to the online vault, never has it been easier to create quality information products than right now, and I'm going to tell you exactly how to harness this powerful material, how to avoid the pitfalls, walk right past the 95 of people who are doing it all wrong, and stand up and claim the success you deserve!
You see the quickest and easiest way to make money online is to have your own product, but when you are starting out then most of the time you just don't get round to making one, you stare at a blank page, wonder what to write and put it off until 'next week'.
Of course next week never comes!
I was exactly the same, in fact I still am, sitting down to right this report I would have been far happier starting off with some PLR material, but there was none I was happy with or I would have!
So I'm not saying that suddenly by using PLR material that you will flood your bank account with money, or that it means you can be lazy and still rake in the dough, what I am saying is that you can get things done quicker and easier than the competition and cut a lot of the learning curve out of creating a product.
In fact, as harsh as this sounds, your product may be a total dud (been there! And it wasn't a PLR book either so I had to create the whole book, 100+ pages by myself¡K) but in the words of self-improvement guru Brian Tracy:
"Failure is a prerequisite for great success. If you want to succeed faster, double your rate of failure."
Or maybe you prefer basketball superstar Michael Jordan?
"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed."
I'm here to help you either fail faster or become a success faster! (and of course if you read those quotes above you know they are one and the same¡K).
So PLR is a timesaver, an idea jogger, a framework with which you can flesh out your masterpiece and present it to the world, it is a smarter way of working (work smarter not harder!).
First then we're going to look at the main mistakes that people make, then we roll into avoiding wasting a lot of time with the 'blackhole' of PLR, then the main uses of PLR, and then we get into how to take bog-standard PLR and make it sparkle like a high-priced info-product diamond!
Oh and then I'll show you how to possibly double or triple your affiliate commissions from products with PLR and how to make some quick money back to cover all your expenses º
Sound good?
Then let's get started¡K
Tags: plr