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MP3 Francisco Rivera - Thy Kingdom Come


7 MP3 Songs in this album (14:30) !
Related styles: SPIRITUAL: Scriptures, KIDS/FAMILY: Educational


Francisco Bawdon Rivera has been playing the guitar and performing music for forty-six years. In the 1960''s in the Battle-Of-The-Bands playing rock''n''roll, to the 1970''s writing his first Christian songs, then in the 1980''s learning to compose Bible Scripture to song while serving a five and one/half year prison term for burglaries committed to support a drug habit acquired during the flower-child era, which was in the 1960''s. This music which he calls Psalmistyle Christian Music is Bible Scripture sung word-for-word accompanied with musical instruments. It is not just for Christians. Psalmistyle Music is for all people. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16 That means His word the "Holy Bible" is a love letter to everybody in the world, with no exceptions, every person! Psalmistyle Music is music, melody and God''s word! Listen and you will remember!

Then He said to them, "Take heed what you hear. With what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you; and unto
you that hear, shall more be given." Mark 4:24

Listen over and over and you will unconsciously sing from your heart and just remember the words without trying!

The Reference is Psalm 119:11 "Thy word have I hid in
in mine heart that I might not sin against thee."

"So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing
and hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17

"I beseech thee therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God
the ye present bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable
unto God, which is your reasonable service." Romans 12:1

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."
Romans 12:2

The Word of God transforms your mind,
your life, and absolutely your whole being!

Thy Kingdom Come

This Sextet of stirring Psalms, all of anonymous human authorship, seem to comprise one unit of praise, tied together by an intriquing structure indictated by certain key phrases in their respective opening verses.
Note the following:

(Psalm 95:1) "Oh come let us sing unto the LORD."

(Psalm 96:1) "Oh sing unto the LORD a new song."

(Psalm 97:1) "The LORD reigneth; let the earth rejoice."

(Psalm 98:1) "O sing unto the LORD a new song."

(Psalm 99:1) "The LORD reigneth, let the people tremble."

(Psalm 100:1) "Make a joyful noise unto the LORD."

Then when we look into the themes of the six Psalms, we note that all seem to focus on the LORD as the great King and Judge of all the earth, looking forward to His coming millennial kingdom, when the age-long prayers of God''s people will finally be answered:
"Thy Kingdom Come Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. (Matthew 6:10)
Although these beautiful psalms have been of immediate blessing to the people of God, in every generation, it would seem that they are best understood in the context of the future thousand year reign of Christ on earth, (Revelation 20:2-6).
The unknown Psalmist, from that perspective, notes that God was first our Creator, then our Savior, then the fulfillment of His promised coming as Judge, and finally His reign as the great King of all creation.

Henry M. Morris Treasures in the Psalms Pages 158,159

(Psalm 101 is added to this group as its fulfillment.)

1) Psalm 95 Sing for joy
Let us praise and worship God our Maker(1-7a. Let us listen to him, for he expects us to obey(7b-11).
>Verse 8 See Exodus 17:1-7.

2) Psalm 96 ''Sing a new song''
The song his people sing is a song of God''s salvation, of his greatness and his glory-a song of universal joy when he comes to rule with justice.

3) Psalm 97 ''The Lord is King!''
The images are of awesome power, and shining, searching light. The spirit sings with gladness for all that God has done-for God, supreme, triumphant; the Saviour and delight of all who hate evil.

4) Psalm 98 The Lord victorious
A song to God the Victor. He comes to rule the world with justice. Let the sea and its creatures, earth, rivers, hills-everyone and everything-go wild with joy.
>Verse 6 Trumpets and horns are sounded for God''s enthronement.

5) Psalm 99 The Lord enthroned
God the King, the Holy One, is on his throne; God who forgives and disciplines his people, from the least to the greatest. Praise and worship him.

6) Psalm 100 Give thanks and worship
"The Lord is God''-he made us-''the Lord is good''. Let all the world sing and be glad, Psalm 100 is one of the best-known and most often sung of all the Psalms.
>Verse 3 See Deuteronomy 6:4. This is the faith of Israel.
>His gates, his courts(4) l.e. the temple.

7) Psalm 101 The king''s manifesto
Hebrew title, ''by David''. the king pledges himself before God to root out evil from private and public life and to reward integrity.
>House (2) Household and court.
>Verse 8 Most probably a reference to his daily administration of justice in Jerusalem.

