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MP3 Kidameln - The Kidameln Lo-fi

"...Like an upbeat Seattle grunge band, with all the darkness you love without the attitude that killed the genre, Kidameln fuses contributions from band members in different locales to produce one of the most notable collaborations witnessed lately..." -

9 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Roots Rock, ROCK: Folk Rock

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Links, then reviews below.

Wazman Ferrari [kidameln] is working on a solo album project slated for a new year release on Powertool Records.


Expect a new Phonoss album DEAD SLOW FOR HELL in the coming weeks.

Meanwhile the debut is available at CD Baby.

Phonoss is a side project that has seeped out of the depths of Stoner Rock, creating lo fi chunky raw textures with somewhat alt-folk tendencies. Not one of the songs on the debut mini album ELIMINATOR sounds conventional in arrangement, but all possess great hooks. ELIMINATOR is out, and available at CD Baby!

Check it out at: https://www.tradebit.com


Daniel Gannaway''s latest album is out!

SUMMER STORM | a collection of ukelele ditties

Check it out at: https://www.tradebit.com

Featuring Michael Brennan [kidameln/phonoss] on bass & Stan Leboy [kidameln/theNOWawol].

AllAboutSurf gave Daniel''s last release ''darling on year'' a huge review:

"...A perfect blend of lyrics, emotion and rhythm...If your looking for some refreshing new music for the soul, I whole-heartedly recommend darling one year as a must have for your collection." - https://www.tradebit.com




"...Down to earth and laid back, it has none of the musical tension of trying too hard or the injection of false emotions. Suburban folky and bohemian chic, it [darling one year] ties up agreeably layered and distorted vocals into an angst-ridden, quirky pop as catchy as The Strokes but easily as mysteriously engaging as James Keenan Maynard..." - https://www.tradebit.com

Albums by Daniel Gannaway:
Album 5 - 2004 - darling one year
Album 4 - 2001 - Bound and Suburban
Album 3 - 2000 - Bootlegged at the Temple
Album 2 - 1999 - flashback*
Album 1 - 1998 - Fine by me

+ kidameln
Album 1 - the kidameln lo-fi


the kidameln lo-fi is an eclectic and cool album from way out there on the indie prairie. It evokes a rich mix of alternate rock and hard pop with some very mellow twinkly quiet moments sprinkled in between.

kidameln''s debut album delivers a lot in a seemingly short half hour. It''s got an incredible variety of flavors over the 9 songs, all warmly delivered with great feeling in that indie diy home demo style. There is an obvious meshing together of diverse influences. After the first listen I could hear evidence of Dinosaur Jr, the Smashing Pumpkins, and even Concorde Dawn, but then when I looked at the artwork I was surprised to find a New Model Army logo in the collage inside, so go figure.

There''s no definition of who does what, which is kind of cool, but the art at least reveals who kidameln are. Michael Brennan [Seven dials/ Hussman/ the Feds/ and soon to be released solo project Phonoss], Warren Lawson [Pottery/ Puppichuk/ the Feds], Daniel Gannaway [Daniel Gannaway] and [the Now Awol] Stan Leboy.

Apparently the kidameln lo-fi is a bunch of sketches, and if that''s the case, I can''t imagine what they''d have done if given the time and more resources. Sometimes though limitation creates beauty and I think this is the case here.

Ratchet 4 Drill

Out now on truly independent


> Review @ https://www.tradebit.com

For txt only version read below. For the full images/interactive version go to:


the kidameln lo-fi
Photos and music courtesy of kidameln
by Steve Ackerman

A few weeks ago, my friend, Daniel Gannaway sent me out a new collaboration he had been working on. He asked me to take a look at it and let him know what I thought. I recently reviewed his album, darling one year, released last October. It was outstanding. You could just feel the energy and emotion that Daniel had put into each and every one of those tunes. After getting to know Daniel for awhile, I have learned that he pours his heart and soul into every one of his projects. I knew it would be awesome before I even opened the envelope... And the kidameln lo-fi is just that.

Simply put, the album is a collaboration between a few extremely talented musicians doing what it is that they do best. The collective of pool of talent, combined with a diverse set of influences and unique styles provide us with a very flavorful musical experience. The energy, the emotion, the passion that this motley group of performers pour into thier album comes showering down on you with each and every note. They are not about producing an agressive barrage of sound waves just to rattle windows. The music is more about a comforting, rythmic blend of inspiration and instrumentation that ought to be savored, by yourself, your love or in the company of good friends.

