MP3 Pat Rocco - Rocco Rocks Hawaii
Memorable Hawaiian songs done in a completely different variety of tempos (including swing, rock, calypso, rap, comedy and more), from a Hawaiian artist whose music will keep you guessing, dancing, and toe tapping throughout this most unusual CD.
13 MP3 Songs in this album (45:56) !
Related styles: EASY LISTENING: Soft Rock, POP: Party Pop
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Pat Rocco has lived in Hawaii for twenty years, and loved the music of Hawaii. But rather than sing Hawaiian songs (in English) that sound the same as most others, he chose to "rock" them, and make them much more "fun". There''s also some rock, reggae, swing and Hawiian comedy songs (like "Suck ''em Up") that will blow your mind. In all, it''s a most unusual and great fun collection of known and unknown Hawaiian songs that will brighten your listening pleasure, either by yourself, of when partying with friends. A NEW kind of Hawaiian music experience.