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MP3 Mark Radice - Generation Why

These are my latest disasters from the year 2004, as I celebrate 40 years and 3,000+ songs later.

12 MP3 Songs
POP: Beatles-pop, ROCK: Modern Rock

Hi it''s Mark.

These are my latest kids. Or my latest, kids.

This is really long. I suggest you go to Staples, buy the rest of their blank paper and replacement ink, then print this out and then it will be like a REALLY BIG BOOKLET that goes with the CD for FREE. This CD is being simultaneously released along with a RE-release of my FIRST LP EVER, "Mark Radice" , here on CD baby.

If you STILL can''t get enough of me (and who can?) go to
http://cdbaby/com/cd/soundslikeus for me and Rich Tozzi. That one has the song Barbara Streisand recorded on it.
If you need to take a nap because the url is
too long, you can click on the
SOUNDS LIKE US button two inches down
on the left.

Ok back to this one.

"Generation Why" is a song about a Generation I have watched grow up thinking music is free. "Generation Why Pay For Music You Can Get For Free". My greatest nightmare has come true. I saw drummers get replaced by machines, a new "style" of music appear where you didn''t have to sing heck just TALK and just when I thought what could be worse?

Music itself became as easy to steal as napkins from a diner. Not that I''ve ever done that. Ahem.


* "Generation Why" - Gary Wehrkamp - Electric Guitar
* "Girls In Denial" - Gary Damanti - Acoustic Guitar

Turn Wright Studios, Delran, New Jersey

THIS IS A "HEADPHONE" KINDA RECORD. There''s so much stuff going on and swimming around from speaker to speaker in each song that if you put it on while you''re doing something else, or somebody is talking to you too much, you won''t get the full effect. Better yet, just before you go to sleep drag your stereo next to the bed, put your headphones on and drift off, and you''ll be sure to have nightmares.


Katy''s 18 an she works at the mall in the CD store
Saw a guy stuffin'' stuff in his shirt
And called security to the floor
He got arrested for lifting but he peeked her curiosity
Took a look at the CD''s he stole and she went home
after 3.

Katy''s online downloading things
From the bands in her bedroom now
Hears the music and dances and sings
It''s a breeze cuz she knows how
Made a copy for Candi and another one for Russ
Never gave it a thought about who it is or what it does

Cuz it''s

Generation Why Why Pay
For music you can get for free
Generation Why Why not, who''ll care?
All my hard work stolen
And your mouse just keeps on rollin''
Generation Why stop there?
Well it''s for you and it''s from me
But it''s not fair.

Genny got a job as a telemarketer fifty calls an hour
Has a sign on her desk that says "Persistance Equals Power"
I asked her for her home phone she said that was rude of me
She would never give that out it would invade her privacy

Then Genny went home and she got on the net
Cuz she heard some new things out
Genny IM''d her friend Suzette and sent
"Burn em now burn em now"
Shot a note to Rionna and another one to Lee
It never entered her mind that she just
Stole one more from me

Cuz she''s Generation Why

If I was a dentist
Would you get your teeth fixed for free?
If I was a doctor
Wouldn''t you pay for a remedy?
If I was a plumber wouldn''t you pay me to fix your sink?

Hey kids rock and roll Hey kids rock and roll
You know I love you all but THINK.

Copyright@Radisongs 2004

"IT WON''T BE TODAY" - One Saturday morning in March of this year I sat and watched VH1''s top twenty countdown for the week. I said to myself, "Sheesh" I said. I don''t know what Sheesh is, but I said it. Then I thought "I could write crap like this in fifteen minutes". So I did. In eleven. This is a song about the love of my life that hates me. I''m not kidding.


Snow pilin'' up outside I can''t get through to you
And even if I could you wouldn''t want me to
Baby I''ve got nothing left to lose
Half here in this obstinance I choose
"Love you...." was that really what you use to say?

Well it won''t be today
You won''t see me there
Showing up to rescue you from all that isn''t fair
Like I always dream I will, like I''ve done before
Cause I don''t want to hear that I can''t love you any more
If that''s how you feel
One day I''ll deal
But it won''t be

Tears wellin up inside I never let them win
As long as I believe we can begin again
Some days all I wanna do is die
Sleep through let another one go by
Sometimes i can still get out of my own way....

