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Sample One
How to Choose a Martial Art

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Once youve decided that you want to start training a martial art, youll need to decide which one is best for you. Of course, your choice might be dictated by the schools available in your area, but if youre lucky youll have the choice of at least a few different types. There are many different types of martial arts (and even variations within the basic types) so its important to make sure that you research the techniques and features to find the best fit for your lifestyle and needs. This general explanation of the six most popular styles in the United States can help you get started on the decision.

Kung Fu, Self Defense, Martial Arts, Karate, Aikido, Judo, Tai Chi, Kung Fu, Taekwondo

Article Body:
Once youve decided that you want to start training a martial art, youll need to decide which one is best for you. Of course, your choice might be dictated by the schools available in your area, but if youre lucky youll have the choice of at least a few different types. There are many different types of martial arts (and even variations within the basic types) so its important to make sure that you research the techniques and features to find the best fit for your lifestyle and needs. This general explanation of the six most popular styles in the United States can help you get started on the decision.

Its also important to note that there are as many interpretations of the martial arts styles as there are instructors. Students also interpret the class differently than other students in the same class, so other peoples opinions are not always the best determiner of what style you should pursue. While you are trying to find the martial art thats right for you, it is helpful to also try a few classes to get a feel for the style, instructor and school.



Karate can be translated as empty hand which means that it is a martial art performed without weapons. While the history of Karate is somewhat vague, its ancient roots have been traced back to China in the 5th century B.C. The more modern form of Karate began in Okinawa, Japan during the late 1700s. There was a weapon ban in Okinawa at this time, so people had to come up with system of self defense that used empty hands they combined aspects of Chinese martial arts with the Te traditional to Okinawa. By the early 1900s it began spreading throughout Japan. In 1964, the Federation of Karate Organizations was formed as a means to create some continuity for Karate world-wide. Even so, there are many different styles and variations of Karate today.


Karate is a linear martial art. It uses a wide variety of movements: kicks, punches, blocks, strikes, evasions and throws. Training focuses on having a strong offense and puts equal importance on the three areas of the art: basics, sparring and forms.


People who practice Karate use their hips to generate power.
Ranks, values and styles differ from organization to organization.
Karate, which can be hard and straight line, is very disciplined and some traditional schools might seem very harsh.



Using the influences of the traditional art of Daito Ryo Aikijo-Jitsu, Japanese fencing, spear fighting and Omotokyo, Moriehie Usehiba developed the martial art of Aikido (the peaceful art). He first used this name for it in 1942. The basis of this art is to live in a spirit of protection instead of physical domination. The art of Aikido is ruled by the International Aikido Federation in Tokyo, Japan.


Aikido is a circular martial art. Instead of winning a fight with physical domination, Aikido teaches its participants to control and redirect the negative energy. This leads to a commitment to both peaceful resolutions of conflict as well as self-improvement through training. People who practice Aikido learn to use throws and pins as well as how to immobilize their attackers. They dont use punches and kicks, except as a distraction. The basis of the art is to learn how to stay out of the line of attack and gain control of the attackers balance in order to stop the attacker.


Aikido does use weapons: jo (a 4-5 foot long staff), Bokken (a wooden sword) and a Tanto (a wooden knife).
Aikido is a non-violent method of self-defense.
The quality of the belt ranks is strictly regulated.
Aikido lacks many of the kicks and strikes common to other martial arts.



Dr. Jigro Kano developed Judo after he was enrolled at Tenjin Shinyo ryo School of Ju-Jitsu because he was frustrated with all of the student injuries. Judo is a gentle martial art that helps its participants strive to perfect themselves and to be a value to society. Judo, which means the gentle way, improves physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.


Judo uses throwing, grappling, pins, holds, locks and choking. However, the training focuses on safety participants need to work towards top conditioning and Judo is always practiced on mats. Judo participants learn the art through a series of forms that consist of throwing and sparring there are no strikes in competitive Judo.


Judo has a strict set of rules and a clear instructional sequence.
Judo rules, training and ranks are fairly standardized throughout the world.
Judo helps develop complete body control, fine balance and fast reflexes.
Judo uses a lot of grappling, throws, grabbing and ground work. Because of this, it often reminds people of wrestling.



While the beginnings of Taekwondo can be traced as far back as 30 B.C., modern Taekwondo began after Korea was liberated in 1945. Koreans wanted to eradicate all Japanese influence on martial arts, so they began connecting the Korean martial arts schools and styles to create a national sport. The name Taekwondo (the way of the hand and foot) was chosen in 1965. 1973 marks the beginning of the World Taekwondo Federation. It became a part of the Olympics in 2000.


Taekwondo consists of four disciplines including patterns, sparring, self-defense and a break test. Taekwondo is primarily a kicking art and there is a large emphasis on sport. People who train Taekwondo need to combine philosophy, mental and physical discipline and ability to their training.


Taekwondo is recognizable by its high kicks.
Taekwondo black belts exams require a break test.
Taekwondo training can include the use of vital points to attack an enemy.
Taekwondo schools are often kid- and sport- oriented.
Taekwondo students often are expected to compete in many tournaments.



