MP3 Peggy van Zalm - Soul Magic
"van Zalm''s cast as a genuine spiritual voyager in music a la Van Morrison and Joni Mitchell. ..Soul Magic is a black stone, a memory you can''t shake, one of those new beginnings won the hard way...and its great driving music as well..." Mark Mordue, Drum
12 MP3 Songs
WORLD: Australian, FOLK: like Joni
Soul Magic features collaborations with some of Sydney''s finest musicians and pivots around multi-instumentalist and co-producer John Puscas. The eclectic all-star ensemble includes didgeriduist Alan Dargin, legendary jazz bassist Steve Elphick, the equally luminous trumpet/flugal horn player Miroslav Bukovsky and Tim Rowlinson from the renowned acid-jazz outfit "Dig". Peggy''s compositions encompass "deeply-personal nature poem, environmental protests, oblique psychedelic fantasies, symbolic self-empowerment stories and elliptical self-explorations..." Shane Danielson "Sydney Morning Herald
"..A confident return for this entrancing vocalist/songwriter. Rather than hover above the instrumentation, van Zalm''s alluring vocals swim inside. Delivering many standout moments like the sharp acoustic strum of "Love Is", the breathy spoken vocals of "Mystery Movie", and the mystical "Rapscallion, which was recorded outdoors (with the audible assistance from a cricket colony). If radio programmers have the grey matter to play this it could comfortably reside in both the independent and commercial charts. " Annette Basile ~ OTS
Soul Magic''s "sophisticated pop surface shouldn''t distract you from the muscle beneath, or from van Zalm''s cast as a genuine spiritual voyager in music a la Van Morrison and Joni Mitchell. .." Soul Magic "is a black stone, a memory you can''t shake, one of those new beginnings won the hard way...and its great driving music as well..." Mark Mordue, Drum Media, Australian Style
"In the age of the return of the Goddess, Peggy van Zalm shines through like the true earth-mother that she is. As the lead singer/songwriter of the former Martha''s Vineyard, we were alerted to the fact that she was an artist to watch out for. Now embarking on a solo career after a four year break from the limelight, she has emerged as one of Australia''s most enchanting musicians. Her vocals are understated yet streaming with strength. Her songs are totally captivating, reaching deep into the soul and spirit. The eleven tracks on the album cruise from folk to soul to rock, always remaining rich, satisfying and organic." The Planet