MP3 Soznak - Dear Dad Tango
A joyful cross border secular/spiritual and emotional journey of song and dance from African brass to Iraqui oud created in the Soznak musical melting pot of the North east of England.
12 MP3 Songs in this album (58:07) !
Related styles: WORLD: World Beat, URBAN/R&B: Urban
People who are interested in Buena Vista Social Club Ozomatli should consider this download.
Dear Dad Tango by Soznak Jan 2009
1. Tata ye Mama © Miskin / Lutonda
2. Weekily © Lutonda / Miskin
3. Sugar Stick © Miskin / Mpofu
4. Cooking in the Kitchen © Miskin / Diaz / Ganjvar / Dalton / Lutonda
5. Tsunami Song © Lutonda
6. The Moroccan © Vincente Amigo / Francisco Ruiz / Manuel Moreno
owner: Warner Chappell Music Ltd. Griffin House 161 Hammersmith road London W6 8BS tel: 020 856368
7. Tyne Tigris Confluence ©Miskin / Kirala
8. Las Caras de la Noche © Miskin
9. Traffic Jambo © Miskin
10. Breath © Miskin / Longo
11. Dear Dad Tango © Miskin
Introduction to the band
We have adopted our group name, Soznak, from an Arabic musical term. The Soznak musical ensemble is the latest addition to the cultural melting pot that is Newcastle upon Tyne In the north of the UK. Soznak is a multi-ethnic world music band, comprising musicians from Angola, Cameroon, Congo, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Spain, and the UK. The rich blend of styles in our music reflects the breadth of cultural interplay among the band members. We regard Newcastle as ‘home’, where, during our al fresco street gigs we encourage our fellow citizens to dance, dance, dance!
The themes of the Album
This album is about the meeting of worlds:
the worlds of the Tigris and the Tyne,
the day and the night,
the spirit and the void,
dream and imagination,
the worlds of song and the mundane shopping experience.
Adrain Longo’s trumpet solo in `Breath` reaches out of the body and across oceans of space.
Reaching out to connect worlds separated by space and time is a theme of several of the tracks.
Dedication to my dad
The album `Dear Dad Tango` is dedicated to my Dad, Lionel Miskin, who epitomized the values of friendliness, eclecticism and spiritual quest. He was a lovely man and 100 % an artist. This project was funded by some cash he gave me on leaving planet Earth a couple of years ago.
Lionel had never been to Argentina yet the lives of his mother Margarita and her family in Buenos Aires lived vividly in his imagination and his visually enhanced sense of the absurd. Through his etchings, home-made comic books and letters, an imaginary Argentina was passed on to his children. It is incomprehensible
how Lionel found the time to keep up such a copious correspondences, all beautifully decorated with the most exquisite line drawings.
His illustrated letters are a treasure trove too extensive to be archived.
In the tradition of classic British comedy, but by the use of figurative ceramics and drawings, he created a parallel universe of affectionately observed human absurdity. Bob Morgan his painter friend remarked that once you have seen one of his encephalic pottery men you start to see them in the real world and realise that they are everywhere.
The rings still expand where time threw dad like a pebble into a pool, . One of these ripples is the website made by John Miskin and this album is another. Lionel’s great sense of fun is echoed in this album, which we hope you will enjoy listening and dancing to, as much as we enjoyed making it.
The Track lyrics translations and notes
Track 1: Tata ye Mama © Beriso Lutonda / Paul Miskin
Beriso addresses this song to his parents
vocals, guitar: Beriso Lutonda
backing vocals: Nuala Dalton
marimba: Keith Hill
bass: Chris Dobson
trumpet, Quattro guitar: Paul Miskin
trombone: Steve Mounter
drums:George Pando
congas: Mathew Ross
tenor sax: Andy Strong
Tata ye mama ka lukadi wonga ko mu ntima
Salu ‘eki ngieti sala ka lua zola kio ko mu ki muana kiame
Beno lua zola ya sala kalasi ya kituka mvuama
Salu’eki ngieti sala ka lua zola kio ko mu ki muana kiame
Bakundi bame mu kimuana kiame ba nsakanana
Mvuezolo mfingulu mu kim uana kiame mbe luzeye zo
Salu’eki ngieti sala mbe mbongo kuandi ngieti tomba Mama
Salu’eki ngieti sala mbe mbongo kuandi ngieti tomba Tata
Dad and Mum don’t worry about what I’m doing now
I know that, you never like the job I’m doing
You send me to school to become a rich man
I know that, you never like the job I’m doing
My friends used to offend me when I was young
Insult and disturb me, don’t you remember ?
