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MP3 Knotz - Damali Records presents Download
The hottest rap compilation of 00/01. This is is the new era the Damali Family is bringing it to the streets with original styles and beats.
11 MP3 Songs
Although, Download is Damali Records''(Discover All Music And Learn Infinately) first album, the company has been together since 1997 and the artist have been performing and recording together even Knotz, who are blood brothers, have been a group since 1990 and the rest of the artist have been together since about 1995. The bond between the Damali Family is not one made by the recording industry but one made by the street making their music more real and their team supirior to label made groups. The Damali Family differs from many of todays rap groups,what sets them apart are their rugged beats, unique style and business aditude. Damali strives to create quality products that will not only satisfy but leave customers in awe.
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This file is sold by music, an independent seller on Tradebit.