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*BEST VALUE* 3-in-1 Blogging Software Package $7 w/ Master Resell Rights!

Best Value Offer: 3-in-1 Blogging Software Pack

Package Includes:

#1 BLOG IN A BOX - $37 value

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"ANYONE Can Create Their Own Blog Quickly AND Successfully Make A Profit, Even If They Have NO IDEA What A Blog Actually Is"

* Write About Virtually Any Topic That Interests You

* Be Successful No Matter What Your Skill Level Is

* Have All The Necessary Tools Right At Your Fingertips Whenever You Need Them

* Change The Look Of Your Blog With Minimal Effort

It's True!

Even if you haven't ever heard the word blog before, our toolkit makes it completely possible for you to not only create one easily, but to even earn money from it without the need to sell anything at all!

It really doesn't matter whether you use your new blog as a personal instrument of self discovery or as an additional marketing tool for your existing online business, using Blog In A Box you can create a blog that stands apart from all others, and you can do it within a matter of minutes!

Blogging is little more than an electronic version of something many of you have most likely had and used earlier in your lives, and some of you may still be using to this very day. What is it? Read on to find out.

What The Heck Is A 'Blog' Anyway and Why Do I Care?
Plain and simple a blog, or weblog as some refer to it, is nothing more than an electronic journal or diary you use to enter your thoughts or ideas using web-based programs. But, a blog can be so much more than this. It can also be used to enhance your online business or personal site. It can be used to offer up tutorials or free content you may not want to include on your regular website. In fact, a blog can be a website in and of itself! Blogs are designed to be whatever it is you want them to be, giving you complete creative control over every aspect of your blog.

Using a blog can be very beneficial to you whether you have an online business or you simply need some sort of emotional expressive outlet to be you. And they are extremely easy to create, use, and profit from even if you have never made a blog in your life!

If It's So Easy, Why Has No One Used It Before Now?
Most likely it's because they just don't know about blogging. While blogging has been around for years it's popularity is just now beginning to grow, and at an alarming rate! There are millions of blogs that can be found all across the internet with millions more expected to be created before the end of 2004. Now is the time to use this simple form of publication to your advantage.

Another reason could be that because using and creating a blog is completely free, many online marketers tend to steer away from these types of tactics believing that free solutions have no value and in turn do not work. In most cases, this is true, but not when it comes to blogging.

One last reason to ponder is skepticism. Maybe it's hard to believe that something you have never heard of can be so simple to use and give you the freedom to write about what you choose and it can even make you money. Plus it's free too??!

Yeah Right!

But this is fact and not fiction. It is possible and easy and profitable and you have everything you need all in one kit.

So What's In It Already?!
You don't buy a car based on what the salesperson is feeding you, and you shouldn't buy anything else that way either. So please, look at all the fantastic products you receive when you decide to purchase Blog In A Box today.

* 20 Pre-Built Blog Templates in Easy-To-Use HTML format complete with PSD files for easy modification to fit your needs in a variety of styles and colors all with MASTER RESALE RIGHTS ready to use immediately with Blogger but easy to adjust for use with any blogging software

* Easy-To-Follow Instruction Guides that take you through all the "Ins" and "Outs" of blogging, How To Begin Profiting From Your Blog, and Beyond

* A Full Resource List of where to blog, tutorials on blogging, more in depth information about blogs, and More

* Extensive Collection of Blogging Creation Tools and Blog Enhancement Scripts

Still not convinced our product can help you? Take a look at what some of our most recent satisfied customers have to say about Blog In A Box:

"For someone like me who is a complete novice at blogging, I found this product to be more than helpful. You have provided a wealth of information that is necessary to know when dealing in the complexity of beginning your own blog from the ground up. I never would have gotten started and would have been completely lost without my "Blog in a Box".

Thanks again for this awesome product."

Lori Weiss

"Your Blog in a Box is just what the beginner needs! With the great looking templates and helpful instructions anyone can have their own blog up & running in no time!"


"It's nice to see someone finally take action by offering a nice "All-in-One" packaged solution. This would be a great resource, and starting point, for people just getting started with blogs. Can't wait to see what your future versions may hold!"