The development of Tai Chi (translated as the supreme ultimate) is credited to Chang San-feng, but Wang Chung-yueh and Chiang Fa elaborated on the original art. They took San-fengs 13 postures and devised continuous sequences that linked them together. Tai Chi used to be a greatly defensive art even deadly. So much so, that the families who knew it guarded it fiercely. Now, Tai Chi is less violent and is used to get rid of more figurative enemies such as stress and fatigue.


People who practice Tai Chi may use weapons, but the underlying theory is that the art is used to unify the mind, body and spirit. It is often now used to guide negative energy away from oneself. There are two ways to practice Tai Chi. The long form can take 30 minutes or more while the short form can take less than 10 minutes. The forms focus on continuous movement that leads to relaxation and solid stances. In Tai Chi, each arm is used to protect half of the body and the hands never reach past the toes. Tai Chi can be done alone (forms) or with a partner (self-defense training).


Tai Chi teaches awareness of balance and what affects it in oneself and in others.
Tai Chi has five major styles, but there are always new ones developing.
The basis of Tai Chis self defense is to meet force and stick with it until can be redirected instead of resisting it.
Tai Chi focuses on slow movements, so people who like vigorous exercise often find this martial art to be boring and slow.



Kung Fu (translated as skill and effort) actually refers to over 200 styles of martial arts (most of which stem from Chinese martial arts). Kung fu can be traced back to the shoalin temples where the monks used it for health and spiritual developments as well as a method of self defense. During the early 1900s, Kung Fu, also called Wu Shu, spread throughout China when fighting arts became very popular. In the 1960s and 70s Kung Fus popularity grew due to the Bruce Lee movies.


Kung Fu is central to the Chinese culture and is used both for physical wellness and artistic expressions. Within the many different styles of Kung Fu, there are variations from hard and linear to soft and circular in technique. Some use weapons (including the common sword, saber, spear and cudgel) and others do not. The seemingly common thread through them all, however, is to teach the students to respect the teacher and other Kung Fu styles. Kung Fu also requires (as well as builds) mental strength in addition to physical strength to be successfully practiced. Kung Fu students also often practice some techniques individually and others with groups. In many schools, beginning training starts with what is called the Southern Fist style. It involves footwork, kicks and hand combat techniques.


Kung Fu refers to the hundreds of different styles of martial arts in China.
People who practice Kung Fu learn many different fighting techniques including fist fighting, weapon fighting, routines and combats.
Many Kung Fu styles use similar principals such as, proper diet, and breathing, concentration and meditation exercises.
Some Kung Fu styles use weapons while others do not.
Kung Fu training improves physical conditioning through strengthening of the joints and increases speed and reactions.
Kung Fus major difference over other martial arts is that it not only focuses on outer, physical power, but also involves training the mind and inner power through breathing exercises and meditation.

Sample Two
9 Tips for playing well under pressure.

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golf instructions, golf lessons, golf tips, golf schools, ecco golf schoes, impact golf training

Article Body:
Get Every Putt to the Hole

In team formats, it pays to get the ball to the hole, if only to give your partners a good read. Most putts come up short because the player decelerates on the through-stroke. Instead, make sure your through-stroke is as long or slightly longer than your backstroke.

Minimize Your Swing Thoughts

Keep your game plan simple. Put it on a piece of paper on the cart steering wheel and refer to it before each full shot.

Preshot: Visualize what you want the ball to do.

Address: Align the clubface where you want the ball to go.

Swing thought: Freely swing the clubhead.

Survive The First-tee Jitters

Nervousness makes you speed up your tempo, which affects consistency and accuracy. Take several deep breaths as you get ready to hit, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Swing your driver smoothly, like you want to hit it only 100 yards.

Make More Tough Short Putts

Playing a format that requires you to putt everything out? Set your putterface square to the desired line, then square your feet and shoulders to that line. Make a smooth stroke while looking at the target, not at the ball.

Take More Club on Par 3s

Few amateurs hit the ball over or through the green on par 3s; most come up short. Select a club that will get you to the yardage at the back of the green. If you hit it flush, you're on; if you hit it less than solidly, you still might make it to the putting surface.

Score Lower on Par 5s

Take a "do the math" approach. Most par 5s are 500 yards or more. Make the last shot your favorite yardage into the green. Subtract that yardage, then divide the difference by two. With this strategy, you're hitting lofted clubs that are easier to hit and more accurate.

Get Out of the Sand in One Try

Good greenside bunker players accelerate the clubhead through the shot, letting the sand "splash" the ball out. Set up with the face of your sand wedge slightly open, the ball slightly forward in your stance. Hit the sand behind the ball, and finish your swing like you're hitting a full 5-iron.

Chip with Your Putting Stroke

To avoid chunking or skulling your chip shots, take a lofted club like a 7-, 8- or 9-iron and grip it like your putter. Lean the shaft and your body toward the target for a slightly descending blow. Make your putting stroke, allowing the loft of the club to carry the ball over the unpredictable turf onto the green.

Get Your Irons Airborne

Most topped shots occur when you try to help the ball into the air with a scooping motion. To hit down on the ball, set up with more weight on your left foot than your right. Take the club back more vertically and return it on a downward angle of attack.

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