MP3 Polly Moller - Diogenes
Polly''s revolutionary hybrid style combines the avant-garde flute with spoken word, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, and electronic drums and bass - it''s something completely different.
12 MP3 Songs
SPOKEN WORD: With Music, ROCK: Psychedelic
Originally, rock poet/urban assault flutist/songwriter Polly Moller intended to call her third album "Tacit Blue", after the lead-off track. She had some blue aircraft-themed album art all picked out.
Then, in quick succession, she suffered some serious personal losses. Lots of lyrics came pouring out of Polly in 2001, relating to those traumas in her life. She wrote five new songs which transformed the album, and changed its title to "Diogenes."
(You may recall that Diogenes, the Greek Cynical philosopher, was said to travel the land by day and night holding a lit lantern, in search of an honest man. According to the legend he never found one.)
The songs cover subjects as diverse as arranged marriage, experimental aircraft, river deities, ancient philosophers, and bayou spirits.