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Moms Favorite Recipes
My Mom and Grandma were great cooks. They cooked all kinds of great dishes for their families. Many of the recipes they used were handed down from other family members and some came from old cookbooks. When I would ask for one of the recipes that I remembered from my childhood, many times my Mom would reach in a kitchen drawer and pull out an old piece of yellowed paper that she had written the recipe on many years ago. I decided that these recipes needed to be preserved for my children and theirs.
I typed up all the recipes on my computer and when I was done I, this would be a great collection to share with others. That is why I have put together Mom's Favorite Family Recipes. This is a collection of 190 categorized recipes handed down through my family and provided to you in an easy to use and instantly downloadable PDF eBook. Just take a look at the recipes included in this collection: