MP3 Andrew Johnson aka Easy Skanking - I-real-i-zashon
THIS CD ALBUM TITTLE i-real-i-zashon is realy a dub poetic cd .skoken words on music ,written by Andrew Johnson music by umbalo .with drumming and acustic music ,quite ,and relaxing sound to relax you mind ,and highter insight on life in it''s natural form
9 MP3 Songs
Andrew Johnson aka Easy Skanking I-REAL-I jamaican born poet ,songwritter,producer ,publisher ,author ,VISUAL ART Major and have been
a poet from esistance ,but only been in public performance
for just 18 years and been recording from 1993 ,I now relist I secound cd album,and publish two poetic books
and have numerous amount of performance toughout I career and Tv and raido intervew , and many air play but still not as much .here in Jamaica ,and now I work of poetry is now on the innational seen many places in the world this cd album I-real-i-zashon can be found and is rated by many as one of the greatst they have every heard ,and of the greatest lyrical content and poetic format truily perlific writter ANDREW JOHNSON IS may be one of the greatest . I poetry is also publish on many website .poetry website .and I work of poetry continue to continue ,