The kidameln players are, as stated in the press release and on the website; "There''s no definition of who does what, which is kind of cool, but the art at least reveals who kidameln are. Michael Brennan [Seven dials/ Hussman/ the Feds/ and soon to be released solo project Phonoss], Warren Lawson [Pottery/ Puppichuk/ the Feds], Daniel Gannaway [Daniel Gannaway] and [the Now Awol] Stan Leboy."

My only objection to the kidameln lo-fi is; after listening to it, it just ends... And I am ready to hear more... Atleast another hour or three would just about do it... I am definitely ready to hear more from these guys and I think you will too.

Here is a sort of conversation with the band:

MB=Michael Brennan [UK]
WL=Warren Lawson [NZ]
DG=Daniel Gannaway [US]

AllInTune - So when did you guys meet?

MB - I met the Wazman Ferrari [Warren Lawson] in Tauranga in the early 90''s. He used to come along and support a band I was playing in at the time - 7 Dials. and his good friend Mike played in a band called ''Prod'' that played with the Dials regularly. When the Dials split I didn''t play much music until the late 90''s when I formed Hussman. We needed t-shirts and stickers made, The Waz was living in Auckland. I found out through our drummer, so we hooked up again and then when I formed the Feds, we needed a monster guitar player... The Wazman! I met Daniel on a ferry to the city through a friend who worked at the local wine shop. Turned out my next door neighbour was Daniel''s uncle, so seeing we had so many of the same interests we''ve hung out ever since. Must have been 2000.

WL - I first meet Daniel through Michael for about 5 seconds just before he left for overseas. Then I worked on the feds ep with Michael, and loved the experience of recording and thought man, I want to do more of dis! When Daniel got back, I had been listening to Bound and Suburban, got to know him better. We jammed some tunes and it just was too easy writing tunes with him and Michael.

DG - I was looking for a bass player & friend told me Michael lived nearby, and he had a band Hussman, and I went to see a show. And then he played a couple of small acoustic sets of my stuff. We tore that stuff up, rearranged and played with percussion. That was fun. And then I think... I was gone a while.

I met Warren through Michael & since being back in NZ. This last time we all jammed a couple of times and songs started appearing immediately, so it was really cool. And he''s really quiet & humble for such a monsta guitar playa!

MB - When Daniel left NZ and put out Bound and Suburban [2001], and while he was away I formed ''the Feds'' [https://www.tradebit.com] with Warren, and we were playing out a lot and writing a ton of rock/stoner rock material.

DG - Rawk! Michael dropped me the ridin lo EP when he recorded for me in London on darling one year. I love that EP. It''s my personal opinion that it would be sick if they can put out a Feds album this year. Sooooo many good rocking heavy songs.

WL - Thankyou and I most certainly agree. We got to get something out. There''s some fat riffs in those songs that I''m very proud of.

DG - I had that EP on repeat, I think it melted in the cd drive!

MB - That EP is at Powertool [https://www.tradebit.com].

AllInTune - Where does the kidameln sound come from? What are your influences?

DG - Mine are just about all I''ve heard, including everyone involved in kidameln, because it leads me off on a new tangent when we jam. Writing different, playing different, singing differently over their ideas. I think we just thought between us all it would be interesting, and it is.

WL - eeeekkk hard to say I look at music more like a picture more than sound lotsa visual things inspire me, my range probably is from Tori Amos(shes huge musicly) through to the Cult (my faves), Prong, Kyuss, Alice in chains, some Sabbath and Zeppelin and AC DC, more their originality and innovation, Shihad, Zakk Wylde, Korn, Pantera, 7 dials (everyones playing and writing in that band is HUUUGGEE!! Blows my mind, bein a guitar guy I learnt heaps from Stu''s [Hussman] playing which I still draw upon every now and then 10 years later.....legends) mostly heavy stuff I s''pose (metaller at heart arnt I gggrrrrr) or where I here the most passion coming from even motown stuff and some hip hop (not radio stuff though) I could just go on an on... (come to think of it kida sounds nothing like my influences ha ha) bla bla bla but writing with Michael and Daniel things have evolved even more influence wise, riffs that Ive done that arnt much to talk about turn into little pop dittys (yeeyaah).

MB - My influences are all over the show. At the moment I''m reading agreat book I was given for Xmas on the whole "Dark Rock/Goth" music scene. This was a huge influence on me when I was at high school. I started out listening to punk, which led me more towards The Jam, Clash etc. Sisters of Mercy really changed what I listened to, Fields of The Nephilim, The Lorries etc, but all the while still listening to the Jam and my all time Fav band New Model Army( who I saw at the Astoria just before Xmas). I''m also a huge Cult fan which continued on through all the different musical tastes. When I left high school I joined a speed metal band (Ultimate) playing bass, and spent my 90''s listening to speed metal, all the fantastic grunge bands and really got into stoner rock - Kyuss, Queens of the Stone Age, Unida etc. Now I''m pretty much listening to the same stuff, every so often pulling out some old funk albums (wicked bass players) or some punk/goth stuff to keep the influences as all over the show as they''ve always been. What we do in Kidameln really is what happens when we all get together. There''s no plan to sound like anything or anyone so its great, it''s just us.