J. Delcamp

"Thank you for a superb tool, it is the 'Swiss Armyknife' for bloggers"

Gunnar Berglund

Still not quite sure? That's okay. After all, you are spending your hard earned money and want to make certain Blog In A Box is a worthwhile investment. So before you make your final decision, we want you to look at a few examples of the quality of blog templates you will be getting.

Each are original creations never before seen anywhere else, all available to you. Don't forget, you're getting 20 including the ones shown below. Understand also that these are small, low resolution images and not the full working templates, so the quality you will be getting is much, much better.

Want Even More?
You got it! How about we give you Full Resale Rights to Blog In A Box so that it will pay for itself and continue to make a profit for you?

Plus, we'll give you FREE Lifetime Upgrades to Blog In A Box with your purchase.

Not enough? All right.

We'll even throw in a copy of this very web page so when and if you decide to resell Blog In A Box, with a few minor adjustments your ready to roll!

Hold on. How about if we also give you a 100 30 Day Money Back Guarantee if Blog In A Box is not everything we say it is? That gives you a risk-free opportunity to own it and sell it. But we know you will absolutely love it and want to keep Blog In A Box because of everything it can and will do for you.

And, on top of everything else, we'll give it to you immediately after your purchase so you can get started right away!

How Much?
You can get your very own copy of Blog In A Box right now for a Very Low Special Introductory Price of just $37. This is an amazing value we are offering you. Get your hands on a BRAND NEW product that we believe will exceed our expectations with flying colors due to the increased attention blogs are getting for just a fraction of the regular price of $67. Remember that with just One Sale, Blog In A Box pays for itself! But you don't have to stop there. Make it really work for you by selling it over and over turning it into a profit pulling machine! Don't wait any longer to own a copy of the best blogging product available to date by placing your order.

P.S. - Once your payment is received you will be directed to a special web page where you can download Blog In A Box and all the necessary tools you need to get started reselling it immediately!

Wishing You All The Best Success!
Insert Your Business or Personal Name

P.S. - Please don't waste any time getting Blog In A Box by ordering your copy today for this once in a lifetime special pricing offer. You could be blogging by tomorrow with style and making money almost instantly! The only thing holding you back is your indecision to act using the tools we are offering you. Remember, you risk nothing with our Money Back Guarantee and have so much to gain by purchasing Blog In A Box.



Official Advert:

Try not to feel guilty because this really IS almost too easy ...
"Who Else Wants Their Entire Site Crawled, Indexed and Ranked Fast -- Without any Hard Work or even SEO Knowledge"

If You Want To Consistently Get your Website Pages Spidered and Indexed into all the MAJOR Search Engines... No Matter Who You Are, How Much Experience You Have Or What Kind Of Budget Your limited to... And especially If You're Sick And Tired Of Software and Services being insanely over priced, Then 'Instant Blog and Ping' Desktop Software is for you...

"Version 2.0 Just Released - New Added Features"

Thursday: 5:36 a.m

Dear Friend,

How much is time worth to your business?

The reason I ask you this is because.. exactly 32 days ago I asked the same question to a friend of mine who was in a right dilemma, I'm talking about a Huge Bind.

Now I'll tell you later why I asked him that same question...

Suppose you could sit down at your computer create a website, upload it then press a few Simple buttons and then sit back and watch search engines spiders hurrying to your site like a moth to a light bulb.

Imagine... performing one simple 2 ½ minute task which within days could lead to a stampede of search engine spiders crawling deep down into the 1000's of pages you have created. Imagine then seeing your entire site indexed not in months but within a matter of weeks. -- obviously this means more pages are now in front of hungry consumers which in turn means the potential of earning cash quicker increases.

Think about it... anytime you create a new site - you simply turn the tap on... it's like having the goose that laid the golden egg.

Sounds to good to be true?

Well, it isn't if you have the right tool. You see dollar-for-dollar nothing comes close to being able to get your website pages crawled, indexed and ranked fast.

James Comer
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Affordable, Easy to Use and the Search Engines Spiders can't get enough!

James, works part time on the net and after using Instant Blog and Ping not only has he managed to have more time to get more sites created but best of all, his current sites are getting crawled and indexed faster !! He noticed Crawling began within 4 days of using the software!

Here is What James Had To Say

I build a lot of websites online- both manual and using the help of page generators. For a long time, I have been frustrated by the length of time that it takes just waiting to get my sites spidered and indexed.

