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Webmasters Profit Pak Software Business Package

\"Instantly OWN the Master
Resale Rights to the Hottest
Brand-new Software Collection
on the Web!\"

Over 50 brand new \"must-have\" software programs in one amazing package!

You will absolutely love using these
profitable, time-saving new software tools!

But we are also giving you the master
resale rights to them all...

so you can offer this huge, new software
collection to others, using a copy of this
website...and YOU keep all the money!

And because customers download
the software themselves, your costs
per sale are zero!

So you keep the full 100% of every sale!

And you won\'t find a better profit margin
than that!

What you are getting is a ready-made 100% Profit \'Software Business\' which others charge hundreds of dollars for...

...but at a fraction of the price! ...Not $97, not $79, not even $49,
but for the ridiculously low price of only $29.95!!

\"This is an un-beatable offer!\"

Look at all the sizzling-hot
software programs included
in this awesome new collection...

Site Submitter...
Resell Rights Included!

Its a Known Fact that 85% of website traffic comes from the top search engines. This New Software will submit your site to the Top 40 Search engines. Click a button....wait 10 seconds...and you\'re done. Don\'t pay others to do what you can do for yourself! You will receive a real time stats page to confirm your site was successfully submitted, as well as an email confirmation from each search engine.... The Program will submit to the following!...

Acoon ° Aeiwi ° AlltheWeb ° Anzwers ° Blu Win ° Claymont ° Dino Search ° Entire Web ° eVisum ° ExactSeek ° Find Info ° GigaBlast ° Google ° Googley ° HotBot ° ItLoox ° Lycos ° Lycos UK ° Mirago ° National Directory ° Noago ° Northern Light ° Pinak ° Rex ° Sawaal ° Scrub The Web ° SearchEngine ° Search It ° Search UK ° Spider ° Subjex ° Super Snooper ° Surf Gopher ° Try America ° Voila ° WalHello ° WebSquash ° Web Search ° WiseNut ° Yeehaa

Traffic Boost...
Resell Rights Included!

10 Scripts to Bring Traffic To Your Website...

Break Frames: If a visitor comes to your site and is looking thru frames, this script will automatically make the page \'Break Out\' of frames. Bookmark Us: Allow visitors to click one text link to quickly and easily add your site to their \'Favorites\' Email This Page: Allow your visitors to email the current page to their friends. They just enter the name and address, it will send a link to the current page in an email message signed by you! Perfect! Set Homepage: Allows you visitors to set your site as their homepage with a click of a link. Logo Branding: Have you seen the floating logo on Yahoo Geocities? How would you like to have your own logo floating in the corner of your site? This script does just that! Awesome! Frameless Popup: (IE only) Launches a popup without the windows frame or title bar. In other browsers it launchs a standard popup window! Position, size and Automatic closing can be set! Browser-Specify Entry: If You maintain a different page for Internet Explorer and Netscape browsers, you should use this script. Quite simply, it sends the right browser to the right browser optimized page. Language: Redirect your visitor to a page based on their language. Works with all newer browsers Avenue Search: This search form gives you the possiblity to search the 42 most popular search engines and directories. The form is transparent so you can paste it right on your website to fit your design... and it\'s only one line! Popup Page: Once your page loads you can set XX amount of seconds to pass and then a popup window of choice will open!

Website Toll Booth...
Resell Rights Included!

Analyze Your Web Traffic like Never Before!

Traffic Toll Booth is an EASY to use/EASY to install website script that gives you all the information about your web traffic that most web hosts don\'t provide.

The advanced visit logs tell you:

IP Addresses, Language, Browser, Operating System, Is User New To site?, Date and Time, Last Visit, Days Since Last Visit, Referrer Page, Keywords Used To Search.

This is a PHP script and can be installed EASILY!

Web Radar...
Resell Rights Included!

Keep Surfers Coming Back!

Offer internet connection speed testing on your site with Web Radar. No complicated cgi scripts...simply upload the html page and you\'re ready to go!

Web Radar supports dialup, DSL, Cable, and any other internet connections.

Domain Alarm...
Resell Rights Included!

Be one of the first to own/sell this BRAND NEW software!

Is Your Website Working Properly? Use Domain Alarm And Know Instantly When Your Website Is Down!

