MP3 Moulann - Introflective
Pop with an electronic twist written by a girl whose formative years were spent listening to classical music and bad pop (as opposed to the Beatles and Radiohead), but managed to piece together a slick album.
10 MP3 Songs
POP: with Electronic Production, ELECTRONIC: Pop Crossover
Toronto singer-songwriter Moulann has struck a chord with audiences from virtually every age bracket, ethnic group and social background with her strikingly emotive voice and heartfelt music. Her debut album, Introflective (2003), has drawn outstanding feedback from supportive listeners from all over the world and sold out of its first printing with virtually no publicity.
For more information, please visit and don''t forget to watch for new material coming out in the near future!
This page used to contain a long and detailed bio, but I figured that if you wanted to read boring facts about me, a Google search would do the trick.
I''d like to tell you about the album you are about listen to:
Growing up in the suburbs, I was forced to take classical piano at age 5, and was forbidden to listen to anything but classical music until I was 15. I quit piano at 16 and realized that there existed a whole new musical world outside of Bach, Beethoven and Brahms.
Around this time, I started writing my own music, with no clear intention of becoming a musician. My pop music exposure was limited to late 90s dance music at school dances, some drum ''n bass from raving and very mainstream pop ballads from karaoke pubs.
On a whim, I decided to get something recorded. In October 2000, I had my very first recording session with producer Adam Messinger, who was soon after nominated for a Juno Award for best recording engineer. The first song we recorded was "When You Turn Away". In the next three years, I wrote a lot of songs, experimented with various pop/electronic genres and learned a great deal in my periodic spurts of recording sessions.
With a bunch of professional sounding songs but no clear intention of making an album, I decided make an album anyway - not knowing how to go about it, with what means to promote it, where to sell it, or who would even want to listen to it. I pressed my first small batch of CDs - "Introspective" - at the end of 2002. I naively thought that having a CD was the ultimate goal of anyone''s music career but quickly found that having a product is only the beginning of the long, difficult, yet rewarding process of being an independent artist.
After recording a few more tracks, I decided to replace some of the original Introspective tracks with the newer material because stylisically, they better suited the "electronic pop" sound I was going for. I re-named the re-release "Introflective" because upon reflection, I chose a collection of songs that made sense together (*cough* ... actually, we came up with the name by accident, but for the record, the name change reflects my hours of contemplation... heehee. *cough* ).
When Introflective came out in June 2003, I had barely performed in a few small showcases and open mics. However, singing live quite frequently in the past year has considerably changed my sound. Consequently, I hardly ever sing the songs you''ll find on this CD and I''ve also stopped actively promoting it at my gigs. Unexpectedly, Introflective started to sell out online to people all over the world who have never heard me live. As I type, there are only a couple of dozen copies left and very soon, the album will only be available online through digital distribution (I''ll probably never print more copies because I''m working on new material). But isn''t that ironic: music created on a computer only to end up on someone else''s computer - how''s that for a life cycle, eh?
Listening to Introflective reminds me that I could never have done it alone - from having the priviledge of working with a brilliant producer, receiving support from a number unexpected sources, and finding role models who helped me evolve as a musician - I''ve learned so much and I am incredibly grateful to each and every person who has been a part of this on-going journey.
So that''s the story of my eclectic little debut CD. I hope you enjoy listening.
Moulann ~ July 22, 2004.