Although I did find that manually blogging and pinging helped- the time that it took to post a few lines from every page of my site onto a blog and then insert a link, and then taking the time to ping was not only starting to eat into my time but it was starting to become a a real pain!

I want to use my time to create sites!

For quite some time I've been searching around for an affordable solution. I knew there was a service available online that I could use that would do all the work for me- but, I wasn't too eager having to pay the amount being asked.. it was just too much for me, probably ok for others.

I came across 2 pieces of software available that could handle the job, but found them either too expensive for me- or took the control away from me as to the schedule they were blogging and pinging on. So when I came across Instant Blog and Ping- which was way more reasonably priced for my wallet- I finally had the chance to get my hands on software that not only Automates all the work at a price I can afford, but I can run the jobs on my time- not some schedule that is set by the administrator of some other server!

Seeing Yahoo Slurp in my Stats and MSN Spiders visiting my site using the blog and ping method always gets me excited.. now I'm even more pumped as I can set it and forget it. It does all the work for me. After using Instant Blog and Ping software, I saw spiders visiting my new site within 4 days!

Using the Blog and Ping method "manually", my adsense income increased substantially. Now that I'm using Instant Blog and Ping- it has freed me up to focus on creating more sites. That alone has saved me a ton of Time and Money!

Thanks Jon, for creating a program that's not only going to help me now and in the future, but it's also very simple to use. I also appreciate you offering it a price that just about anyone can justify spending. Instant Blog and Ping also has an extra added bonus- it doesn't cause your wife to ask "How MUCH did you spend on that? You bought what?" :)

Thanks Again,

James Comer


I want to congratulate you on coming up with this
breakthrough resource! It's a powerful and time-saving
software that anyone interested in getting their entire
site indexed fast have to use.

One thing I'd like to comment is your world class
customer service and responsiveness to customer
enquiries...it's very rare these days!

Ewen Chia

Click here to get your copy today, or continue reading...

Think about it! A Software Program that completely automates the whole blog and ping process freeing you up to time into the areas of your business that you need to. Simply put, Instant Blog and Ping is like having a little automatic, money-making robot working for you, tirelessly.. day and night.

See this is the thing.. Unless you have had your head under a rock for the past 12 months or your completely new to the internet, I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume you have heard about what Blog and Ping is, if not let me fill you in.

Search Engine Optimization Junkies, Internet Entrepreneurs and Webmasters with the inside scoop have been Buzzing for months about a super fast method of getting your entire site pages crawled within a week, and even in some cases within a Matter of Days.
But Blogging and Pinging Every Page
is the Hard Part...

You see the ever since the release of the famous Blog and Ping Tutorials months ago, the process taught people manually how to --

1. Create a Blogger account at https://www.tradebit.com and setup the settings
( shown in software guide)

2. Create a https://www.tradebit.comoo account and take the RSS URL found in https://www.tradebit.com and place it your MYYAHOO account

3. Go back to your Blog and Post pages from the site you want crawled and indexed to the blog

4. Ping the Blog Aggregator like Yahoo and place like Pingomatic and wala!

Whilst this sounds simple enough ...and well ...it is if you have only 7 pages on your website and 1 website, but many people doing business online have lots of site and lots of pages, and not a huge whack of time to spend posting pages to their blog in set intervals.

So people have been faced with 3 options

* Post every Page from your Site to a https://www.tradebit.com account Manually
* Post every Page from your Site to a https://www.tradebit.com account Using a Paid Service
* Post every Page from your Site to a https://www.tradebit.com account Using Expensive Software

Now, It could take you days if not weeks to post manually and cost you a small fortune paying out to a paid service or buying software that starts in the hundreds. So Instead of knocking yourself out trying to post every page one by one or saving up for software that your really not sure is worth the high ticket price.

You can have a 24/7, Set and Forget, Search Engine Spider Magnet for your business, that will do all this for you.. and will be ready at your beck and call -- announcing:

" Instant Blog and Ping Automated Desktop Software"

In just 2½ minutes you can press a few simple buttons input your blog info hit start and watch this extremely powerful software work its magic whilst you continue to go about your day to day life.
Ready to get Started? CLICK HERE to download, or continue reading...