AllInTune - How did you guys record?

DG - The way P Dogs [Michael''s cat] tells it is that we just took over her house for a week.

MB - 2 weeks of noise and instruments, and people sleeping on her couch and floor... But the process was quick, especially after talking about it for so long. We''d jam, and then put it down, work out lyrics, lead lines, everything on the fly.

WL - At the "Greek Consulate Studios" ha! ha! [Michael''s lounge] ...Each of us had the threads of ideas for songs & it happened really quickly. Recording to Michael''s old 4 track, or through Daniel''s little PXR4 into the computer, sometimes we were all doing parts of different songs at the same time. Chaos! You can see it in some off the art pics, music gear everywhere. Michael soundproofed a broom cupboard for some of the vocals, some in bathroom... the coolest thing was no speakers were used, now thats lo fi... no wait... maybe we did mike some gat parts... crazy, ...apart from headphones... of course. But that could have been me dreaming, I cant remember as I was half asleep at the time ha! ha! Sometimes frustrating for Daniel and Michael putting up with my 50 takes "sorry guys can I try again" ha! ha! Michael and Daniel are one take wonders (tinny buggers). Really we probably could have done two albums worth, but ran out of time. They did most of the production labour, specially Daniel, what a machine. So you might want to ask them...good night...ZZzzzz. Sorry P Dogs, 4 stealing your couch... Guys careful not to spill my milo...

DG - I think it was a pressured but real spontaneous way of creating it. We just lived in Michael''s ''living'' room & went at creating something. We''d talked about making an album of songs for the year since I got back from Europe, but the timing was never right. Finally, with us all going in different directions we just had to do it. I think we all felt like otherwise these ideas & songs we''d been each creating, with this album idea in mind, would be wasted. The cool thing is we''ve probably got another albums worth of sketches through making the kidameln lo-fi.

MB - I think the living room was perfect. We should make it a rule for kidameln projects. Choose a different location next time, like Waiwera. Maybe actually upgrade and use some modern music software like Pro Tools.

WL - I think we used the first version of Acid... It''s ancient.

DG - Stan got the most digital on us, trying to put little hidden sounds & stuff. We placed tough limits on him though.

WL - "Dont get all sonic on us, just keep it real, real simple..."

DG - It sort of became the inspiration for the title, everything was so lo-fi, and the digital was ancient digital. It was try-hard digital ha! ha! So the album became the kidameln lo-fi.

AllInTune - Are there any other projects that you guys are working on?

DG - Actually, yeah, we''d really like to draw attention to ''Reconstruction'', an album to raise money for the Red Cross South Asia Tsunami Appeal. This is really relevant considering how great the tragedy was and how much ongoing suffering there is. We really hope people will support the album and in turn the Red Cross and the people of South Asia.

The Reconstruction album is 75 minutes long, featuring 21 unsigned New Zealand independent bands/artists. All the profits are donated to charity and anyone supporting the album would be sampling an awesome cross section of kiwi indie music. We feel it''s a way for us to put our music to good use. We donated the super mellow song ''Hey ho [and away we go]'' as the songs lyrics were inspired in part by that island hopping sailboat idea.

The driving force behind Reconstruction was kiwi songwriter and artist Jooles Clements. He put his idea out, and a truck load of bands responded. He then selected those now on the album. All the bands involved donated a song for the album and then also shared the cd production costs. Sponsors have also helped along with lawyers doing pro bono work to register reconstruction as a charitable trust.

A lot of people have come together to make it happen and ultimately there is the hope that Reconstruction will become an annual event. I guess I''m saying ''Support it!'' by visiting https://www.tradebit.com.

The Reconstruction Track Listing

Papapounamu - Karen Clarke

Ex-change - Abstract Thought

By My Side - Redmore

The Enemy Within - Ishtar

Powertrip - Agent

Chubb - Quarter2

And I - Ruptus Jack

Leaving - Gods of Nothing

Talk - Alex Smart

Independent Woman - Fuser

Ridin'' Lo - The Feds

Carousel - Miscreant

Used to Heaven - Out of Order

Sleepless - Lunaspark

The Weekend Song - The Tom Bosley Experience

Tapestry - Simple Simon

Flawless - Carolyn O''Neill

Hey Ho [and away we go] - Kidameln

Only for Thee - Cajz

So Fine - Blair Giles Band

Pitchblack - Jooles

AllInTune - That sounds like a wonderful project you have going, and for such an important cause. That is an amazing collection of artists kidamaln has collaberated with on this project. The album was released to raise money especially for the Red Cross South Asia Tsunami Appeal (https://www.tradebit.com).