Domain Alarm sits in your system tray and immediately lets you know if your site or sites are not working properly....

eZy Java Popup Wizard...
Resell Rights Included!

eZy Java Popup Wizard makes it easy to make popups for your website... Simple Copy and Paste!

Small and compact. Extremely easy to use. Check your options, put in the link to popup and size, then generate the perfect code to copy and paste into your site!

Includes the required https://www.tradebit.com in case you need it on your system...

Amazing WebTools...
Resell Rights Included!

12 Quality Software Products complete with \"Master Resell Rights\" are all contained in this one Master eBook... Complete with a turnkey website too!

With Amazing Web Tools there is Only ONE \'Master Download\' eBook required to download all the files. That means there\'s no need to upload anything to your web host except the website files and the \'Master Download\' eBook! Offer your customer Only One Small Product to offer Everything in the Package

SPECIAL: Now with FREE customization option to the \'Master Download\' eBook, Brandable with your Name and Web Site URL. Easy To do and will link to you! All Included in the Master eBook Download! This Pack Includes...
1. Instant Site Maker 2. Affiliate Link Masker 3. Instant Email Scramble
4. Popup Generator 5. Java Script Magic 6. Instant BookMark
7. Affiliate Defender 8. Instant Meta Maker 9. Defend Your Domain
10. Popup Power 11. Instant Site Safe 12. Vend-O-Matic
Plus...Hit Exchanges Combo Plus...Traffic Generating Script Plus...Profitable Scripts In A Box

Black Label Edition II...
Resell Rights Included!
Very versatile set of tools and scripts for website owners...

Over 30 useful tools and scripts here, in one convenient interface...
Enhance your website and add scripts with ease!..
One of my favorites!.. I use mine constantly!..

Secret Popup Maker...
Resell Rights Included!
Allows you to open a popup on exit 6 seconds to 30 minutes after the surfer has left your site. The program allows you to choose the options you want, like toolbar, menubar,resizable window and more. You can place the popup in multiple files all at once, saving you time. Also the script auto places the code and makes the javascript file. All you need to do is run the program then upload.

Picture Perfect Image Viewer...
Resell Rights Included!

Picture Perfect is an EASY to use image viewer that won\'t change all your image file settings! Just pick the folder to browse and view the images. Software also comes with a slideshow feature

Own Master Resell Rights to YOUR very own copy of \"Picture Perfect\". We\'ve even hidden our company name so YOUR customers have no idea who we are. We\'ve also included a copy of the webpage for you to sell it from!

Thumb Nail It...
Resell Rights Included!
Thumb Nail It is a simple, easy to use program to make thumbnailing of entire folders fast and easy...


* Make thumbnails of images in an entire folder
* Also rename the images (if selected) at the same time
* Add a prefix to the thumbnails for improved Search Engine ranking
* Full Resell Rights Included

Picture Gallery Maker...
Resell Rights Included!
Will easily make Picture Gallery Webpages for your site with the simple wizard interface! Use it to display a group of photos on the web! Now with optional thumbnail graphic images.


* Makes thumbnails of pictures.
* Builds image pages if you want it to.
* Builds the gallery pages.
* Inserts meta tags for Search Engines.
* 6 built-in templates.
* User can make your own templates to use.
* Resell Rights Included.

Shoot-It Screen Capture...
Resell Rights Included!
Screen Shoot-It is a simple and easy to use program that will easily capture screenshots from your computer.


* Captures the last active screen, full screen or user selected area.
* Also numbers each picture consecutively.
* Creates jpeg images.
* Capture the entire screen, active window or select what you want!
* Full Resell Rights Included!

The Genius Guides..
Resell Rights Included!

Loaded with Information and Products... The Genius Guide to Website Design \"Finally! Information with a Purpose! All the Resources and Tools You will Ever Need to Build and Maintain a Great-looking, User-Friendly Website\"

The Genius Guide to Website Design is THE Most Comprehensive Resale Package on Website Design and Development. You won\'t find another product like it online!

