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MP3 Marco Assante - TeleMarco
Comedy, Telemarketing Calls
11 MP3 Songs
Story Of TeleMarco
I had some friends over for a barbecue. Good food, good drinks and good company. Then my telephone began to ring. Not one phone call, not two phone calls, but three phone calls in one hour from our least favorite people on the planet.....TELEMARKETERS. They each had something different to offer me, one a new mortgage, another new windows for my home and the final call was from a young man offering me a new credit card. After terrorizing each caller with ridiculous requests and fictional accounts of my out of control personal life, my barbecue had turned into a comedy routine and my friends were laughing their asses off.
From that day forward I have tape recorded various telemarketers and have created a C.D. of the best calls. My friends and family have enjoyed the C.D. and now I want to share it with you. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for your support and take care.
Marco Assante
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