" 18 Powerful Reasons why Instant
Blog and Ping is so Effective"
It completely automates the whole process of Blog and Ping

Its desktop software that runs on your computer - so no relying on server uptime

You can run Multiple Projects within the One Application

You can minimize to your tray and it will not interfere with your surfing or work

You choose how many pages to post to your blog

You choose how long you want it to wait between posts - from 1 min upwards

You can use Proxy - to post Anonymously

You can choose to post your pages Meta Description to your blog

You can choose to post Random text from your web pages to your blog

You can use Unique Tags.. where you choose what content Posts

You can Ping Yahoo and Pingomatic ( these are all you need)

You can use https://www.tradebit.com information or Wordpress information

When It crawls in all your pages it wont pull in 404 error pages or Duplicate Pages

You can see when in real time what pages are posting and when its pinging

You can Save all URLS crawled in so you don't have to crawl a site in again!

With its user friendly interface you will find it is extremely easy to use

Free Upgrades for Life - Never have to pay for New Features

Its a Proven System that works!

Fact: Siliconvalley and Search engine watch reported in February 2003 that Google purchased https://www.tradebit.com

Fact: Time Magazine reported in 2004 that blogging has become so popular that even Microsoft has launched its own blogging services called "MSN Spaces"

Fact: Yahoo! has released their own place to blog called Yahoo! 360°

Fact: Aol Has their own place to blog called AOL Journals

With this in mind, here's why those facts are important to you.

All the Major search engines see the value and potential of blogging evolving so much that Google purchased San Francisco company Pyra Labs who operated https://www.tradebit.com

Think about https://www.tradebit.comgle owns https://www.tradebit.com so everyday it sends search engine spiders out to check out https://www.tradebit.com for New Fresh Content.. and when it finds it. i.e Your Blog with all your website pages and postings.. Its as busy as cat on a hot tin roof, and this is not just my opinion.

The truth is...

There really is no need to submit your website pages to google as they will find you through the blog as they seek out fresh content.

There is no need to spend $299 to get into Yahoo directory as they will be alerted to your blog and the links to your site the moment you Ping the content

Who wouldn't jump at this?

It really couldn't be any easier unless I pressed the buttons for you. That means, in about 2 painless minutes, you can have pages posted and your blog pinged, without the effort

Screenshots of Instant Blog and Ping

Click here to Download Now or Continuing reading..

" How much is time worth to your business?.."

Remember... I mentioned at the start I would share with you why I asked my friend that question. Let me explain.. He was in a situation where he had several deadlines on projects that he was working frantically to meet and trying to save money and do all the work himself not only did he wear himself out but he actually figured out that he never profited from the projects as when he calculated how long it took him to do it minus how much he got paid, well.... he took a loss.

Lets assume, you try to tackle Posting all your pages to your blog manually and each site has over 500 pages and you are posting every 18 mins, 2 pages. How many man hours is it costing you? Is it really worth it? when you can press a few buttons, minimize and let it do every single page for you.

Okay, So Whats The Cost For This Incredible Software?

Well I realize this software could sell for as much as $499. In fact if you was to ask around and find out how much it costs to use a web service online that blogs and pings for your business, you'd be charged somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,000 to $2,000

So at a bare bones minimum you're getting hundreds and thousands of dollars worth of service in one package for one fee.

But I'm not going to charge you anywhere near that amount or even my minimum project price. In fact, your total investment for this fully automated desktop software is just $67.99. The Money you'll earn as result of having your website pages spidered and indexed fast can very easily pay you back hundreds if not even thousands of times your meager investment.

So what's the catch? Why am I practically giving this software away? Well, it's really quite simple. Since Your going to access this directly from the internet I have no inventory and no fulfulment costs. I don't need to pay anyone to take the order over the phone. This way I can pass along my cost savings to you. So you win and I win. Your success in using this powerful, Automated Blog and Ping Software is completely guaranteed. In Fact, here's my 100 Better Than Risk Free Take it To The Bank Guarantee

"100 Risk Free Guarantee for 30 Days"

Your success in using this powerful, Automated Blog and Ping Software is completely guaranteed. In fact, heres my 100 Better-Than-Risk-Free-Take-it-To-The-Bank Guarantee:

If you aren't 100 satisfied - I don't expect...or want...to keep your money. Simply send off a quick email to me and I'll happily refund your money in full. That means you can't lose no matter what

So go ahead! Secure your copy immediately... Version 2.0

Yes, *YOURNAME*! I'm Ready To Automate Blog and Ping And Get My Site Indexed Fast!
Please Give Me access to The Entire Instant Blog and Ping Software As Fast As Humanly Possible!