I guarantee it will prove invaluable to you, whether you are planning on building your first website or improving your existing site. Or even as a resale product if your site\'s main traffic comes from potential website designers and developers.
SoftwarePak\'s Html Editor...
Resell Rights Included!
A great html editor script that can be uploaded to a website and used online anytime you wish from anywhere. Extremely convenient to edit webpages and auction html. Editing is done is a total visual (WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get) mode or, if you wish, HTML, the choice is yours. Work with files stored on your computer. Instant preview too! HTML Editor is simple straight forward easy to use and even comes with Full Resell Rights.
Your Own Encryption Site...
Resell Rights Included!
Protect your hard work now! What does Your Encryption Site do? Your Encryption Site is a rare & unique website that allows you to encrypt your HTML code! With so many websites being illegally duplicated, webmasters need to protect their investment from code thieves... Full Resell Rights too!
HTML Encryptor...
Resell Rights Included!

A Top HTML ENCRYPTOR - Protects PayPal Links Too!

This New Software is Fast and will effectively encrypt your entire website or just one page. Create backups as you encrypt and you can preserve your Meta Tags too!

Keep others from viewing your source code, prevent printing, offline viewing, caching, disable right clicking, text selection, and hide your links, you can even choose what you want it to say in the status bar. Make your site only accessible from a referer. Protect your PayPal Codes Too! This is a Top HTML Encryptor!
eZine Mailer...
Resell Rights Included!
EzineMailer is a software program which allows you to manage mailing lists with ease. Fully automatic subscribe and unsubscribe request, self manage address book and more...

HTML Compressor...
Resell Rights Included!
HTML Compressor is Fast and Will effectively compress Your html files while preserving your meta tags. HTML Compressor makes it easy to compress your html files.



2 different algorithms to compress files, ZIP (LZSS + Huffman) compress and HTML (LZSS only) compress

3 different compression levels for HTML compress, Fast, Normal, and High

Super fast compression in both algorithms, the decompression process of both ZIP and HTML compress takes almost no time in small files (1 to 30 KB)

Allows password protection of HTML files, this protection doesn\'t store
the password, it uses a CRC32 checksum calculation to determine if the password is correct

Program can preserve the meta tags of the HTML file so it can be accessible to search engines

Program can save backups of compressed file in the Backups\\ folder

Shows full compression statistics that includes filename, size, packed size and compression ratio

Smokin Fast HTML Remover...
Resell Rights Included!
The Smokin Fast HTML Remover is very easy to use and removes all body html and most head tags. Save your files easily into a text file.

Redirect Boss...
Resell Rights Included!
If you have multiple domain names and you want to operate each as it\'s own web site, then RedirectBoss can create the scripts you need. All you need to do is create a sub-directory for each domain name under your main directory, on your web server account. RedirectBoss will quickly create the script neccessary to direct your visitors toward the content for the domain name they entered. With no programming involved. RedirectBoss allows you to create domain name based redirection scripts in the following languages. PHP, Perl, ASP, https://www.tradebit.com, ColdFusion, & JavaScript!

Java Script Pro...
Resell Rights Included!
Java Source Machine, the best javascript tool! Java Source Machine includes 15 different javascripts and makes it easy to use them. You input what you want, then preview or generate code. Save the file as html or just copy and paste the code into your existing website page. Not only does this have the code, but tells you what browser it will work in.
Java Script II...
Resell Rights Included!
Java Source Machine, the best javascript tool! Java Source Machine includes 15 additional javascripts and makes it easy to use them. You input what you want, then preview or generate code. Save the file as html or just copy and paste the code into your existing website page. Not only does this have the code, but tells you what browser it will work in.
GroupMail It...
Resell Rights Included!
A Great Program to Manage your contacts, Newsletters or eZines. Nothing to install just download and run. Lots of options! Full Resell Rights! This program is small is size, but big on performance!

Back Up Pro...
Resell Rights Included!

An easy to use back up program!

You can use the built-in timer to schedule a back up time for any time you wish! Back up any amount of folders, anywhere on your system! Copy files to another location and zip them if you wish! You can even password protect your backed up files!
Filter Buster...
Resell Rights Included!
IMPROVE YOUR SALES WITH FILTER BUSTER! Software that will check YOUR ads for the trigger words that set off spam filters! Whether you know about it or not ISP spam filters are ruining your business by not allowing your eMail messages to be sent to your clients simply because of silly words that ANYONE would write in normal conversations! Filter Buster will help you find the trigger words within your eMail ads so that they CAN reach the intended reader!
Payment Linker...
Resell Rights Included!
This software will create a custom payment link that can easily be copied and pasted into an email or a web site, so that when it is clicked on, the user will be taken to https://www.tradebit.com to make the appropriate payment. A real time-saver for your customers! The Payment Linker will also remember the information that you\'ve used before so you don\'t have to keep typing them each time you need a link created. Encrypt it with the HTML Encyptor (for Protection), add it to your site and your in Business!