While some of the artists I am familiar with, there are a few that I am not. I really can''t wait to get my copy of the album so I can support a great cause too... Remember, all the profits from the sale of the album will be donated to charity and you will have done your part by supporting some great kiwi music.

And now we''d like to send out a huge thanks to all of the members of kidameln for sharing their thoughts and talents with us and for helping us out with this article. Be sure to check out their album for yourself at CD Baby or at their website, https://www.tradebit.com. And be sure to visit Daniel Gannaway at his website, Michael Brennan at https://www.tradebit.com and Warren Lawson at https://www.tradebit.com.


> Review @ https://www.tradebit.com

Reviews: Kidameln ~ The Kidameln Lo-fi
Posted on Saturday, March 05, 2005 @ 10:00:32 EST
Topic: Reviews
Artist: Kidameln
CD: The Kidameln Lo-Fi
Home: New Zealand and Others

Style: Laid-back Poignant Radiohead Surfer Grunge

Quote: "Remote vocals layered over acoustic guitar plunged into a subterranean pool of bass."

By Genevieve Will

Like an upbeat Seattle grunge band, with all the darkness you love without the attitude that killed the genre, Kidameln fuses contributions from band members in different locales to produce one of the most notable collaborations witnessed lately. Evidenced by depth of instrumentation powered by an unusual vibe, Kidameln possesses a strange cohesion, driven to the even stranger by the sheer distance between band members. Remote vocals layered over acoustic guitar plunged into a subterranean pool of bass make for a release unlike most, and with a name like the Kidameln Lo-Fi, this album stretches the lip of the genre melting pot.

Although the particular roles of Kidameln''s members remain somewhat hazy, the smoke sometimes drifts enough that at least their names can be seen: Michael Brennan, Warren Lawson, Daniel Gannaway and Stan Leboy. Based on his solo release, the isolated vocals definitely belong to Gannaway, but the rest I can do no justice. Can I just say, nice percussion? Despite the mystery, it''s evident these four have a certain solidarity that not only allows them to join forces from a distance but also transmit that crucial harmony into their music for the same laissez-faire flow one usually attributes to a far quieter sound.

While the kida lyrics generally make a solid stamp on the mind, many of the choruses remain a bit repetitive and mildly weak. Complex in instrumentation, vocals, and much of actual lyrics, the Kidameln Lo-Fi seems simply to have grown tired of too much life on the beach when it comes to choruses like "I''m in love with her." Songwriters know better than that. Faintly over-literal, not unlike some others.
Furthermore, it pains me to the innards of my gut that lines like this surface on the same album as both "won''t be a blinded sheep or compromise my soul," and "like a storm in a tea cup night after night." While writing catchy pop, keep it uniform. But don''t steal lines from Ashlee Simpson and sidle them up next to good old-fashioned songwriting. Clearly, I hope, it''s obvious Kidameln can write; the injections of lyrical sucrose dwell problematically only because the rest of the album is wholly nutritious.

Particularly dark, "[Make My Breath] Sour" confirms not only that these boys can string a few decent words together, but also that they know a bit more than acoustic guitar ... like hard-core rock-out electric-chic. A favorite of mine, "[You''re] Just a Loudmouth" features nicely hard-hitting beats, and a simultaneously upbeat but dark feel.


> Lyrics below:

Track 01 - hysteria [tribute to haruki]

day after day you watch the sunrise
east to west across the sky
finally one day something breaks inside you and dies

you bow your head with something akin
to an emptiness and then you begin
the walk towards the land west of the sun

hysteria siberiana

nothing to the north south east or west
nothing but the tundra and your onward steps
possessed like this you''ll walk yourself to a lonely death

hysteria siberiana

Music & Lyrics by kidameln © 2004


Track 02 - one day

today i wish, i could pull over
step off and wait for this to roll over
but nothing ever works so easy
my minds playing tricks, attempting to please me
what if i could just step off and wait
let the world roll on a bit, step off today
rejoin the rat-race later in time
sit back and listen to whats on my mind

one day, today i''ll listen
hold out my hand for something that glistens
a light in the dark to show me whats missing
one day i know, one day i''ll listen

someone is right, i cant say who is
my eyes are all blurry, mishaping my vision
i''ll stay off the road while my head is still baking
been spending my night-times alone, awake, shaking
it should be so clear my eyes blind their not seeing
everythings racing, my breath wont stop seething
to and fro like a ship on the night
like a storm in a tea cup night after night

one day, today i''ll listen
hold out my hand for something that glistens
a light in the dark to show me whats missing
one day i know, one day i''ll listen

