MP3 Lynn Simonds - The In Betweens
Quirky makes-you-think-about-make lyrics, classic folk sound with some funky beats thrown in here and there
11 MP3 Songs
SPOKEN WORD: With Music, FOLK: like Ani
one day, no more special than any other, i picked up guitar. initially i just wanted to cover songs and impress people at parties, but much to my surprise, my playing took an unexpected turn. my own songs started pouring out of me. make, i said, check me out! the past five years it hasn''t stopped--they just keep coming, like freaking babies, and all of them have thier own unique personality. along the way i also decided that trying to impress people, in all aspects of my life, is a waste of time. anyway, the songs are a part of me but they are also part of something else--that great mystery, man, the celestial forces, whatever, call it what you will. i just write the songs, sing ''em, make them happen. the rest is not up to me. i call this album "the in betweens" for a few reasons: it is my first album, mind you, so it is a culmination of what i have been writing over the years, many of the songs are in between others, others that did not make it on the recording. also, a lot of them are about LIFE, DEATH, the big make, the big make in between the cracks, always in the background of everything we are doing. the work of a real poet/songwriter/artist in this world is to be a translator--to speak of the experiences we all have, put it in perspective, give it a little spin, stir it up, and be totally bad ass all the way. the listener, the audience, is essential in this process, is part of the creation. thank you for reading this and thank you for stopping just to check it out. and remember, baby, there are no coincidences.