114 Flash Banners...
Resell Rights Included!
Put life into any web page! Just cut and paste the flash banners and intros into your webpage to create stunning effects. You don\'t need to know anything about flash. No need to pay expensive flash artists. 114 beautifully designed flash templates! You can use as Banners, Intros, Buttons in any of your Web Pages or Auction Pages.
3 Minute Headline Creator...
Resell Rights Included!

A nice piece of BRANDABLE software designed to be given away for free (or you can charge). Your customers get the software for free...but if they wish to resell it...they must purchase the rights for $27 through YOU! This program will do 3 things: (1 Build your mailing list (2 Make $$ from selling the resell rights and (3 Create some great headlines!
Table Wizard...
Resell Rights Included!

The Table Wizard makes it easy to make the perfect table. Extremely easy to use. Fill in the blanks, then generate the perfect code to copy and paste into your site! Choose your settings, pick your colors with the color tool. View and/or create!

Pay Per Text Marketing System...
Resell Rights Included!

In just a few minutes you\'ll see exactly how you can use the Pay Per Text Marketing System to generate more leads and sales. All of the ground work has been done for you. The only thing you need to do is insert your own contact information and ads into the Pay Per Text Code and you\'re all set. It just doesn\'t get any easier than that!

HTML Security Report...
Resell Rights Included!
\"Are Your Visitors Stealing From You?\" Exposed At Last: The Dirty Methods Internet Thieves Use To Quietly Steal Up To 46% Of Your Profits... And What You Can Do To Stop Them...If you\'ve ever wondered why you\'re not making enough sales it could be because of one simple fact:\"Your Product Is Way Too Easy To Steal!\"

The Internet is filled with thieves that continuously surf to find sites with good quality information but poor security so they can:


copy the site

completely replicate the marketing efforts of the owner

Steal Your Products

and sell everything at a lower the price

thus creating a huge loss to you. There is nothing on the whole wide Internet that can be compared to the information you will find in this report. This is brand new, 100% original content!
Virtual Investigations v3.1
Resell Rights Included!

Some of the titles in this eBook resource:

Find, locate people.. Investigative resources.. Crooks and scam artists.. Research database.. underground resources.. and lots more!

You will own the master resale rights to this entire
Software Collection shown above!!
That\'s right...

* Master resale rights to ALL OF THE ABOVE 30+ hot, new software products, most with their own professionally-designed \"order-pulling\" websites!


* Master resale rights to this website, which sells the complete
\"Webmaster\'s Profit Pak\" Software Collection all in one!

Sell them all together like this...or sell any
of them separately...it\'s entirely up to YOU.

And because everything in this package is downloadable, it costs you absolutely ZERO to re-produce and deliver these products!

So YOU get to keep the full 100% of every sale!

What other business delivers a \'profit margin\' like that?

And there is absolutely no limit to the number of copies you can sell!

And our goal here is to make this as easy as possible for you...

So I\'m even going to let you use our Download Center to fulfill your orders!

\"Wow! ...You don\'t even have to transfer the products to your own web space!

Your customers can download the products directly from our Download Center, after they\'ve paid you in full!\"

And yes, you will still keep 100% of every sale for yourself!

Starting your own 100% Profit online business simply doesn\'t get any easier than this!

Simply send your customers to OUR Download Site and you\'ve fulfilled your orders! You still keep the full 100% of every sale!

And if you order today, I will guarantee that you\'ll get this entire \"Webmaster\'s Profit Pak\" Software Collection ...containing over $3,500 worth of products...

...for the ridiculously low price

of only $29.95!

Immediately after you order, you\'ll receive LIFETIME ACCESS
to our \"Download Center\" which contains everything in the entire \"Webmaster\'s Profit Pak\" Software Collection.

All of the products above are freely available for downloading, by you, and your customers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!

If you\'re ready to start your own professional, money-making \"Internet Business\"

...and to effortlessly create cash surges on demand...

Then place your completely risk-free order NOW and get started today...

Get Started Now...

Right Now Only $29.95!
Tags: webmasters profit pak software business package
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This file is sold by biggdipper, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 1 megabytes
File Type ZIP
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