A quarter century gone by, 8,000 nights I''ve asked God why
I''d wait forever just to hear you say
"It won''t be today that you won''t see me there"

Copyright@2004 RADISONGS

"ROCKIN'' CHAIR" - Been around awhile. One of those songs I write that come out with different music...there are three "Songs" to this lyric. This is the prozac version. No I don''t take prozac. I liked the lyric so much I wrote music for it three times.


THIS IS AMERICA I started to shout
And nobody knew what I was talkin about
It''s the decade of decadence the month of the monster (October, Halloween)
I know where I stand but I still need a partner
I''m armed with a passion my leg is still hurtin
I wanna go home but she''s too busy flirtin
I''m so outta fashion I can''t leave the 60''s
I''m hoping I''ll wake up if somebody kicks me.

This rockin chair this rockin chair
This rockin chair this rockin chair
Roll over Ludwig Johnny B. Ware
I''m still not ready for the rockin chair....

TAKE me to the circus cuz it''s probably saner
Get me to the train and get me a trainer
All I wanna hear is another excuse
For Rockin round the clock
Until the springs come loose

She was a victim of health a vision of granduer
I''m sharing the wealth but I''m neck deep in slander
Flaming red hair and wearing a zebra
I told her my name she said she was a Libra.....

This Rockin Chair....this rockin chair
This Rockin Chair....this rockin chair
My foot is in, I dream of the snare
But I''m still not ready for the rockin chair...

Copyright@ 2004 RADISONGS

"MAYBE I WANT YOU" - "Watching the sun come up through a bowl"....first line of the song....a fish bowl. Sometimes I just write about whatever''s going on. I could start a song right now with the lyric "Typing up junk for CD Baby"....the second line is "Wonder if fish (the fish in the bowl) know up there''s a hole?" See? Nevermind, just print it out, put your headphones on and listen, it''s fun and silly.

Next lines: "I get these hooks that fly around in my head" (song melodies) then "If that was them then they''d most likely be dead" (The fish are "them". Hooks flying around in fish heads is often the leading cause of fish death)


Watchin the sun come up through a bowl
Wonder if fish know up there''s a hole?
I get these hooks that fly around in my head
if that was them then they''d most likely be dead
Well either way it''s out of all of our control...

Out of the blue you''re in my mail
All of a sudden I can''t fail
I said I''d never think about you again
But what else can I do with paper and pen
Except to think you up and dwell on each detail?

I Always Get What I Want
And Maybe I Want You
If I Could Only Decide
I''d Tell You I Love You
Girl you know I want to

Walk right back into us
Better to walk in front of a bus
It''s been a while I still know how to play
Fall off my bike get right back up on my way
These are the matters you''re unwilling to discuss....(lol)

How Does It Feel After All These Years
To Look Back On Your Life And See All Your Tears
Were Not Anything More Than A Waste Of Time
Not Deciding.
So Decide Right Now If You
Want Me To Decide If I Love You. (damn it)

Copyright@ 2004 RADISONGS

"GIRLS IN DENIAL" - Everybody knows ''em. I personally can tell that any time a girl says "my boyfriend" twice within the same minute, she''s there. Some girls are so stuck on their boyfriends that they forgot who THEY are, and when that happens? It''s a sure bet he''s long, long gone I promise.


I''m aware that as I write this
Half the World won''t like this song.....
And I''m sure that when they listen to it carefully
They''ll decide that every word I say is wrong

After all their love is TRUE love (true love)
Who am I to change their mind?
How can something so enchanting and unbreakable
Ever wind up being deaf and dumb and blind?

What can I do?
Girl''s in denial and I''m not getting through
Nothing is questionable everything''s true
Girls in denial
Here are some sweet pretty lies for you :)

She''s still callin'' him her "boyfriend".... he''s been gone for half a year
If anyone begins suggesting the unthinkable
Any sense goes in and out her other ear
Says he''s so glad that she called him and he''d love to see her soon
But he won''t mention anything at all that isn''t general
Till he figures out just who he''s talking to

But what can he do?
Girl''s in Denial and he''s not getting through
Just like a child talks to a doll
Tell them the truth and they''ll just smile
And deny it all.....

And there''s a part of me that wants to cling to happiness
When reality is better not to second guess....
I''ll make the most of what I need just to survive
And if it means I have to keep you close enough to my dreams
To keep our love alive....

