MP3 Elijah B Torn - You Are Lucky I Am Not a Vigilante
sonic-vigilante, boombastic bass-blipping, live-looping, electronic sonic assault. dinosaurs, analog synths, chicken nuggets and spring reverbs.
9 MP3 Songs in this album (50:24) !
Related styles: ELECTRONIC: IDM, ELECTRONIC: Glitch
People who are interested in Aphex Twin Squarepusher Prefuse 73 should consider this download.
Elijah B Torn is a sonic-vigilante, boombastic bass-blipping, live-looping, hand-wired light show-providing and an electronic sonic assault.
Born with looping device in-hand, Torn has been creating electronic music for well over fifteen years. He brings an unquantized approach to his live electronic performance while adding some much needed grit to the sometimes sterile electronic music world. He plays electric bass and guitar, which are used as the centerpieces for creating fresh textures & sounds. However no sound is safe. From cassette tapes to field recordings, Torn uses them all to create his signature electronic sound which has been heard on KCRW''s Morning Becomes Eclectic and WNYC''s New Sounds. This is his second album "You are Lucky I am Not a Vigilante"
He is frequently spotted riding the NYC public transportation with a midi-controlled dinosaur or dumpster diving for RAM. He also loves your new haircut.