I’m doing this job only to raise some money
Track 2: Weekily © Beriso Lutonda /Paul Miskin.
lyricist, vocals: Beriso Lutonda
brass: Paul Miskin plus Sosnak players
backing vocals: `Black Voices` a Cappella
bass guitar: Chris Dobson, cabassa: Nik Alevroyiannis, cornet, flugelhorn: Paul Miskin, drum kit: George Panda, guitars: Beriso Lutonda & Paul Miskin,
marimba: Keith Hill, tenor saxes: Andy Strong (soloist) & Graham Robinson, trombone: Steve Mounter, African drums: Mutandi
I first heard Beriso’s voice of smoky honey at a refugee festival in Sunderland and was reminded of The Mighty Sparrow, the Trinidadian Calypsonian, whom I had listened to with Dad as a child. Beriso’s Mighty Sparrow-like sound is accentuated by the Angolan `High- Life` style. In his lyrics, Beriso tackles very real, down-to-earth issues; in `Weekily` he juxtaposes themes such as temporary work and shopping, even including an advert for a local African shop in Newcastle. Other songs address the family from whom he has been separated by dire circumstances.
Beriso Lutonda dwells comically on the problems of temporary employment for the immigrant to the UK incorporating delightful references to shops `Morrison’s` and `Pounda Landa` At the end of the `animation` Beriso sings in dialect for his niece and advertises the local African shop.
Special thanks to `Black Voices`: Carol Pemberton (Musical Director), Sandra Francis, Celia Anderson, Shereece Storrod, Evon Nelson, Genevieve Sylva, Laura Douglas, Tracey Gooden and Jennifer Wallace. Despite exhaustion from touring they brought their vocal genius to this song
When I was in my country I had a good Job. I received my salary at the End of the month. I arrive in England I have a good Job. Let me tell the truth, everything weekily
I do my Job, I have a good money
When I pay for rent and bills all the money is gone
Everything weekily ho ho ho weekily
To pay for: rent, bills, food,
TV licence, water, gas, electricity
To go to: Tesco, Post Office, Netto,
Lidel, Morrisons, Kwiksave, etc
Track 3: Sugar stick © Mpofu /Miskin/Hill
baritone: Ralph Bossingham
bass guitar: Chris Dobson
keyboards: Steve Brown
surdos congas: Nik Alevroyiannis
tenor sax: Graham Robinson
tenor sax: Andy Strong
thumb piano: Simon Tarant
trombone: Steven Mounter
trumpets: Paul Miskin & Adrain Longo
Track 3 Sugar Stick This poem by Nkosana Mpofu features those celebrated rhythmic glottal stops which make the Zulu language so unique. Nkosana, a poet who usually has a sing -song declamatory style here makes the full transition to singer
Sugar Stick
Alala – alala –alala
Yisugar stick
Ngumnambitho madoda
Baland’ itshukela
Uthukuz’ athubele
Untub’ avinjwa
Ungavimbi inkosi
Wenze njal’ uShaka
Qwaqwaza mzaca
Qwaqwaza bancome
Qwaqwaza bahlabeke
Ngumlandu kabani
Zawuzilel’ ingcibi
Zawuzilel’ okwesiko
Zawufusa zawuzila
Zawuzilel’ okwesiko
Alala – alala –alala
Yisugar stick
Ngumnambitho madoda
Baland’ itshukela
Track 4: Cooking in the Kitchen © Miskin
baritone sax: Ralph Bossingham, bass: Chis Dobson, darabuka, vocals: Mhedi Ganjvar, drums: Russ Stamp, guitar, trumpet: Paul Miskin, marimba: Keith Hill, tenor saxes: Graham Robinson & Andy Strong, trombones: Kyrie Miskin & Steve Mounter, vocals, flute: Nuala Dalton, vocals: Beriso Lutonda & Ulises Diaz
Like music, food attracts people to different cultures. This track is a musical cookbook and we are proud to share our recipes. Some like Mhedi’s and Maysie’s are very practical and delicious. Others less so. Beriso did not make these wandu/beans/peas himself but they focus his feelings about being excluded from his
home. Nuala’s anti- recipe Boil-up is more a metaphor for spontaneity than anything edible. Ulises’s Pisto is no doubt a good simple sauce which might be nice on the side with Mhedi’s aubergine dish. Maysie’s dishes are not in the song but are included for their own sake... believe me they are simply delicious!
