MP3 Sarah Ince - Immersion
Overtoning angelic vocals interweave sparkling muscial matrices of light, opening the gateways of ascension into the Akashic Records at the heart of the Hall Of Records.
13 MP3 Songs
NEW AGE: New Age, NEW AGE: Healing
The Great Hall of records open, you enter the corridors of the great hall of records of the earth plane. You enter to journey to discover your heart of hearts, the truth of your soul birthing on the earth this lifetime.
Heart of hearts has called you here:- now journey through the Ascension doorways through the starworlds via this creation of light codings via angelic voice tones of ancient and new, side by side, as the Alpha & Omega.
Immersion is the key to life, moving into the subconsiousness that is submerged through https://www.tradebit.comersion, is the descent into the physical form of the spiritual form in an enlightened then may exit the cycle of duality and begin the new creation of the Christic New Creational world on Earth.
Beginning in a beautiful chapel in Scotland, to a windswept romantic Scottish Island, onto my hometown where I grew up, and finalising in Exotic Turkey, we bring you the angelic keys.
Sarah, vocalist and writer of the angelic keys of ascension (IMMERSION), received a message in 2002 to begin to write the keys of light. The keys were written over a period of time, and recorded as guided. My this angelic project enlighten your being