I''m still callin'' you my girlfriend
You''ve been gone for half my life
If you insist on living with that man and rasing that kid
How can you expect to ever be my Wife?

Guess It''s time to put my foot down
You had best come home today
I''m getting tired of waiting around
For you to make up your mind
The fact is I won''t see it any other way

But what can I do?
Girl''s in denial and I''m not getting through
Just like a child talks to a doll
Tell her the truth and she''ll just smile
And deny it all....
Nothing is questionable everything''s true
Girls in denial?
Here are some sweet pretty lies for you. :)
Copyright@ 2004 RADISONGS

"BANG ZOOM" -- I was with a band called "THE NORTONS" for a while. Whatta buncha fungis (fun guys) We all looked like Ed Norton, white t-shirt, vest, fedora, Halloween every show. Once they realised the girls LOVED them they all got new girlfriends with one small problem. They were all married. Anyway, I wrote this song for us to play when I was with them, kind of a theme song, except the band members all thought they were songwriters too (who doesn''t) so they wanted to "change it", but it didn''t really matter in the end cause the whole thing blew apart once all the divorce papers came in. Bang Zoom alright.


I saw my life in pictures they were all in black and white
But look at these new colors that I''ve found
I thought I was struck by lightining but it turned out to be.... light
Now I''m trying to keep my feet on solid ground....

Bang! Zoom! Into my heart you ran
Bang! Zoom! Into my heart you ran
Didn''t think it could happen so soon
But you sent me straight to the moon

Now it''s all I can do to catch my breath
Give me more of you or give me death
You knocked me right outta the room (did I say "womb"? Not goin there....you decide)
Here you are bang zoom.

I searched the sky for an answer but the weather wasn''t right
Didn''t know you''d come and make your sweet love ours
There''s no more sad in the mirror never seen a clearer night
And it''s you I want to fly with to the stars :)

Bangbang Zoomzoom

Bang Zoom into my heart you
Bang Zoom into my heart you
Bang Zoom
Into my heart you ran.


"ANONYMOUSLY" My friend Warren Ryker (grammy award winning engineer for the Fugis), called me and said the next Santana project was coming up and he was engineering it and they were looking for songs. So I wrote this one. I seriously doubt Carlos ever heard it, and if he did he didn''t pay any attention cause how many submissions did he get. Oh well, I like it.


You look stunning in black
I can see there''s gonna be no turning back
She left me all alone
So now it''s me heading for your dangerous
Tone of voice like honey when you slide away
And I hear you say come back to me and stay
You say come back to me and stay.....

It''s just one two three is all it takes
For us to make our best mistakes
I wish I knew what it was in me
That gives you my love anonymously it''s
One two three that''s all it takes
For us to make our best mistakes
I wish I knew what it was in me
That gives you my love anonymously

Hush little baby don''t you cry
Daddy gonna come up with an alibi
We know you''re not alone
And the only one that doesn''t is the one that''s
On the phone with your voice like honey
When you slide away and I hear you over my shoulder
Saying stay please slay I hear you saying stay

Copyright @RADISONGS 2004

"YOU''RE MAKING ME VIVALDI" - I got a call from a friend of mine, Tom Casey, in Florida,, when I was currently on a tour bus rented from the Dixie Chicks and I was in a country band with somebody named James Curtis Taylor Wendall Nelson or something and he goes "you HAVE to check this Disney gig out".

By the way, my two country CD''s should be out sometime next year. When I do country my name is Luke. Luke Warm. Featuring "I Owe It All To You (The Divorce Song)", "Did I Get That In Your Eye? (The Tear Song)", "Let''s Do It Again But Different", and "No Interest For Twelve Months (The Restraining Order Song)"

So when I got off the tour I went to visit Tom, and there he was, with this kinda Captain Crunch hat and a Zorro cape and a white mask on and I was like "No way could I do this" Then I did. Disney requires that you HAVE to read music, but Tom knew me better and gave me a CD that night to audition with. The next morning I "auditioned" for the job, but I had already learned all the Vivaldi crap on the CD the night before. Took about an hour. Then I showed up at the audition and pretended to be reading the stuff (what IS that stuff?) and was hired on the spot. Coincidentally, my sister sent me this really silly book called "Dancing With Cats" the very same day, and though the "interviewers", or whatever you call them, thought I was reading this Vivaldi junk, I was actually turning pages of the book my sister just sent me.


