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*NEW* EZeBookTemplatePackageV5 With MRR

tention Current Ebook Authors & Aspiring Ebook Authors. . . . .
"Never In The History of Creating Ugly, 'Dime-A-Dozen' PDF Ebooks Has There Been An 'Instant Beautification' System Like This One. . ."

"Make Your Ebooks Look Stunning And Professional With EZ Ebook Templates" Psst. . . .There's A Reason Why We Call Them 'EZ'

Hello Friend,

Do your customers use your ebooks as a sleep aid?

Do you think your 3 year old on their worst day could do a better job at making an excitingly designed PDF ebook than you could on your best?

Do you feel your blood pressure rise just thinking about all the time consuming ebook formatting that awaits you after you've already worked your butt off compiling the information for your product?

Then you, my new friend, are on the right page at the right time!

Stop Working Your Hind End Off To Make Your Ebooks Look Good When You Can Just Load Up A Fresh, Pre-Formatted OpenOffice Writer Ebook Template!

Uh Oh!

You've never heard of OpenOffice Writer before?


You're kidding me, right?


Okay, then let me tell you. . . . .

If You Can Use Microsoft Word, Then You Can Most Definitely Use OpenOffice Writer!

Plus, it's a FREE solution to MS Word.

Okay. Fine.

But, what if you don't even know what either of the two previously mentioned programs are?

What if you've been simply using Notepad to write up your content?

Can I ask you a serious question?


You can do so much more with OpenOffice Writer than a simple text tool it's mind blowing. Really!

If you DON'T have OpenOffice Writer installed on your system, then we have to STOP RIGHT NOW and get you downloading a copy immediately. ( You'll thank me for it later )

So, before you even finish reading this page, I want you to get your tail on over to https://www.tradebit.com and get to downloading their suite of tools.

Are you still here??

Go do it. Don't worry, I'll wait. . . . . Right here in the background. . . . .

All done?


Now, why did I make you leave this page to go download OpenOffice Writer? ( this question only applies to those reading this page that didn't already have OpenOffice Writer _ )

Because without it, you cannot use the ebook templates inside EZ Ebook Templates Package. Plus, it didn't cost you anything but a few extra minutes. ( see? )

All right, on with the show. . . .

If you're just now discovering EZ Ebook Templates Packages, I'll briefly explain to you what they are, what they do, and how they can help you reduce your work load as an ebook author . .

"What Are EZ Ebook Templates?"

EZ Ebook Templates are just what they sound like. They are ebook templates specially formatted to work inside of OpenOffice Writer to create PDF ebooks with loads of style.

Unlike Microsoft Word templates that can be void of color, hip styles, and are more difficult to work with, EZ Ebook Templates have plenty of fresh colors hooked up with the latest styles and are easy to work with.

The only drawback is you have to have OpenOffice Writer. But, the upside is that OpenOffice Writer is 100 free to download!

You might be thinking. . . "Are they really that easy to use?"

I think so. And many other people do too.

What could be simpler than adding your own unique ebook content and hitting a "create PDF" button without all the headaches of creating your own snazzy looking formats? Other than me coming to your house and doing it for you, nothing!

"What Do EZ Ebook Templates Do, Or, How Do They Work Exactly?"

EZ Ebook Templates give you the opportunity to create PDF ebooks that look completely professional. But without all the head pounding hours of work.

To use them, all you need to do is open up one of the specially designed .ODT files inside OpenOffice Writer and add your content. You can make changes to the text colors, the fonts, the line spacing, the backgrounds, anything you can think of, or know how to do.

If you can use OpenOffice Writer, then you can use EZ Ebook Templates. Once you discover how truly easy it is, you will never go back to bland looking PDF ebooks again.

"How Can EZ Ebook Templates Help Me And My Online Business?"

Hiring someone to create a custom ebook template for you can be extremely costly. But doing it yourself can suck up huge chunks of your time. Then you're left figuring out which is more important to you, your time, or your money?

When you pick up a copy of EZ Ebook Templates, you'll never have to pay someone to generate a custom ebook template for you since you'll have plenty of colors to choose from in any EZ Ebook Template Package. You pay once and have the ebook templates to use over and over again anytime you need, or want one without taking up chunks of your precious time.

EZ Ebook Templates will save you precious time and money.
EZ Ebook Template Package Can Help You. . .

* Create Colorful PDF Ebooks That Look Terrific In Less Time And With Less Work

* Include Actual Linked "Table of Contents" Menus Within Your PDF Ebooks

* Have Pre-Formatted .ODT Templates You Can Utilize To Generate Your Own Unique Works Day Or Night

* And Do It All In Less Time Than Trying To Come Up With New Designs All On Your Own!

What more could you possibly want?

Okay, okay. I'll throw in another "on the house" bonus for you. But only if you act now. . . .

You Will Also Receive Full Master Resale Rights To This Entire Collection

You read the above correctly. I will throw in Full Master Resale Rights to the EZ Ebook Template Package, a copy of this very sales page, including all graphics, and a copy of the pre-designed 'thank you' page when you download your copy today.

This is a $97 value all on its own!

To Quickly Recap, Here's What You'll Receive Today
When You Decide To Download
Your EZ Ebook Template Package. . . .

55 Pre-Formatted .ODT Ebook Templates In A Variety Of Colors And Styles For Use In OpenOffice Writer(exclusively)

All Graphics In Both .PSD and .JPG Format That Are Used Inside The Ebook Template Designs

The Extra Backgrounds & Blank Ebook Cover Graphics

Full Master Resale Rights To The Entire EZ Ebook Template Package

1 Sales Page, 1 Thank You Page, And All Necessary Graphics For Reselling

Do I Get Some Super Fabulous Bonuses Or What?!

Hey, if you need some type of extra-super-hyped-up-exclusive 'bonus' collection of crappy products to justify your purchase today, forget it!

This package is worth much more than the price I am offering it at.

You get everything listed on this page to turn you in to a PDF ebook design pro with very little effort. And, without the need to keep paying an actual 'pro' to do this for you over and over again.

I guess you could consider that a bonus, right?

Okay, I'm Sold! How Much Will This Outstanding Ebook Template Package Cost Me?

And just how much is it?

Well, I'll tell you how much it isn't!

It isn't $97.

It isn't $67.

It isn't $47, although this would be a fair price.

All you'll pay, and it's a one time only fee, is just $9.75

File Data

This file is sold by logonsoft, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 34 megabytes
File Type ZIP
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