I'd be an utter fool to miss out on this fantastic deal.

Once my order is processed via your online secure form, my software will be Delivered Electronically Instantly! - Instant Download even if its 2:00 a.m.




P.S Just think! You'll never again suffer through the pain and hassle of trying to Manually post each and every one of your entire websites pages again to a blog and go through the process of pinging Or having to pay big bucks for some service or software to do it for you. You can get everything all done for you, practically handed to you on a silver platter. You simple fill in your blog information, the site you want to post, click Start and then sit back and let it do its magic!



Official Advert:

Stop Waiting and Waiting to Get Your Website Indexed Into Search Engines
At Last! Get Your Website Listed In Major Engines Quickly. . .
And Updated More Frequently

Previously Undisclosed Method for "Blogging and Pinging Will Work For Anyone Wanting an Internet Presence--Quickly and Easily

Dear Internet Marketer,

Lets face it, putting together a website is toughbut getting that website into the major search engines like Google and Yahoo is even tougher!

Theres no doubt, the most difficult marketing technique for any Internet marketer to learn is how to get your sites indexed. And until you master it, the web site that you are counting on to generate sales, build your reputation, or generate AdSense revenue is just floating in cyberspace--worthless. No wonder it seems to take forever and ever. And it sometimes it really IS Forever and Ever!!

That is why there are countless sites with advice, tons of expensive software, and plenty of costly seminars on how to get a search engine's "web crawler" to "spider" (that is "geek" for find and enter into the search engine) your site.

And yet, you and others just keep getting frustrated until you spend more hours in research, pour more effort into "tweaking" your site, or waste even more money on someone's outdated ideas--all while time and opportunity are still slipping through your fingers.
The simple truth is that until the search engine finds your site and decides to spider it, nothing else matters.

This is where the newly discovered method of Blogging and Pinging proves so valuable. It gets your site noticed and spidered quickly and brings the crawler back more often.

Blogging and Pinging is fast. It is easy. You dont have to be a technical guru to understand the concept or learn the method! All you have to do is follow the step-by-step instructions.

And even better, the entire process is completely free! No new software to buy, no need to purchase subscriptions to new services, no renewal fees truly FREE!

Like you, I had read hundreds of articles about blogging and lots of speculation about its impact on search engines. While blogging is increasingly popular, blogging alone does nothing for search engines but give them millions of new--usually worthless--pages to search--and often screen out.

The ability to "subscribe" to web sites and blogs through RSS Feeds (called syndication) is also changing the way the web works. These feeds automatically check (called "pinging") web sites for changes, and send the changes to another site that has requested to be sent the changes. Of course, no one can subscribe to a site that they can't find!!

Two big web trends:

* Blogging - easy to create with free and relevant content
* Syndication - lets a site generate its own activity (pinging)

I knew there must be a way to put these two trends to work to get web sites quickly spidered and frequently updated on Google, Yahoo, MSN, and other search engines.

I spent hundreds of hours figuring out the Blog and Ping process. You see, these are two separate processes that happen on the web every day. Lots was written about each one but little is written about using them together in a way that would drive search engines to sites--at least not in a way that worked!!

I was about to give up when the thought hit me--"Everyone is making this seem hard, if not impossible."

I stepped back, tuned out the hype, and realized there was a simple solution. Even with all my hours of research, it took months more to discover the simple, workable connection between blogging and pinging that capitalized on the design and function of search engines.

The secret is that each of a few simple steps has to be done exactly right and in the right sequence on two separate web functions.

Now, don't get worried. I have put these steps one - by - one in "The Blog and Ping Internet Marketing Tutorial" and provide the simplest and easiest way to do each one.

There is no "trial and error"!

The tutorial contains over 75 screen shots showing you exactly what to do. You can get a real web presence with less effort and no costly services or software. No more waiting and waiting and waiting. No lost opportunity.

AND faster sales mean faster cash flow!

Are you fed up with methods that don't work?

· How many times have you created the perfect website only to find that no matter what you do or what you try, Google simply wont pick it up?

