MP3 #1 A Count Bloody Blood Production - 'Monster Madness': Wow! What A Broadway Show!! Its a Monsterous Opera!!
a novelty fun feature presentation for kids of all ages, shapes and''t be afraid, the monsters won''t get you, unless i want them to. ha. ha.
18 MP3 Songs in this album (26:09) !
Related styles: KIDS/FAMILY: Children''s Pop, KIDS/FAMILY: General Children''s Music
People who are interested in Mickey Mouse should consider this download.
Hi...i''m Count Bloody Blood...your favorite kind of vampire...
I want you to meet my monster...."MAYBE"ThE mOnSTer IS hIs name AND PLAYING with kIdDIES IS his GaME!!
i NEED YOU TO SING ALONG IN THE GRAVEYARD WITH ME, WHILE I DIG UP a few friends...gHosTs, GoblIns and MoNSTERs....I love them you know!!
CoMe Along and searCH FOR the heAD OF THE headless CORPSE...DANCE WITH me and MONster Mouse!!!
He''s really sweet and nice...but, SCARRRRRY TO LOOK AT!
aLL he WANTS IS A FRIEND LIKE YOU!!! lAUGH IT UP with the cool gool ghost as HE SPINS A WHEELY ON his cool gool can HE GO! gO! go!
hELP ME and Jorge the DETECTIVE FIND his arch enemy, THE SKULL!
OOOHHHH!!!! You''ll MEET WILLY the worm and wilma THE WITCH, THEY''RE best of friends forever....Watch out for MY MUMMY!
He''s all wrapped up and waiting for you....AND, there''s much much more fun and frolic...just give it a listen...i''m waiting for you!!!
Hurry Up Kiddies of all shapes and sizes!!!!
You''re just a click away from some major fun and fantasy!!
And, remember WE LOVE YOU!
sEE Ya,
PS: Don''t be afraid, Count Bloody Blood will protect you!!!....Bye!...I''m outta'' here!!