MP3 National Opportunist Society - EscapeCharacter
The NOS brings you sounds of chaos, communism, and depressed madness rolled into an arabian-mexican trance techno rap style. Listened to by hackers and deaf people.
10 MP3 Songs
Rule the rulers
Ignore the ignorant
Save the saviors
Kill the killers
Insanity and organization
Take advantage of everything
WElcome to our lair. we ARE THE NOS.
WE''d like to get to know you.
separated speech defines
the colored words we hide behind
the music to CONTROL YOU.
open up your ears and eyes
and throw your hands into the skies
and rEACH for THINGs you never thought
YOU''d comprehend or REALIZE.
we are your path, we are your door,
to everythIng you''ve alwayS wanted,
eVERYthing you''ve truly NEEDED
but you didn''t kNOW.
Hey Diddle Diddle, cat and the fiddle.
Cow jumped over the moon, but a bit too soon,
Didn''t notice the blinding Sun behind the lunar eclipse, he tried to miss.
"Too late for the cow," said the little dog with a laugh on his face.
Dish and spoon, out of place, running a race,
A race for hope and meaning to it all.
They can''t seem to find the reason Humpty always falls,
King''s men, putting him together again,
They don''t have no friends, no soul,
But they''ve maintained an unexplained happiness like King Cole.
Fiddlers playing.
"What a good boy am I," he''s saying, Jack Horner eating his Christmas pies.
Three mice don''t have no eyes, blind,
And some freak cut off their tails despite their innocence,
But nothing makes sense.
No sense in this lame sarcastic world of Hell.
There is a divine providence that looks after fools, drunkards,
and the United States of America.
In the social production which men carry on they enter into definite
relations that are indispensable and independent of their will;
these relations of production correspond to a definite stage of
development of their material productive forces. The sum total of
these relations of production constitutes the ecoÂnomic structure
of society - the real foundation, on which arises a legal and
political superstructure and to which correspond definite forms of
social consciousness. The mode of production in material life
determines the general character of the social, political, and
spiritual processes of life. It is not the consciousÂness of men
that determines their existence, but, on the conÂtrary, their
social existence determines their consciousness.
I knew a man who
Couldn''t hold on to his dreams
And he tried the hardest he could
Like we told him he should
But he fell to the rocks.
I knew a man who
Tried to hold on to his dreams
But the World was unkind to the man -
Didn''t give him a hand -
And the people let him die.
Why can''t you realize
We''re all just thieves in disguise?
Open your hearts to the crying eyes!
Do you know a man that sits around and does nothing all day?
Do you think he''s wrong and wasting time or is it wrong to say?
Are you sure that doing nothing isn''t meaningful today?
Maybe you''re the one that''s wasting time and you should get away.
You only went to school to learn, to work in hell, and to get paid
To buy a house, to have a family that you can say you''ve made
So when you die, someone will be there to lay flowers on your grave,
But when they grow, they''ll live the same damn lives and nothing will be saved.
Just relax.
There is still a way to life
Without pain
Every person finds a light
Here on Earth
It might be subtle
But the World that grows around us fills with flowers by itself
If you just listen to it calling from the trees
It says secrets in the breeze:
That every person has a chance
To seek out where they wish to dance
At every turn at every stop
There is a place where you can shop
For all the things you''ve always wanted
All you need to do is dream... it won''t come true,
But I still think it''s fun to do.
Remember the times
When we used to make rhymes
About things that might sometime come true?
And can you recall
Running down a long hall
Playing games that we used to call new?
And in all our happiness,
With all our free time,
And under the shelter of bread, cheese, and wine,
We don''t bother to fix
The small things that are wrong
And they''ll grow into jars
Filled with unhappy songs
Till we find that there''s not enough space to get through...
What we''ve started for you:
Isn''t it pointless to try
Or to cry into rain
Like you''re adding to something again?
But you''re not
''Cause they''ve already got
All their problems.
We are the fish to fill the sea.
We have no boundaries,
And even through the deepest drops,
Even when we live despair,
We have no thought, or hope, or care,
And if we ever lose the sea,
We always have the air.
But look down in the hole through the glass
To find what you have done in the past
And please notice it''s not very full.
But keep hoping that one day
You''ll find it at last
From your heart
Through your veins
To venule.
If you fall into tunnels,
Be glad.
It''s not ever the fall that is bad,
It''s the reason for why you are there.
There''s never excuses for things in the past -
Only ways to correct what''s unfair.
Under the waves,
Among the sad flowers,
Beside all the graves,
Amidst the long hours,
Within large insurmountable streams,
Through the feelings of man and the dreams,
There are holes that will pull apart every seam
Until tears are combined into showers
Like Fire is to Sun.
And although it might feel
Like the Sun is a shield from the night,
And however you try
You must always believe that there''s good in the light,
And despite immense heat
You still think that the dark would be better to fight,
It''s the brightness where evil is done.
But apart from the Sun,
Apart from the fire that makes up the Sun
And the things that are burning inside,
And once you are Gone,
And once you are sure that you''ll always be Gone
And you feel that to run you must hide,
You learn that the warmth is still pulling you back
And there''s nothing to do to release from the track
So you give in to it, and the will that you lack
Is what causes your mind to retract and aside:
Why did we try at the start
Like a flying fish wishing to fly?
Sure, we were made to get high,
And sure, we were made to get by.
If we knew and were sure that we''d lose in the end,
Then why did we bother to try?
But can we conceive
If we fail to achieve
That people believe what they want to believe?
No matter the hopes,
And no matter the wings,
There''s a Limiting Factor to everything
And there''re Limits to even the Sky.
Welcome to the world.
Fantasize what you were like.
Everything is yours.
Never give up anytime.
Welcome to the world.
Fantasize what you were like.
Everything is yours.
Never give up anytime.
Jack and Jill
Popped a pill
Their drugged minds led them to a hill.
They see a twinkling star afar,
But they aren''t quite sure where they are.
Everything you own is mine to give.
You have no soul, no fight, but everything is right.
You just take the next step no matter where you stayed the night.
You kept on trying while everyone is dying.
You step on their heads but you sometimes still respect the dead.
The dead don''t know what you''re going through -
They have no personal experience with the current things that bother you.
You can''t just leave without a thought or hope or care for the bombs are in the air.
Welcome to the world.
Fantasize what you were like.
Everything is yours.
Never give up anytime.
Welcome to the world.
Fantasize what you were like.
Everything is yours.
Never give up anytime.
Jack and Jill
Popped a pill
Their drugged minds led them to a hill.
They see a twinkling star afar,
But they aren''t quite sure where they are.
Everything you own is mine to give.
Everything you own is mine to give.
Caption From Front CD Label:
"Surgeon General''s Warning: May cause communist beliefs and/or disease, fatigue, heart attacks, sleep disorder and death."