MP3 Tribella - My Guest List
Equal parts indie and power pop.
6 MP3 Songs in this album (25:48) !
Related styles: POP: Power Pop, ROCK: Adult Alternative Pop/Rock
Pronunciation: ..trī-ˈbel-lə..
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin (from tri-, tres) & Greek, from tri-, treis — plus French, from feminine of beau beautiful —
Date: 2008
1: 3 Women (American). Superb musicians. Schooled by grandparents in classical piano and old-time jazz by way of Indiana, Baton Rouge & New York City. Met in Austin. Came together to play good music. Really good music.
The ladies of Tribella do not like to waste time. The trio emerged quickly from the ashes of previous, early-fated projects. Perhaps fortified by their shared near-death experiences, the contending supa-group realized right away they produced music that far exceeded any previous efforts. As a united team, they replaced their dwarf star ambitions with star sites residing within the Perseus Arm and beyond.
Within the decade, Tribella hopes to sell more singles than Elton John’s, “Candle in the Wind,” and more albums than The Eagles “Their Greatest Hits (vol. 1).” They will concentrate their efforts on producing a video more disturbing than NIN’s “Closer,” with better dancing than Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” and with more cleverly choreographed treadmill routines than OK Go’s “Here It Goes Again.”
In the meantime, Tribella is finishing their first EP, featuring 6 original songs set for release in January 2009. Stay tuned.
"equal parts indie and power pop, with just the right amount of new wave put in for good measure." - TX Music Matters (KUT 90.5)
"...harbor a witty sense of humor and a penchant for clever notes." - austininst
"Tribella is reminiscent of Liz Phair with a touch of new wave sensability... there really is no excuse to miss this show." -
"Tribella did not disappoint...Glynn and company rocked the stage with a reckless abandon." - A Sleepy Company