I got a job working in the park for a hundred bucks a day
It wasn''t bad, but classical was all
That they wanted me to play

They said I had to read the music
I brought a book of people dancing with their cats
And when I took a look around me
All I could see were scary masks and silly hats

At first I thought this might be
A fun and easy wasy to make to money
Six times a day till outta nowhere
I began to notice something funny

I couldn''t seem to stop the music
It just kept goin round and round inside my head
I started getting really nervous
When I tried to play the radio instead

Every single station had the same exact thing on it
I kept on pushin buttons cuz ya know I didn''t wawnit
Now I sit here crying cause I hear it every minute
Even my OJ has bits of pizzicato in it

I wanna scream and I wanna run away
Cuz yer makin me Vivaldi
I have to go hey I''d really love to stay
But it''s making me Vivaldi
I''m feelin sick and I can''t come out and play
Cuz yer makin me Vivaldi

Copyright @2004 RADISONGS


I was working with the Muppets alot (12 songs in one week), when I got a call from someone I use to lovingly refer to as MOM MUPPET and one Monday morning when I was suppose to go in and work with Jim (Henson) she said "Mark? Jim passed away".


I was with him three days before in New York working on a song for French speaking cockroaches.

It''s hard to write this part, except to say, this song is for you Jim. I wrote it the day I heard you left. We all miss you. The WORLD misses you, the World''s greatest babysitter. But knowing you I know you know that.


Somewhere there''s a place where love is always new
I would like to find it and then share it with you
It''s just something I''ve been seeing in my mind

Maybe I''ve been pushing you a little hard
Take into your heart I was a little scarred
When you told me if you only had the time...

Cause either this is where we get our second chance
Or we will walk away without a second glance
I will hold on I will go on
I know the hands will never stop
I understand it''s just a clock, it''s just a clock...

I can still remember was it so long ago?
We were gonna take forever nice and slow
Did you know me, can you show me one more time?

Must we touch the fire when we know we''ll burn
Do we have to lie until the truth returns
I will hold on I will go on
I know the hands will never stop
I understand it''s just a clock

Somewhere there''s a place where love is always new
Somewhere there''s a face that I can look into
That won''t be on a clock....

Copyright @2004 RADISONGS

"CATCH 22" - wrote this at Jack Wright''s house one afternoon. He''s the guy responsible for the way this all sounds. He has painstakingly (SONAR? I think?) put up with me for the last two years while we have created this whatever it is. His Wife Sara (gotta love her who wouldn''t) still doesn''t know that the only time she has to be "quiet" is when we''re using a microphone. Then there''s times she''s making spaghetti or some kinda dead chicken and you can actually hear things frying on some of the vocal tracks. I''m a vegetarian. Things shouldn''t fry. Unless it''s like a tomato. But that''s only my opinion. Eat whatcha want.

Anyway "Catch 22" ----Makes me feel like Eric Clapton forgot to write a song and channeled it through me for the hell of it. Whatever, ya know? Plus I suck at guitar WAY more than Eric does.

CATCH 22 (What An Original Title) Radice

I''m tired of livin'' out this life all alone (I am not)
At least I think I do so come on back home (past/present problem here? shut up)
We''ve got our share of troubles everyone does
And we were crazy back there everyone was

I know that right here is where I belong (where???)
I''m giving you the chance to admit I was wrong
(now I''m really confused on purpose)
This game of silence you''ve elected to use
Is golden till it''s broken and the first one will lose
(That old give and take in relationships. Care? You''re vulnerable. Don''t care? Your partner can''t get enough of you. Catch 22)


Copyright@ 2004 RADISONGS

"BERNADETTE"- A lost love I never gained. Two ships that passed out in the night.

This was so easy to write, because it reminded me of the days when I first started, and I was just enamored by all the cool chords and ideas the Beatles had and how every song was so different in style from the next, even though it was so obviously them the second they hit the radio.


Seagulls laughing they know I''m a fool for you
Soon they will fly out of my view
Why would they stay? What would they do?
I never change a thing I have no wings
But some dreams do come true....

I can see you walking along the sand
Lonely as me not knowing why
Someone you love just says goodbye
I''ve never been the one to turn you on
And that''s just nothing new....

