Supper Signup System
You see, Email marketing is deadly effective and definitely one of the fastest ways of making money online. Its traffic at the click of a send button! I want you to build your list, establish a relationship with them and then be able to offer, (notice I didnt say sell) to them.
How Do I Build A List Fast And Make Money In The Process?
Luckily you dont have to worry about this part because Ive prepared all the landing pages and download pages and special offer sales page for you. All you have to do is insert your opt-in code, upload the files and drive traffic to that site!
The best way to get a high sign-up rate is to give! Whoever is looking for information on how to make money on the internet - give it to them! Not only that, but make the page good enough so that they would be silly not to sign up to your list!
Ive created a page for you which displays all the products they will be getting for free. Take a look below..
1. 7 Giveaway Information
You will be giving away quality information products on popular topics that others could quite easily charge for. Doing this will place you as an expert in the field of multiple internet marketing related subjects whilst showing your subscriber that you provide REAL value to them!
Not only that but you will have access to the eBooks yourself, but you will automatically own master resell rights to them so you can resell them as your own. A resellers kit will be provided!
2. High Converting Squeeze Page!
You will receive a full give-away landing page designed for high opt-in rates! Simply enter your auto responder opt-in code at the bottom of the page and youre ready to upload! Add your own picture on the landing page to personalized it!
3. The Confirmation Page
You will also receive a confirmation page to ensure that your prospect signs up! This part of the sign up process is very often overlooked! Many list servers require your prospect to double opt-in before you can start Emailing them which is why a confirmation page is necessary!
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4. The Download Page
Again this part of the process is very often overlooked because most marketers simply send their PDF report or zip archive straight through to their prospect. You will now be able use your auto responder to send your prospects to a full download page so they feel like theyve been looked after!
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5. The One-Time-Offer Sales Page
Now Ill leave this up to you how you want to go about using this sales page. I personally would send your new subscriber to this page first just before they are sent to the download page above.
Alternatively, you could let your subscriber download and read the eBooks, give them a couple of days to digest the information, then present them with this offer using your auto responder!
Please note that images have been compressed for fast viewing.
6. The Master Resell Rights
Download Page
Again, if your subscriber invests in the one-time offer, you will have a ready-made download page to send them to. This will save you valuable time!
Please note that images have been compressed for fast viewing.
7. The Quick Start Guide
The Super Sign Up System was designed for the beginner in mind. Even if youve never set up your own squeeze page or built your list this step-by-step guide will tell you what to do! It doesnt get any easier!
Revealed information..
How to set up digital delivery - when someone buys your one-time offer, you will want to deliver the download page to them. This guide will show you how to automatically send an email out to them with and without scripts!
How to set up your template system - there is a logical process in setting up this system. Get 1 component out of place and it can be a headache putting things together. Get it right from the start!
The raw PayPal button code - you will learn which parts of the PayPal code you need to edit. This will set the pricing, item name, the download location and more. Most importantly it will make sure YOU get paid!
How to create your web capture form - every single little step needed to create your first web capture form is illustrated for you. If youre a point-and-click, do this and do that kind of person, you wont miss a thing!
and much more..
Thats 7 Core Components To Building Your List Fast Whilst Making Money Along The Way!
Putting a system like this together can take several hours even for experienced marketers!
But your time is too precious to go through all the technical details. Youre a marketer and you want to get straight down to business and start promoting your landing page and to build your list because that IS where the REAL money is.
I spent ages trying to figure out how to build a list quickly, build a relationship with them and make money in the process. Now youre going to take my knowledge and work and apply it with these 5 important HTML pages, information products and quick start guide!
Heres What Youre Getting Today!..
1. An Opt-In Landing Page
2. A Confirmation Page
3. A Download Page
4. A Special Offer Page
5. A Special Offer Download Page
6. All The eBooks And Master Resell Rights Material
7. Extra Bonus! The Quick Start Guide
Now You Can Focus On The More Important Parts..
Promote a single domain name
Build a huge list and fast!
Make $97 in the process with the special offer!
Any most importantly, do successful joint ventures for life!
You get this Supper Signup System with Master Resell Right