Sold by copperscorpions on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,279,943 satisfied buyers
A DEFINITIVE GUIDE to membership sites
People are willing to pay for online content. In fact, the "Online Publishers Association" said that pay-for content is emerging as a hot revenue model. Business content, personals/match making, and entertainment are the hottest niches. But even smaller niches, like DVD authoring, sports coaching, marketing services, and dieting are producing profits.
You can sell subscriptions for online content with your own membership site? Selling online content by way of a password protected website has become big business. Not only is it fast to set up, but the start-up and running costs are minimal. Work from home entrepreneurs and big businesses alike are tapping into this new-found revenue source.
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This file is sold by copperscorpions, an independent seller on Tradebit.