Zondervan''s Handbook to the Bible

1) Psalm 95 Praise the Lord and tempt Him Not. This Psalm is deeply inwoven into the life of the Church, because of the worshipful strain which pervades it, and also because of the illuminating manner in which it is introduced into the argument of Hebrews 3 and 4. The works of God in creation are specially enumerated as incentives to praise. The sea, the hills, the deep places of the earth have often inspired the minstrel, but how much more the devout soul!
Let us remember, also, when we are tossed on the seas of life, or are called to descend into valleys of shadow, that faith will still dare to sing. But in the second stanza of the psalm, from v. 6 onward, we are confronted with the sad story of Exodus 17. There are Meribahs and Massahs in all lives, where we murmur against God''s dealings and lose our inward rest. There is a sabbath of the heart when the will is yielded to God''s will and the heart is cleansed from its wayward whims, when the very peace that fills the divine nature settles down on the heart. That experience is an entrance into God''s rest.
It remains unexhausted for all the people of God. Let us not miss it through default of faith!

2) Psalm 96 "The Lord reigneth." This psalm is found also in 1 Chronicles 16. Note the thrice-repeated command,
"Sing,sing,sing," vv. 1 and 2; the corresponding, thrice-repeated, "Give,give,give," vv.7 and 8; the triple call for joy from Heaven, sea, and land, vv. 11 and 12. It is good to read these psalms; they impart the burning devotion of these olden saints. They break on our lethargy as the bugle call on the sleeping soldier. Notice that we call men to a Jubilate, not a Miserere, when we invite them to come home to God.
What a stately procession escorts the King to the throne of the world! He comes to reign in equity.
Righteousness and truth which had fled the world return with him. Honor and majesty are his couriers. Strength and beauty stand in his court circle. When we are brought into the divine kingdom, and are at one with God, we detect the unison of Nature in her song of praise, The seas provide the bass; the quivering leaves, the song of buds, the hum of insect life provide the tenors and altos; while the stars in their courses sing the treble. To the anointed ear, the new song has already begun.

3) Psalm 97 "Rejoice in the Lord." The keynote here is the reign of God. To the wicked, it spells misery; to the believer, it is the inauguration of harmony and joy.
It is as though herald-angels step from isle to isle, from mountain peak to mountain peak with glad tidings of great joy. It is not always easy to trace its advent. Clouds and darkness are around God. The eye of sense cannot penetrate the black enclosing pall, but faith is ever certain that righteousness and judgment are the fountation of his throne.
Sometimes God comes in fire,v.3, as at Sinai, or on the day of Pentecost, which took place on the anniversary of the giving of the Law. Days come like that on which Jerusalem fell, or when Turks took Constantinople, or when Nepoleon was shattered at Waterloo. Then hills melt like wax. But through all dark and terrible dispensations the kingdom is secretly growing, the Lord is being exalted, light is being sown for his people,v.11. So, believer, your tears and fightings, as they pass, are absorbing Heaven''s love and power, which they will hold in reserve through long buried in the dark. Days of unspeakable gladness are at hand. Be of good cheer.

4) Psalm 98 Worthy of Praise from All the Earth.
This psalm is parallel to the 96th. That dealt with the reign of God; this deals with the victory on which that reign is based, v.1. God could create without restraint, but before he could create redeem he had to quell the resistance of evil and to overcome the prince of this world. Hence the long conflict; but salvation was wrought by that holy arm which was outstretched on the cross, and by the right hand which gave itself to the nails.
In the resurrection and ascension our Lord''s righteousness and salvation were openly manifested. See Col.2:15
The "Hallelujah Chorus" of vv.4-9 well befits the triumph of Christ. Earth that shared in the fall of man shall participate in his redemption. See Isa. 32 Too long has Nature groaned and travailed, like an imprisoned captive; but she shall have her rebirth. When Jesus is King, seas and floods, mountains and hills are filled with music. Nature is like a stringed instrument that awaits tuning and the touch of a master-hand. Revelation 5 gives the counterpart of the psalmist''s summons; there the apostle tells us that the song which started from the elders was echoed back from all things in Heaven, on earth, and in the sea, and all that is in them. Be optimistic. Eat your meat with gladness and singleness of heart. You are on the winning and singing side.

