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MP3 Apricot Slot - The Road to Gypsum

This is the first feature length CD released by the Apricot Slot. This is a concept album which tells the story of enemies who become friends to save a small village.

13 MP3 Songs in this album (40:56) !
Related styles: POP: Quirky, ROCK: Lo-Fi

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The Road To Gypsum – A Prelude

This is a story like no other in that the characters are truly fictional, but in the minds eye of a child they could be very real. The road to Gypsum is one that may be found on any road map of the USA, Canada, or more specific, where you live. Is it a place that truly exists? That is up to the reader to decide.

Chapter 1 - On the Outside Looking In

As a young child, the imagination of a boy or girl can be very vivid. Story telling and legends play an important role into how a young brain develops. It is this time of creativity that is evident when one listens to or reads a story.

Take for example a young Davis O’Heffe of Saltspring Island, BC heading to the corner store on a hot summers day with 25 cents in his pocket. He is truly excited, as on this day the 1st edition of a newly touted comic book has just been released. Davis wants to be the 1st kid on her block to own and read about these new, but different characters.

Upon entering the store, he takes a moment to scan the shelves, when suddenly like a shinny coin on the sidewalk, it catches his attention. The two characters stand in place on the front cover. Davis takes the pages in his hands. His imagination about to expand as the two new hero’s come alive as he reads onward.

What is more real now? The hot sun beating down on young Davis’ head as his creative imagination runs wild, or the hero’s of his new comic book and the adventures that lie ahead of them. The answer to the question is unclear, but the truth of the matter is that Davis himself is about to take an adventure as he heads down the Road to Gypsum, from the outside looking in.

Chapter 2 – My Town

Let me tell you about my town, a place I’ve grown up and lived in. A special place to live for me. It’s one I think twice about. That’s when it began for me.

Gypsum…..a town nowhere, a town anywhere. It is where she was taken away from me. She was the love of my life and a perfect fit for me, and one day she was gone. Now I look for her night and day. That’s when it began for me

Her name was Priscilla. Who took her away from me? Someone who was so small that I could not see them. Now I am left longing for her. That’s when it began for me.

It was not rage, it was not jealousy. She was just so soft, so comfy and without her my life was never to be the same. She was my favourite chair! I became obsessed with finding her and every stranger caught my eye as they could be the one who took her away from me. That’s when it began for me.

To the evil villain who has taken my love, how did you do that? Someday I WILL find you, because I am Reynard………………………...
Reynard the Cat !

Let me tell you about my town. A place I’ve grown up and lived in. A special place to live for me. It’s one I think twice about. That’s when it began for me. Now I look for her night and day. Now I look night and day…………………

Chapter 3 – Hamish

Now Hamish was from the city. Everyone treated him differently, like he was someone that he was not. He felt like he did not fit in and decided he had to leave town. So he headed south one day. Here is what he had to say, “Its not easy being different, just a hairy ball of fur. Not like a fish, bird or dog. I am a rodent, a pesky hedgehog” sighed Hamish.

Hamish finds himself leaving town and heads down a road he has never been on before. The road to Gypsum. As he continues his trek he explains, “I took things into my hands. It is time to make a change in my life. I aint no rodent, no rat. I am going to set things straight at last.”

He took a right turn down the road and gathered his courage. Hamish is preparing himself for a personal epiphany in his hairy little life. He sees in the distance an alleyway, with a fence post propping up and old fence. Sitting atop of the fence is an old alley cat.

His decision may seem rash, but it is the judgement call of his life. “I am gonna take down that alley cat and make him know I aint no rat” Hamish explains in a bold tone with his teeth gritted.

He moves slowly towards the alley cat, gathering more courage and determination with every step. The scene is solemn for Hamish, yet for the alley cat it is going to be a turn of events.

Things are about to drastically change for Hamish AND the cat atop the fence in the small alley way off the main road of Gypsum.

Chapter 4 – Reynard

“I was sitting on this here fence post. I was minding my own business. When suddenly down the road, strolled along, this rat”, explained Reynard.

“He was like a furry hair ball, like a rodent from the City.” I said “Hey what the hell you doing?” Then he, attacked me!

Reynard describes the attack, “Using those little paws, he grabbed and scratched my fur moving so fast it was like he was flying.” He told me “Things are going change, because I am not a RAT, but a hedgehog,” gasped Hamish as he paused his attack on Reynard.

Well “MEOW” Reynard yelped to the Hog as his paws swatted and punched* (like fists of furry. “I’ll take your word for it”

Suddenly Hamish smiled and stopped the fight and said, “What’s your name?”

“I am Reynard the Cat!” said Reynard.

At that point, the two became instant best friends. It was like something magical had just happened, or like another force had just possessed them. They both knew it, but could not explain is at this time.

Time will tell what came over them during this odd fight that became the backbone to their friendship.

Chapter 5 – The Fight Interlude

If you can imagine any movie that involves an epic fight scene, it is always accompanied by a symphonic musical score.

Often this musical score tries to capture the emotions and thoughts that the main characters are feeling and thinking prior to heading into a battle.

Most movie producers will use fade in and fade outs, close ups, slow motions as the battling groups get closer and closer to each other, whether it be on horse back, running across a smoky field with swords or guns drawn.

These musical scores are often sombre and sad as they are foreshadowing the events that are about to take place. These events often end with death and destruction.

For our two characters Hamish and Reynard, imagine this scene in your head as they slowly get closer and closer to each other. Hamish the Hedgehog about to attack! Reynard the cat sitting on the fence post with an one eye on Hamish, still looking night and day and wondering if he is the ONE !

