MP3 Art Paul Schlosser - Leftovers
These are folk and country songs with some comedy parodies thrown in
19 MP3 Songs in this album (66:47) !
Related styles: FOLK: Political, COUNTRY: Bluegrass
People who are interested in Bob Dylan "Weird Al" Yankovic Daniel Johnston should consider this download.
The idea of this CD came to me in the fall of 2006 and I believe around December that year I sent Dr Demento a burnt copy of some of these songs with others but I really hadn’t decided whether I wanted to come out with it or not. It is a bunch of songs leftover from different recording sessions. About the same time or slightly before I sent the burnt copy to Dr Demento I told Steve Chappell and he said he was very much interested in doing the cover.
I am so glad I told him about because his encouragement made me feel even better about this CD. The cover is a refrigerator and has food on the CD itself.
About some of the songs:
The Moving Days song is a song that Jonathon from U.W. Health hired me to record for a commercial to get the U.W. students to donate stuff to goodwill and St Vincent DePaul and it may be the main reason I came up with this CD idea.
The songs were leftover songs that didn’t fit on any other CD. Songs 4,5,7,8,9,10,12,13,14,15,16,& 18 are all left over from a recording session I did with Robert Monthey in the basement of where I was recently living in Monona. Robert does a real good job of recording and he’s such a great friend. Song 11 is an alternative version of I’m not here with different lyrics which I recorded at WORT radio station with the help of Robin Good my wife. Mamas Don’t let Your Babies Grow Up to be Star Trekkies or Scifi Fanboys was recorded on video camera by the great LukeSki who I really need to thank because it is one live performance where I really crack up the audience and it wouldn’t be on this CD with real audience laughter without Luke filming it. Songs 6 & 19 are leftover from the Songs I recorded on the Phone CD.
I didn’t add 19 the Walmart Sell out song because I mess up in part of it but put it on this CD because I like the song even though the endings messup. Song 6 was recorded after I sent my CD Songs I recorded on the phone to so I couldn’t of put it on there. Another song Can’t Eat It(Leftovers) was recorded because Odd Austin turned me unto which may or may not have some future things too. Okay so I just want to say thanks everybody who help and again if I forgot to mention your name write it in here ________________________. Okay now give yourself a hug.
Remember to check out all my CDs at Apple iTunes, Rhapsody, Napster, Verizon and other cool download stores like the mp3 store at as well as http;// and if you must friend me at myspace please friend me at or E-mail me at imaprince2001@ or call (608)221-0809 but only if your going to hire me for a gig. This has been another Smile Production and I Thank Jesus for the freedom to share with you my talent.