5) Psalm 99 Worship the Great and Holy One.
This psalm has its counterpart in Psalm 97. There Jehovah''s reign is associated with the gladness of faith, here with the trembling of mortal and sinful hearts. Thrice we are reminded that he is holy,vv.3,5,9.
This threefold ascription of earth concerning the holiness of God answers the threefold ascription of Heaven, where one seraph cries to the rest, saying, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory," Isa.6:3
God''s holiness is terrible to sinners. It inspires even his own people with awe. However near we come to him in Christ, we always must remember that we are sinful men who have no right to stand before him, save through the mediation and in the righteousness of his Son.
How great God must be, who can reckon Moses, Aaron, and Samuel as his servants! And we, too, though beneath them in personal character and gift, are permitted to be among his priests, to call upon his name, to hear him speaking from the pillar of cloud. Let us all walk worthy of our high calling! Let us fear this great and holy God, who cannot tolerate sin in his children and will not hesitate to inflict pain if sin is persisted in. He does forgive-glory to his name!-but he will not hesitate to inflict pain if sin is persisted in. He does forgive-glory to his name!-but he will not hesitate to chasten us for sins which we presumptuously and knowingly permit.

6) Psalm 100 Universal Praise. If we could enter into the spirit of this psalm, every day would be a Thanksgiving Day. The psalmist invites all the earth to enter into the courts of God''s house with joyful songs. In many of the Psalms the minor chords overpower the major ones, and weeping prevails over rejoicing. But this psalm is full of unclouded sunlight. The reason for this gladness is suggested in the words, "We are his." His by creation, by providence, and by grace; and his also by the glad consecration of our hearts to his service. We belong to him by right; it is for us to see to it that we are also his by choice. And his ownership involves his shepherd-care. We are his flock; it is for him to lead us into green pastures and beside still waters. To the psalmist''s eye the nations of the world pour into the Temple through the wide-open portals. "Hark!" he cries.
"Listen to the burst of thanksgiving which roll forth from the mighty throng!" The great attraction is the goodness of Jehovah, and the everlastingness of his love and troth.
This psalm reveals the true genius of religion. We cannot be satisfied till all men share our knowledge of the love of god. There is nothing which will better promote the true happiness and gladness of mankind.

7) Psalm 101 My Righteous Purpose. This psalm, as the tile indicates, was composed by David, probably at the commencement of his reign. It contains a number of resolutions upon which he was prepared to act. First, he made up his mind that he would give heed to "a perfect way," and would walk in his house in the integrity of his heart,
v.2. Next, he made up his mind to choose his friends with rigorous care, that froward hearts and evil persons should depart from him; that he would not enter into close relations with those that slandered their neighbors, or that gave evidence by their high looks of proud hearts. Deceit and falsehood were alike to be banished from his palace, while faithful souls, who also walked in "a perfect way," should minister to him. Finally he made up his mind to carry out his rule in the public state that the wicked might be put out of the way and the righteous exalted.
It was an excellent program, and happy would he have been if throughout his life he had rigorously adhered to it. It is not possible for us to exercise David''s absolute power in the selection of our environment. It is often necessary for us to work in places of business among those whom we would not choose as associates. But we can, at least, forbear making any of these our intimates, or the friends with whom we spend our leisure and recreative hours, I Cor. 5:9-11


1) Psalm 95 This psalm logically should follow Ps. 93, which it resembles in joyous tone and content, as it celebrates God''s kingship over nature. Verses 1-7a is essentially a call to worship. This has led many commentators to conjecture a scene of worshippers streaming in processions to the Temple.
The second part of the psalm, vv. 7b-11 is a break with the celebratory mood expressed in the first part. It reads like a prophetic warning to the people calling upon them to be obedient to God and not to repeat the stubborn behavior of their forebearers in the wilderness. The difference between the two parts leads some scholars to hold that there were two separate fragments that the two parts are complementary.
This psalm and the following four psalms, which have one theme in common see Malbim), are recited in the synagogue at the Sabbath eve service since the sixteeth or seventeenth centuries.

