MP3 Steven Kalas - Accidental Universe
Acoustic driven Pop with Folk influences. Poetry set to unforgetable music. If you haven''t felt like this, you haven''t been in love...or fallen out of it.
12 MP3 Songs in this album (46:41) !
Related styles: POP: Beatles-pop, FOLK: Folk Pop
People who are interested in James Taylor The Beatles Crosby, Stills & Nash should consider this download.
Here''s a look back at the early years. You''ll hear songs that are acoustic, folk laced pop, unique and eclectic; a combination of folk-rock, pop and 70''s idealism; a voice that''s been compared with Cat Stevens and a style that morphs Jerry Garcia, the Beatles, Crosby Stills Nash, Paul Simon and well...Steven Kalas.
He writes about relationships---the romantic, the ironic and sometimes the paradoxical.
Asked about his lyrics, he once told an interviewer, "Socrates said that the unexamined life is not worth living. And while not everyone can, wants to or needs to do the examining that I do, it is certainly in my nature to explore the depths of the human experience, starting with my own.
This exploration reaches its zenith, for me, when I write. Songwriting is the most authentic voice I possess. You don''t have to agree with what I say in a song, but you damn well better believe that I believe it. And I think that''s what people connect with: When I''m telling the truth, maybe it provides a window for them."
You''ll think. You''ll dream. You''ll see yourself. You''ll rise on the wings of love ... and crash in flames and rise again. Listening to this music is like buying a ticket to one of those virtual reality toboggan rides. You will feeeel the turns!
If you''re a fan of evolution, watch what happens from "Accidental Universe" to "PaperCymbal" to "Something to Say" to "Finally Here" to "Lessons From the Dead"...all here on CD Baby!