Chorus Turn up the heat and cook in the kitchen
Recipe 1 (Spanish) Ulises Diaz
El aceite de oliva es esencial en grandes cantidades como el amor de madre Tomate fresco fresquito del campo Rebosante de vida roja. Sal que tambien es esencial Un par
de dientes de ajo tierno Puesto todo a fuego lentoon t-anlann on t-ocras. Ayy Se pone todo a cocinaren un constante bailar de doradas burbujas. Ay que jugoso esta este pisto.
Olive oil is essential In big quantities As a mothers love. Fresh tomato from the fields Blossoming with red life Salt salt is also essential A couple of tender garlic cloves Everything slowly cooked dancing constantly amongst golden bubbles. AY, this pisto is so tender!!
Recipe 2 (Iranian) Mhedi Ganjvar
Mirza ghazemi Adad Badenjan-Piaz va sir- gouje be meghdare lazem-1adad Tokhme morgh-Zafaran, namak va felfel badenjan ra kakabi ya grilled konid va khod leh va koobideh namaeepiaz ra sorkh konid sepas gouje va sir ra ezaf karde va taft dahid (10 daghigheh) badenjane kababi va kobide shode ra ezaf konid va ham zanid *advie va tokhme morgh ra ezaf konid ghaza amade serv shodan Last,nane lavash faramoosh nashavad!
First put an aubergine in the grill for 15 minutes. Then the skin should come off easily. Next fry chopped onion and lots of garlic (in equal amounts) Chop and mash aubergine and add it to the pan, After 10 minutes add 4 chopped tomatoes or a can of tomato. Reduce . Then add an egg and mix in salt, black pepper, ground turmeric, saffron and spices to taste. Serve with nan Mirza Ghasemi
Recipe 3 (Angola) Beriso Lutonda
E mama wu ndambil’o wandu wa muamba
Watulu’e kimbidinga Ya dia yo madioko ma ntiololo
Ntama ya sala wo dia aaaaa vo mbanzidi o wandu
Nsatu’a vutuka ku vata Aweyi ndenda koluakil’e+x
E mama wundambil’e nsaki a madezo
Ye mafuta ma ngazi mamingi yadila yo loso
Mum can you cook for me peas cooked with palm oil I eat with cassava bread
Its a long time since I ate them. If I think about peas; I need to come back to the village. But how can I come back again. Mum can you cook for me cassava leaves with beans And a lot of palm oil, I eat with rice.
Recipe 4 (Ireland) Nuala Dalton
Faigh cupla pratai, cath isteach iad,
uisce, cabaiste, careidi, catch isteach iad, Ponairi Mora, gan dearmad a dheanfadh, gur maith on t-anlann on t ocras.
Well if you want one by me, never use a recipe!
Get a couple of potatoes / throw them in
water, cabbage, carrots / throw them in
and don’t forget hunger is the best sauce!
Well if you want one by me never use a recipe!