Bernadette you''re fine tonight
As long as you''re not mine tonight
But how high would I have to climb
Till I could reach back in time
And start again?

How''d this happen?
The clown in the backwards hat
looks back and says----

"Mirrors don''t lie. Don''t say hello
when young girls walk by
Don''t ever stare too long you just regret
Heartache is all you get."

Half our lives we''ve lived alone
Pretending to be free.
And half my life I''ve wanted you
To spend your life with me.

Bernadette you''re symphony
Is everywhere surrounding me.

But how high would I have to climb
Till I could reach back in time?
Till I convinced you that I''m the one for you?

I''m the one for you.

Copyright@ 2004 RADISONGS

"EATING MY GUITAR" - Tell us about it Mark. (Who said that) what am I David Lee Radice? God I hope not.

OK I was in Florida (I tend to go there when New Jersey''s weather turns out to be the equivalent of living INSIDE your FREEZER) and in 1994 I ran completely out of money. Totally. Like not even change. Like no milk. Like wondering how the fuzz on the rug would taste if I pretended it was cotton candy, which isn''t really food anyway.

So I did it. I sold my Les Paul. For like $150 at a pawn shop. Here I was, 3000 songs later, and all I wanted was like a....a....cracker or something, an apple, maybe a noodle. Maybe four noddles. What''s a noddle? Something.

Then I went to the store. And binged. We''re talking BREAD, CHEESE, SPINACH (this is how I splurge) and went home and wrote this song, and literally as the song says "I borrowed this guitar just to play this song" (I''ve been informed by my friend Sean Heany in Florida, that it was Mike Cavanaugh''s guitar.)


When I first started I had so many dreams
Of fame and fortune and adoring screams
I wasn''t going anywhere but up
Ready for that so called "long haul" baby
I could hold on till then

The years kept rolling by and so did the gigs
Without an offer from the industry pigs
Oh sure they always said "It sounds great son,
We''d like to hear some more ! " and I just told them
"Hey, then play it again ! ".

A couple decades later here I sit
I think today I''ll finally write that hit
I''ll give it one more week and then I quit
Even though I sold the Les Paul this morning
For grocery money...that''s when it occurred to me

I''m Eating My Guitar how does it taste?
The money from the pawn hasn''t gone to waste
Lettuce pickles cheese but no A''s or E''s
Who''da thought that I''d sell the seven C''s

I''m Eating My Guitar, well so to speak
And the bass ain''t gonna be dinner for at least a week
Eating my guitar sold it for food
Cause one of us was bound to become unglued
I''m Eating My Guitar......

I''ve always been an artist first and foremost
I wonder what I can create with this toast
And later on I got a steak if I wish
Though Mrs. Gorton''s has supplied me with fish
So I gotta smile

No really I''m just fine in fact I feel great
The piano looks a little nervous of late
And I don''t think that I''ll be needing the car
With nothing booked I won''t be traveling far
At least for a while

Hey I know it''s only just a matter of time
This ain''t no turkey it''s a name I''m carving
Does this Corona go with lemon or lime?
Hey you know what I am still a musician
And I''m not starving no I''m not starving, why?

How does it taste?
The money from the pawn hasn''t gone to waste
Lettuce pickles cheese but no A''s or E''s
Who''da thought that I''d sell the seven C''s

I''m eating my guitar right now it''s a grape
And it''s not completely gone cause it''s still on tape
I''m eating my guitar nothing is wrong
I''m borrowing a friend''s just to play this song

I''m eating my guitar it''s right over here
It''s quiet as a mouse and it''s perfectly clear
I''m feeding my guitar right now to the birds
And I wonder just how long till I eat my words?

I''m Eating My Guitar.

Copyright @2004 RADISONGS

In the end of the song I have, on trumpet, SEVEN VERY FAMILIAR SONGS can YOU pick them out? They are, in order:
"Look Away Dixieland", "Somewhere Over The Rainbow", "The Munsters", "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "Beethoven''s Ninth", "The Bradey Bunch", and "Popeye".

Which leads me back to the front. Songwriters and artists have to eat too ya know. Ya buy it and I can live like you do. Ya copy it? Then you''re stealing it and I''m Eating My Guitar.

Thanks for listening - Radice

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