Music & Lyrics by kidameln © 2004


Track 03 - i''m in [love with her]

oh my god i can''t believe this girl
she got me spinning around don''t you
doubt what i say ''cause it''s true
why don''t you read my lips ''cause

i''m in
i''m in love with her

you all said
oh you''re gonna get bored with her
why don''t you just leave her alone
come on look elsewhere and move on
well read my lips ''cause

i''m in
i''m in love with her

everyone around this town
they filled her with doubt
they filled her with doubt
everyone around this town
they filled her with doubt
over my character

well now i''ve gone and proved you wrong
i got serious about a girl
see there''s a ring and you hear that bell
it''s chiming aloud ''cause

i''m in
i''m in love with her

Music & Lyrics by kidameln © 2004


Track 04 - [make my breath] sour

a thousand eyes, i cannot follow
a thousand tongues, words i cannot swallow
i sit and wonder if these words are meant for me
hollowness, intentfullness surrounding me
i can see how wars won and lost
seeing the generations, bare the catastroph
all these time travellers lost in space
lost in our existance in this unstoppable race

for one small minute, maybe one hour
so far from what i know, make my breath sour

the road seems long, this forgotten place
touching on the edge of this unstoppable race
stay awake see whats in this night
only recognise a power stations lights
i can see how someone could be lost
dissappear forever like a print in the frost
riding on a wave spreading over this land
maybe this can make for a far better man

Music & Lyrics by kidameln © 2004


Track 05 - [you''re gonna] see me smiling

today ain''t been such a good one
today ain''t seen me at my best

tomorrow is where i''m blindly heading
tomorrow is where you will see

see me smiling

today sees me looking upwards
today sees me full of hope

tomorrow is where i''m blindly heading
tomorrow is where you will see

see me smiling

come on get up now
head out the door

Music & Lyrics by kidameln © 2004


Track 06 - hey ho [and away we go]

hey ho and away we go

got an island horizon
and a boat to get there on

hey ho and away we go

got supplies and friendship
say captain let''s cast off

Music & Lyrics by kidameln © 2004


Track 07 - serious [ly]

dont take too much serious when you hear from me today
i got clever words, some of what i say
might make sense to you, and others not a lot
im ok with that, i dont care if their not
what i read in papers, monkey men on my screen
inflict the fear of others, to make us see
that the world outside is some evil place
of hate and no understanding, tortured pain

ive been listening to the words of my own
making hard work of understanding where they come from
still i find the time to listen and see
all of these changes, all around me

i need to see things to make me believe
no physical proof, then you wont convince me
wont be a blinded sheep, or compromise my soul
im gonna be needing it to keep control
every dog is gonna have its day
its just a matter of time, you gotta stay
some are gonna blink while their waiting in line
their gonna miss the opportunity i wont miss mine

Music & Lyrics by kidameln © 2004


Track 08 - [you''re] just a loudmouth

you paddle up and you''re given me make
it''s a small grievance in this world i think
it''s strange way to waste your energy
when all i want to do is go surfing

but you really bother to notice
take the piss and try to blow my focus
on having fun
a privilige in this ocean

i forgive you you''re just a loudmouth
i forgive you you can''t help yourself
i forgive you you''re just a loudmouth
i''d save you even if you were drowning

oh i get it you''ve got green eyes
i ain''t no threat to your perfect life
you got it so easy you''re bored
i''ve seen a thousand of you
and i''ll see a thousand more

i forgive you you''re just a loudmouth
i forgive you you can''t help yourself
i forgive you you''re just a loudmouth
i''d save you even if you were drowning


you''re just a loudmouth
you''re just allowed

i forgive you you''re just a loudmouth
i forgive you you can''t help yourself
i forgive you you''re just a loudmouth
i''d save you even if you were drowning

Music & Lyrics by kidameln © 2004


Track 09 - circles [around the moon]

oh we go swimming under the moon
hold your breath but come up soon
the water enveloping our bodies
mist obscuring the forest

circles around the moon

oh we go swimming under the moon
hold your breath but come up soon

circles around the moon

it''s a dream
oh it''s a dream

circles around the moon

Music & Lyrics by kidameln © 2004


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