Maysie’s recipe for cumin & beetroot salad with sweetcorn fritters
Take a tablespoon of whole cumin seed, heat in a pan untill the aroma is released and grind. Warm cooked beetroot. Fry or grill halloumi cheese with a little olive oil. Add spring onions and fresh tomato then sprinkle with fresh lemon juice and olive oil and the cumin. The salad is ready.
Now for the fritters. Empty a tin of sweetcorn into a bowl. Add a handful of flour and stir till sticky. Separate two eggs and stir in the yokes. Whip the whites to a peak (this is a boy’s job!) and stir it in. Now fry the fritters in a shallow pan, lightly oiled with sunflower or corn oil.
Track 5: Tsunami Song (Lingala) © Beriso Lutonda
vocals, guitars: Beriso Lutonda
Bandeko nionso na mokili mobimba
bo yoka ah, bo tala ah, pe bo mona ahahah !(2x)
makambo to moni na tsunani, ekoki ko komela biso
tosangisa biloko, mbongo, pe bilamba
to tindela ba ndeko na pasi
bana mike, ba maman, bakolo pe ba pomba
bako kufa pona nzala
bana mike, ba maman bakolo pe ba pomba
bako kufa po ba zangi ba ndako oh oh oh !
bilembo tozali komona, ezali ya kimia te eh, to lingana ah ah !
bilembo tozali komona, ezali ya pasi ih ih, to yokana ah ah !
bilembo tozali komona, ezali ya mawa, to salisana ah ah !
Brothers and sisters in the world listen, look, and see
what happened. The Tsunami, could happen to us
let’s collect food, money, and clothes to help brothers and sisters
in need
teenagers, mothers, old people and fathers are dying of hunger
teenagers, mothers, old people and fathers are homeless
We must love each other
Let’s live in harmony
Show mercy,
let’s help each other.
Track 6: `The Moroccan’ based on “Vengeo Del Moro†(© Amigo/Ruiz/Moreno)
This version re-written in English and Spanish by Ulises Diaz,
is about the situation of a Moroccan in Spain
vocals: Ulises Diaz
guitar & cahon: Fergus Paton
trumpet: Paul Miskin.
Simon Tarrant on plastic pipe
crowd singing by random flamenco visitors
Al moro yo me bajao ,
luchando contra marea
Y al poco de haber llegao
Me ha enamorao una morena.
I have come down to the moorish land
Fighting against the tide
And just after arriving
I have fallen for a brunette
I come from Morocco...
I do have to leave town and head South
looking for different aromas
I‘ll be back with gifts for you my friend
like grass of laughter and fragrant roses
I come from Morocco …
When your heart is lost in pain
And your mind is far away
And your mind is far away
Think of when
The sun shines and all the grey will fade away
And all the grey will fade away.
Maita maita maita
Fermented nectar got to my bones
Maita maita maita
I cannot move no puedo señor
I come from Morroco….
Track 7: Tyne Tigris Confluence © Paul Miskin
oud: Firas Kirala
baritone sax: Ralph Bossingham
darabuka: Nik Alevroyiannis
flugelhorn & octived trumpet: Paul Miskin
tambourine: Keith Hill
tenor saxes: Andy Strong & Graham Robinson
Track 8: Las Caras de la Noche © Paul Miskin
guitar falsetta: Pacito Bethencourt
baritone sax: Ralph Bossingham
bass guitar: Neil Harlan
darabuka: Nik Alevroyiannis
frame drum: Mhedi Ganjvar tambourine: Keith Hill
tenor saxes: Andy Strong & Graham Robinson
trombone: Steve Mounter
trumpet, guitar and omboosh: Paul Miskin
Track 9: Traffic Jambo © Paul Miskin
(The sound track for Bewick’s Mambo a short film by Peter Snowden included on the DVD)
aguiro congas: Nik Alevroiannis
baritone sax: Ralph Bossingham
flute: Nuala Dalton
tenor saxes: Andy Strong & Graham Robinson
trombone: Steve Mounter
trumpet & flugelhorn: Paul Miskin
Track 10: Breath © Paul Miskin/Adrian Longo
This track inspired and provided the sound track for `Breather` a one minute movie (included on the DVD) by Peter Snowden that won first and second prize in the Northern Film and Media film music competition
trumpet:Adrain Longo
baritone sax: Ralph Bossingham
tenor saxes: Andy Strong & Graham Robinson
trombone: Steve Mounter
Track 11: Dear Dad Tango lyrics and music © Paul Miskin
The title song Dear Dad Tango, expresses Paul Miskin’s admiration for his late father Lionel Miskin’s artistic imagination, and reflects his incomprehension of the fact of his father’s death.