Imagine a swooping circular pan around our characters that ends just before Hamish leaps air bound toward Reynard, ready to deliver the first blow. Reynard clenches his paw into a little fist, when suddenly……………

Chapter 6 – Jezebelle Atkins & her friend Witness the Interlude

“Oh boy its such a lovely day out today wouldn’t you say?”
“Yes I fully agree Jezebelle”

“I think I see something coming down the road out there, what do you think that might be?” states Jezebelle
“Well you mean….It’s a cute little fur ball. He is from another town”, states her friend

“He must be, he is so cute!” replies her friend.
“Oooh look at him……I would like to cuddle him…..hahahaha!” explains Jezebelle.

“Oh no, where is he?” asks her friend
“I don’t know!”

“Let’s go get a little bit closer to him and take a look.”
“BUT wait, it looks like he is upset” exclaims Jezebelle.

“Wait a minute look down that alley way Jezebelle”
“What that?” says Jezebelle
“It is a cat sitting on the fence post” notices her friend
“Oooh his is so cute too!”

“That poor little hedgehog and that cat, the hedgehog and the cat, I THINK THEY ARE GOING TO FIGHT!” yells Jezebelle.

“This is awful!” cries her friend
“We have to stop them!” proclaims Jezebelle.
“I am running for help, I am running away runs her friend
“Me too, run, RUN! I am running too. Get HELP!” yells Jezebelle frantically.

“Ohhhhh yahhhh they are really going to go at it………..” Jezebelle states in a frightened voice.

Chapter 7 – The Fight

“What’s that, who’s that coming? I don’t know I better start running” thinks Reynard.
“Stand tall don’t back down, gonna chase him right outta town” thinks Hamish
“Look now I don’t wanna hurt you, if you don’t back off, I am gonna devour you!” calls Reynard.
Not listening to the cats comment, Hamish thinks to himself “Here I go, the time is right, its going to be one hell of a fight!”

Jezebelle and her friend observe the onfolding of these strange events, and witness a fight between and cat and hedgehog like no other:

“Oh my god I have never seen a cat PUNCH like that before!” Jezebelle calls out.
“And that little hedgehog, my goodness, he is flying, flying through the air!” exclaims her friend in utter amazement.
“This is the most violent fight I have ever seen”
I am truly scared!” exclaimed Jezebelle
“Hold me!” calls Jezebelle
“Hold ME!” cries her friend

“Oh my goodness, they are both so beaten up, and they are just lying down there on the ground” Jezebelle
“There is blood, blood everywhere”, states her friend
“Do you think we should call an ambulance or a vet or something?” asks Jezebelle
“Wait a minute, they are moving”, observes her friend
“They are they’re getting up” observes Jezebelle
“Are they going to fight again?” asks her friend in a frightened voice.
“No they seem to be just walking away.”
“They are friends now” comments her friend.
“Haha”, chuckles Jezebelle.
“Do you want to go get a latte?” asks Jezebelle
“Yeah okay”

Chapter 8 – Super Powers

Hamish the hedgehog wanted to prove himself, ready to make a change. Reynard the cat was living life as a small town cat, always on the look out for revenge against the evil that stole his love away from him. What had happened in that moment of confrontation?

After a gruelling fight in the alley way, Hamish realized that he truly was not just a hedgehog. Reynard found that he was no ordinary cat! A hedgehog that had the powers to fly like a superhero, and a cat that not only could use his feline speed and claws, but could also deliver a knock out welter weight punch!

Reynard the cat packs the punches don’t you know
Hamish the hog flies through the sky oh know.

“We weren’t always super, we used to kind of slow.”
“It was kind of amazing when we learned we had the flow.”
“I could always give the scratch, but that day it became more.”
“It hit me jab, power chop.”
“Little Hamish he could soar.”

Flying through the air, scoping out all the crime.
Saving those from evil, the punks and the under minds.
When you feel evil in the air, just look up into the sky.
There’s Hamish with Rey on his back.
You’ll feel safe and you’ll know why.

Together these two unsuspecting characters have become friends and cohorts in the world of the fight against evil. Together they have become Super Heroes of sort. Not your typical hero, but focussed on stopping the evil under minds.

Their 1st focus as Super Heroes, to find the ruler of the underground! To confront the grand master himself! To find Reynard’s love…………. His favourite chair…………….. Priscilla!

Chapter 9.1 – Grandmaster Dub (W) – Ruler of the Underground

Grandmaster Dub is his name
Ruler of the underground is his game
So damn cool we don’t know his g name.
Just a little nub, yeah he is the G-Dub.

“I’m not what they say. I can’t play this way. I don’t like it I’m done. I give in it’s not fun!” thinks G-Dub to himself as he contemplates the life of crime that he has been living.

One last gig for G Dubs day
Gonna steal that chair away
Leave his posse with one thing to say
Just a little nub, it was him, G-Dub

“I got one more job. I gotta get outta here. I need to leave behind. I’m done and that’s fine” thinks G-Dub as he makes a HUGE decision to complete his last job and then exit his life of crime as the ruler of the underground.

Chapter 9.2 – (W)ilfred the Worm

Wilfred is a worm. Wilfred is a different worm. Wilfred is fat. Some say that Wilfred has girth.

Wilfred is a worm who has girth, Wilfred is a worm who is fat. To a guy like Wilfred, I tip my hat.

Some say that Wilfred is the fattest worm you have ever seen. This may be how he was able to rule the underground for so many years of his life. It may also be how he was able to pull off his last job…….stealing Reynard’s love away from him.

Even though he has made the decision to go on the straight and narrow, Wilfred (aka G Dub) will still need to face Reynard and his superhero sidekick Hamish the flying Hedgehog for the crimes he has committed, especially the heinous crime involving Priscilla!

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