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Float In Window Generator - Create Pop Up Style Ads That Cant Be Blocked

Instantly Boosts Your Sales,
Opt In Email List, And Conversion
Rates By Up To 224% By Adding
Float-In Window Technology
To Your Websites!

If You've Never Heard Of Float-In Windows Then You MUST Read This Immediatly Because...

PopUps Are Rapidy Becoming A Totally Useless Marketing Tool...

Dear Fellow Internet Marketers,

If you run any type of business online then you should know that the Internet marketing tactics that worked well just a few months ago can suddenly become outdated and totally ineffective.

Remeber what happened to those Free Classified Websites, and Free For All Links Pages?...

Well it’s happening right now.

Pop-up advertising used to be an excellent way for you to collect email addresses, gain new subscribers, promote affiliate programs, offer free reports...

And the list goes on.

But with the birth of pop up blocking technology so comes the death of pop up advertising.

Due to the abuse and misuse of pop up advertising by millions of irresponsible website owners pop up blocking software is now in high demand.

As a matter of fact...

The following online giants now
give away FREE software that
automatically blocks your pop-up ads...

Google offers its 300 million monthly surfers a toolbar that automatically blocks your pop-up ads.
Alexa offers its 10 Million users a free toolbar that automatically kills your pop-ups.
AOL Released Version 8.0 to its 35 Million Subscribers with enhanced pop-up blocking capabilities .
Earthlink now provides a free pop-up blocker to its
5 Million Customers.
Netscape’s' 7.0 Browser now blocks pop-ups and is free to download for its 52 Million Users.

That’s over 403 MILLION
Internet users who now have
the ability to block your pop-up
ads right at their fingertips.

As you can see the age of pop-up advertising is rapidly dying out and as a direct result thousands of small internet businesses like yours will rapidly die out as well.

But WAIT! Don't let you business suffer...

There is a solution.

There is a way to reclaim the attention grabbing and profit producing power that pop-ups used to have.

Replace Your Dead Pop-Ups With
The Attention Grabbing Power Of
Float-In Windows
That Cannot Be Blocked.


"Float-In Window Generator"

Automatically Create UnBlockable Float-In Windows By Just Pushing A Button to Instantly Insert Your own "Float-IN Windows" Into The HTML code of Any of your Web Pages In Less Than Two Minutes.

You'll never have to write a single line of code!

Float-In Windows Stay In View
Even If The Visitor Scrolls Down The Page.

Use Any HTML, Images, Text or Anything Else You Would Put Inside An Old Style Pop-Up!

Now, if you are wondering...

"What exactly is a 'Float-In Window' and why can't it be blocked like the old style pop-up windows?"...

Well first let me explain how pop-ups work and how they are easily blocked.

A Pop-Up window works by instantly opening a completely separate "new browser window" that pops into view whenever someone enters or exits you website.
Pop-Up Blockers work by automatically stopping any and all webpages that are programmed to open in a separate "new browser window". Thus when a visitor running any kind of pop-up blocking software lands on your page the pop-up window is blocked automatically and your advertisement- is never seen.

Next, let’s examine the attention grabbing power of "Float-In Windows" and why they cannot be blocked, killed or destroyed.

"Float-In Windows" are simply a part of your web page and Don’t require a new browser window to be opened. Although they appear to be a seperate window they are actually a part of the same web page that they gracefully Float-In to.
"Float-In Windows" Don’t require a New Browser Window to be opened therefore they CANNOT be blocked, killed, or destroyed.
--------- SIDE NOTE:--------- Float In Windows Stay In View Even If The Visitor Scrolls Down The Page. Plus Float-In Windows Aren't Annoying Because You Determine How Often Your Messages Appear...

(I’ll explain more on this later.)

"Float-In Windows" will Grab your prospect’s attention, collect more emails and boost your profits the way pop-ups no longer can!

Here's All You Have To Do...

Set The Look , Size, and Speed Of Your Float In Window.

Set How Often Your Float-In Windows Appear to Each Visitor, Once Every Hour Up to Once Per day.

Type or Copy & Paste Your HTML Directly Into The Generator.

Preview Your "Float-In" inside a Demo Window. You may Go Back And Tweak The Settings As many Time As Necessary Until Your Ads Float In Just The Way You Want.

Press A Button to Auto-Insert Float-In Windows Into Any Html Document.

Save Your Float-In Windows And All Your Perfected Settings For Future Use.


All The Float-In Window Code Is Extremely Search-Engine Friendly.

Other similar software install some or all of the script into in the header section near the top of your html, which can cripple your search engine ranking position.

You see major search engines such as "Google" rank websites by weighing heavily on the keywords and phrases at the beginning of your HTML code.

"Float In Windows Generator" will insert all the code at the very bottom of your HTML code so it won't do any harm to your search engine listings.


You are in precise control of which direction your Float In Windows glide in from, when they appear, how often they appear, how fast they float in and exactly where they land!

Your Ads Float In Smoothly From Any Direction You Choose (Top, Right, Left Or Bottom).

You Can Set Your Float-Ins to Appear Instantly, Or Delay Them (In Seconds) to Appear At Any Time You Choose.

You Can Set The Speed At Which Your Float-In Windows Move Into View (In Pixels Per Second.)

You Control Exactly Where Your Float-In Windows Land On Your Webpages Using Simple To Understand X/Y Plotting Coordinates.

You'll Reduce Visitor Annoyance By Setting How Many Times Your Float-In Windows Will Appear To Each Visitor. Once Every Hour Up To Once Per Day.

You Can Even Use Multiple "Float-In Windows" On A Single Webpage.

With "Float-In Window Generator"
You can rest assured that...

Your Advertisements
Won’t Be Blocked!

100% of your visitors will see your special discounts!
100% of your visitors will see your ezine subscription box!
100% of your visitors will see your free report offers!
100% of your visitors will see your free viral ebook offers!
100% of your visitors will see your Order Now bonuses!
100% of your visitors will see your online surveys!
100% of your visitors will see your special contests!
100% of your visitors will see your affiliate offers!

100 % Of Your Ads
Will Be Seen Every Time!
File Data

This file is sold by kasu, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 1 megabytes
File Type RAR
Customer Rating
Rated 5 out of 05, based on 1 review(s)
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