vocals: Ulises Diaz, horn solo duet: Paul Miskin (flugelhorn) & Kyrie Miskin (trombone),
accordian: Tim Dalling, baritone sax: Ralph Bossingham, bass guitar: Chris Dobson,
‘cello: Penny Callow, drums: Russ Stamp, tenor saxes: Andy Strong & Graham Robinson, trombone: Steve Mounter
You touch me I can’t touch you - your fragile body
your tartan trousers your special love for me,
your special love for me. This is your tango.
This is your tango from beyond the void.
You are back in a dream telling me not to be afraid,
stories of color and aroma from beyond the void.
You say the void is good and you float away
and keep on talking as if you are still there.
The void is good apparently…
I find the void is no good for me
Let’s dance, let’s dance, let’s dance, let’s dance,
dance the tango, dance the tango, Eoooo
You are telling me stories
of zest and childhood;
a lost garden in Belgrano
where you’ve never been.
Family stories from beyond the void.
Though you are no more, and I’m talking to no-one.
The Musicians:
Nik Alevroyiannis: surdos tambourine, cabassa
Pacit o Bethencourt: guitar
Ralph Bossingham: baritone saxophone
Steve Brown: keyboard
Penny Callow: ‘cello
Nuala Dalton: flute
Tim Dalling: accordion
Chris Dobson: bass guitar
Mehdi Ganjvar: darabuka frame drum
Neil Harlan: bass guitar
Keith Hill: darabuka, marimba, vibraphone
Firas Kirala: oud
Adrain Longo: trumpet
Beriso Lutonda: guitar
Steve Mounter: trombone
Kyrie Miskin: trombone
Paul Miskin: guitar, cuatro,
cumbüş, trumpet, flugelhorn
George Pando: drum kit
Fergus Paton: guitar
Graham Robinson: tenor saxophone
Mathew Ross: congas
Russ Stamp: drum kit
Andy Strong: tenor saxophone
Simon Tarant: thumb piano, gas pipe
`Mutandi’ :African drums
Production: Paul Miskin, assisted by Darren Hall at Blast Studios, Newcastle upon Tyne
mastered by: Brad Blackwood at Euphonic Masters,12179 S. Shady Tree Lane, Arlington, TN 38002, USA
cover image: Scott Donohue
graphics & layout: Paul Donohue -
artwork: Scott Donohue, Lionel Miskin, Gordon Sharp (mandalas)
photography: (from `Breather` and `Bewick`s Mambo`) Mark Pinder
email nwsi@
for band bookings +447711656759
The reactions to Soznak Dear dad Tango:
At the time of writing this in january 20 2009 the first properly mastered albums have been printed and arrived today It has taken two and a half years to record the music and produce the art work for the cover. We know that you will like it.
There has been tremendous demand locally for our unmastered home burnt 7 rough premixes and brilliant reactions from punters.
The track `Breath` won first and second prize in a film music competition gaining more internet votes worldwide than all the other entries combined.
The track Weekily is an anthem in the street of Newcastle where we play it regularly The participation of the fabulous Black voices spiritual choir and the `Mutandi` drummers on that track have elicited many ecstatic comments.
Great care has been taken to create a product that we hope you will enjoy to own. We thoroughly recommend buying the properly packaged album as it is an art object.
Peace and love
Paul Miskin