MP3 JP VIDEO - November
An out-worldly romp into the twilight zone world of Flying Saucers, Alien Intervention, and the subsequent government cover-ups that conceal the truth from us all. Composed, Improvised and Performed live exclusively by the one and only JP VIDEO
5 MP3 Songs in this album (54:35) !
Related styles: ELECTRONIC: Electronica, POP: Synth Pop
People who are interested in John Coltrane Frank Zappa Karlheinz Stockhausen should consider this download.
JP VIDEO is the sole work of one Joseph Provede, the all omnipotent leader of the "1st CHURCH OF 10 DIMENSIONAL HYPERSPACE". One of the original electronic "pop" artists of the late 20th century and a scholar of electronic music and it''s history. He is also well know as a fine artist, television producer, writer, poet, occultist and amateur gynocologist. All his music is composed, produced, arranged, programmed and performed by himself. JP VIDEO''s body of work spans over 3 decades and hopefully another 3 before he must leave this existence to merge with the Ether once again.
The Kecksberg Suite includes:
Military Intervention
Strange Attractors
The Lear Test
Sinatra Undead (Main Theme)
Drinking a Womans Menstruation Blood
The Acid Lounge