MP3 Alabaster Skeleton - Stay Cool, Have A Great Summer
A singer-songwriter with a drum machine, Alabaster Skeleton croons, cries and challenges you to dance while wading through themes of lost (and found) love.
12 MP3 Songs in this album (32:22) !
Related styles: POP: Pop Underground, POP: Garage Pop
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Singer/songwriter Nick Zigler began penning songs under the pseudonym ‘Alabaster Skeleton’ in the summer of 2007 after returning from tour with his previous band, Harvest Moon Society, and fellow Griznar Records group, Pangea. That year, Alabaster Skeleton released its first album, "Back In The Sad Hole Again"; an act of unrestrained musical catharsis focusing on ‘lost love and lost faith’. More than a year later, after returning to Los Angeles from Richmond, Virginia, Alabaster Skeleton began work on a second album. Released in 2009, "Stay Cool, Have A Great Summer" is the quintessential sophomore album: everything you loved with new songs and some new style.