MP3 Jeff Oppen - Monkey Bars
Fun, original children''s music covering various musical styles and fun for everyone.
10 MP3 Songs in this album (27:16) !
Related styles: KIDS/FAMILY: General Children''s Music, KIDS/FAMILY: Children''s Pop
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Jeff Oppen is the creator of the children''s cartoon, TOOLS ( and The Rockin'' Robots ( He is also co-founder of Gigglebutton Entertainment (
Jeff has recorded fun children''s music for a number of years for various websites, cartoons and other projects. This all new CD, Monkey Bars, is his first commercially released children''s music CD. Featuring songs in a variety of genres including dance, pop, reggae and country, parents are sure to get a kick out of them as well.
The songs on Monkey Bars were originally compiled for But due to a high demand for the music, it has now been released commercially. It''s a digital only release. As technology has made it so easy to play mp3''s and even burn them to cd-r, downloading the songs is a great way for you to have them right away. And if you burn a copy after downloading, you can visit the music page of for a link to the CD cover art. You can then print it for your own CD case.
With entertaining songs covering topics such as Camping, Little Ducks and Winter Fun, Jeff Oppen''s Monkey Bars CD is bound to entertain the entire family. Until his next CD, this probably won''t leave your player.....