Every time I repeat this process I create a new stream of income to add to my existing revenue base.
I firmly believe that the key to business success is this:
Don\'t put all your eggs in one basket.
What do eggs and multiple streams of income have to do with each other? If you spread your eggs across many baskets you can still make omelets even if one of those baskets goes away. Similarly, if you have multiple streams of income, the loss of one income stream will not devastate you the way losing your only stream would. If you rely on only one source of income and that single income source goes away (ever been downsized, laid off or fired?), you are left broke and desperate.
This is why every successful Internet Entrepreneur that I know has multiple streams of income.
This is also why I encourage my readers, newsletter subscribers, and e-business clients to establish multiple streams of income, which is extremely easy to do online.
There are thousands of ways to create multiple streams of online income.
Tags: new, add, revenue, base, key, business, success, multiple, streams, successful, internet, entrepreneur, establish, extremely, easy, online, source, clients, money, lt, font