2) Psalm 96 This psalm like the one preceding has a mood of exuberance. The people, the whole earth, and all of nature are called upon to sing God''s praise. God''s glory is to be proclaimed to all the nations for their gods are but nought. The nations are to be informed that God is king and has come to judge justly. Even all of nature-heaven, earth, the forests-should rejoice at this news.
The psalm appears also in I Chron. 16:23, with minor difference where it is put int the mouth of David when he brought the Ark to Jerusalem. This would be dated roughly to about 1000 B.C.E. the LXX has the superscription, "When the House was built after the captivity," which refers to the Babylonian captivity and would place the composition of the poem at about 520 B.C.E.
Most scholars go with this latter date. It helps to explain the the exuberance expressed in the psalm. They also note in it universal tone the influence of the later prophets. The universal motif, however, need not be seen as first emerging in Israel during the prophetic period.
It existed already in ancient times when monotheism was first proclaimed.

3) Psalm 97 The exulting of Psalm 96 continues in this psalm. The psalm affirms God''s kingship and stresses the themes of His awsome power, His superiority over the other gods, and His just rule. As a just ruler God is praised for protecting His worshippers and a bright future is promised for the righteous. It is not only humans who recognize God''s equitable rule but also "the heavens proclaim His justice" (v.6).
The LXX ascribes this psalm to David. "Of David, when His land was Restored."

4) Psalm 98 The psalmist, in an exaltant tone, calls upon the people to acknowledge God''s beneficence to them for His victory over Israel''s foes. The psalm speaks not in personal but national terms as the people are summoned to worship God as king (vv. 3-8). God has demonstrated His faithfulness to Israel and manifested His saving act before the entire world. All the earth is called upon to praise God with song and musical instruments and even nature is urged to join in the laudation. One may speculate that such exuberant celebration of God''s miraculous deliverance follows a recemption from some real catastrophe. the historical context, however, is uncertain.
The psalm is primarily made up of quotations from other
sources in the Bible.

5) Psalm 99 This is the last of the psalms in the series where the main theme celebrates God''s kingship, which was introduced with Psalm 93. The psalm speaks of God''s awesomeness, His supremacy over the nations, and the justice and compassion of His rule. History is cited as supporting evidence for God''s favorable response and intervention in behalf of His people. The poet mentions specifically Moses, Aaron, Samuel, and the experience in the wilderness.
According to Sforno this psalm will be recite on the
Day of judgment.

6) Psalm 100 This is the last of the theocratic psalms. (The others being 93,95-99). This short psalm, joyous in tone, begins on a universal note with a call for all the earth to worship God. This is quickly followed by the particularistic assertion that Israel is God''s special people. Such universalism and particularism, from the biblical perspective, were not contradictory but rather complimentary.
The superscription simply says that this is a psalm of thanksgiving. The Targum more specifically connects it with the offering of the thanksgiving sacrifice in the Temple at which time it was sung. The reference in v.4 to the Temple gates and courts tendss to support the claim that the psalm was chanted during the Temple service.
Nevertheless the psalm may be understood also as a hymn for general thanksgiving. The poem concludes with the call to praise God for His everlasting goodness.
The psalm was later incorporated into the daily service of the synagogue. However, it is not recited on the Sabbath of festivals because the thanksgiving sacrifice was not offered on those days.

7) Psalm 101 This psalm essentially presents a summation of those qualities and ways that make one a good person. Its tone is didactic and resembles Psalm 15.
The Psalmist sets forth his course in life and lists those qualities that will describe his conduct. He promises to banish and destroy all who are faithless, false, haughty, and evil.
Some commmentators have seen this psalm as as affirmation by a royal figure who sets forth his moral program that will describe his reign. Based on the superscription, "A Psalm of David," David has frequently been identified as the monarch in question and the author.
Others have suggested Hezekiah, Josiah, the Maccabean leaders, Jonathan, and Simon. None of the speculations is convincingly decisive and the authorship of the psalm remains uncertain.
In the past, the psalm has been viewed as especially intended for rulers and officials and hence its designation, "The ''Princes'' Psalm."
"The story is told of Ernest the Pious, Duke of Saxe-
Gotha, that he sent an unfaithful minister a copy of this Psalm, and it became a proverbial saying in the country when a minister was guilty of misconduct, ''He will soon get the Princes'' Psalm to read'' (Delitzsch). It is naturally appointed as one of the Prayer Psalms in the Service for the Day of the Sovereign''s Accession." (Kirkpatrick)

The Book of PSALMS A New Translation and Commentary
By: Martin S. Rozenburg and Bernard M. Zlotowitz

"Be Blessed!" Francisco Rivera

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