· How many great ideas have you had go down the financial toilet simply because the Yahoo spiders took too long to visit and index your site?

· How many hours have you wasted submitting your site to every known search engine only to find that 4 months later you were no further than you when you first started?

Are you ready to get results?
Theres no doubt, the most difficult marketing technique for any Internet marketer to learn is how to get your sites indexed.

Until you master it, the web site that you are counting on to generate sales, build your reputation, or generate AdSense revenue is just floating in cyberspace--worthless.

"Okay - So What's The Cost For This Incredible Resource?"

Some friends urged me to deliver this exclusive information in person only as part of a high-priced seminar where I charged hundreds of dollars per person.

When I balked at the travel and time involved, friends in web marketing urged me to use an online seminar. But frankly I don't need a seminar to explain my method--and besides what I have to offer is a step-by-step process to follow.

No lengthy explanations of why it works are necessary. And you don't have more time to waste!

What you need are the simple, but critically important, steps to follow in just the right order to get your site working for you.

So this one-of-a-kind resource, "The Blog and Ping Tutorial, can be for downloaded today for only $47.00 -- With Master Resale Rights!!!

For you and me it is a clear, efficient, and convenient way to deliver this information. (Don't worry downloading everything is a snap and it works for both PC and MAC users plus you still get the bonus listed below.)

Just imagine being able to get your site indexed quickly with easewithout wasted time or unnecessary software.

100 "Better-Than-Risk-Free" Money Back Guarantee

Listen, if you don't agree that "The Blog and Ping Tutorial" is the most impactful, eye-opening and practical information you've ever received on the subject of Blogging and Pinging, simply email me and I'll issue you a 100 refund on the spot. No hard feelings and no questions asked.

You can't find this kind of authoritative, proven information anywhere else on the web.


* What only Blogger does automatically
* Which Blogger settings need to be changed
* How to quickly and easily create the right content
* Which fields are necessary when you post
* How comments can work for you
* And lots more. . .


* Why you need a Yahoo account
* How to create a RSS feed
* How to subscribe to your VERY OWN blog
* The tricks for pinging Yahoo correctly
* How to ping over 10 engines at once
* And lots more . . .

You want information that you can absolutely count on. Something as simple as an incorrect HTML code can change your index time from 48 hours to 48 days.

Not every step is user-friendly or logical. (If it where, everyone would be doing this!) You want simple, step by step instructions.

As you can see "The Blog and Ping Tutorial is the ultimate tool for blogging and pinging.

"The Blog and Ping Tutorial" is the quickest and easiest way to master a marketing technique others are just talking about.

Inside this magnificent work youll learn every detail needed to get your website indexed in hours instead of months! Absolutely everything any Internet marketer would need.

Needless to say, this information is jam packed with the never before revealed steps to get your site indexed quickly and easily. Truth is, you'll never find this in-depth information anywhere.

And since a picture is worth a thousand words, just think how much value you will receive from more than 75 screen shots alone! Nothing else will save you so much time, spare you so much frustration, or produce results as quickly.

And remember you have a 100 "Better-Than-Risk-Free" Money Back Guarantee so there is no reason to wait any longer to see your site appear in Google, Yahoo, and other such engines. I make this guarantee without reservation because I know "The Blog and Ping Tutorial" will deliver all the value it promises and more.

With the "The Blog and Ping Tutorial" you will be creating blogs to put search engines to work for you. As a bonus for acting now, we will send you our BUSINESS BLOG TIPS for creating a full-featured blog to build your reputation and keep in touch with your clients. Find out tips and tricks needed to create your own Business Blog, find out how to make template changes for Search Engine Optimization, and other time saving trips.

Now frankly, I don't usually recommend creating business blogs - you are past the major hurdles - most of them never get found. But with "The Blog and Ping Tutorial" you can put the full benefits of blogging to work for your business. This $39 value is yours and will be included in this e-book only if you order NOW.

PPS: You'll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to start Blogging and Pinging with "The Blog and Ping Tutorial. You wont need to wait weeks, months, or even up to a year ever again when you let me show you my method...completely at my risk!

Get started now with "The Blog and Ping Tutorial" ,
no matter if youre a beginner Internet marketer or a savvy pro!

Master Resell Rights are Included for each.

Your total investment is only $7.00

Limited time only.

Order now!
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