MP3 The Great Shakes - Americana Bebop EP
A Snotty Post Punk Diet for the New Style Fetished America
5 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Punk, ROCK: Modern Rock
After a year and a half, two drummers, one guitarist, a tour of LA, a notorious $12 bed-jumping video, a lot of shows and a few broken toes, The Great Shakes follow up their debut* with the AMERICANA BEBOP EP. Produced by Joe Blaney - who was part of the making of the pop clang of Combat Rock, - the groove of Prince''s Lovesexy - and the pulp garage of the latest from The Ravonettes - AMERICANA BEBOP is an assault on everything. It is political punk prostitution (Riot) that spits in the eye of god, pop and the freedom of consumption (Residence). It is a tireless rant denouncing the desires that fuel their haggard hotspot of a home (In the Ballroom). It is a disillusioned diatribe against the dilettante crisis in pop music (Oh No, Not Me) and the "lazy susan revolution" going on in living rooms across America (Americana Bebop). Well branded, hopelessly positive and thoroughly pretentious, The Great Shakes'' AMERICANA BEBOP comes neatly packaged with a wink, a nod and a gun. Tsk tsk.
"We do not have a past. We only have a presence."
*The Great Shakes'' first single, WANT/GOT, found its way onto commercial radio rotation and launched the independent, internet-distributed debut EP (The United Shakes of America) to several top 100 lists of 2003 including #79 on WOXY 97X/ - Named internet radio station of the year at the 2004 PLUG Awards.