MP3 The Marvins - The Demos
An eclectic duo alternating between vocals, guitar and any other instrument they can lay their hands on, they are noted for a wide variety of influences including folk, reggae, country, rock and pop.
13 MP3 Songs in this album (49:05) !
Related styles: POP: Folky Pop, COUNTRY: Alt-Country
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What it comes down to with The Marvins, plain and simple, is friends and music.
Peter LeClair and Carmen Paradise are the heart of this project, which also includes a steady and rotating slew of musicians including, but not limited to, Keith May, Sam Rice, and Steve Stetson.
The Marvins are songwriters, storytellers, philosophers, jokers, lovers, and entertainers. Trying to put a generalize their music is like trying to decide on One favorite Album of all time. Its hard. there''s just to much music out there to pick one. Thats exactly how The Marvins feel, bouncing from one genre to the next is what makes them feel right, a lil pop, a lil country, throw some rock and rap, alllllright, everything with a Marvin twist.