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NEW! Quickly & Easily Start Your Own Paid Membership Site

"I Want To Show You Exactly How You Can Quickly &
Easily Start
Your Own Paid Membership Site, So You Can Start
Profiting With Your Very Own
Online Business Within Just A Few Weeks From Right


The day of free content are slowly disappearing,
and people are
scambling to find the content they want and need.
Are you going to be one of the
lucky few who cash in on these desperate people?

Dear Future Online Entrepreneur

If you've ever considered starting your own
member's only website, then this
will be the most important letter you ever read.

Here's what this is all about...

If you're anything like me... you are waking up to
the fact that a sleeping
giant is now awakening. Subscription based
membership sites are quickly becoming
the easiest way for people to make a solid income

Why? Because instead of just selling a 27
dollar eBook for a one time
sale, you can continually build up a 19.95 per
month (or more) membership based
website that earns you a great income 24 hours a
day! Running one of these sites
is probably the easiest thing you could ever do,
because you're teaching
something that you truly enjoy (I'll show you how
to choose your topic too).

Best of all, there is plenty of income to be
earned by providing those online
with content - and only the surface has been
tapped so far of this highly
profitable income stream.

Membership Sites Are Growing And Growing...

If you've been on the Internet
very long (or even a short while),
you've certainly come across a paid membership
site, since they are growing
exponentially. And for a good reason-increasing
numbers of businesses online
have realized that people are willing-and eager-to
pay for easy access to
information that will help them.

Just visit https://www.tradebit.com, for instance. While much of
their content is free, they also
have a paid "membership only" area that allows
special access to videos and
other items. And if a person wants excellent
investing advice-for a fee-they
will log onto https://www.tradebit.com (the Wall Street Journal),
and pay to learn what the
latest news and investment information is.

But paid membership sites aren't limited to
business sites! Almost every
conceivable type of information today is
marketable-and someone out there is
willing to pay to learn what YOU know (or can
provide them with).

It's Much Easier Than You Think, And I'll Show You

You don't have to be an
"information expert" or a "net guru" to
create a highly successful, income-producing paid
membership site. And you
certainly don't have to be a "web development
expert" to create a site that has
everything you need to create your own
subscription site-for much, much lower
startup fees than most businesses.

I'll Take You Step-By-Step Through The Process Of
Creating Your Own Powerful Paid Membership Site!
....And Help You Get It Up And
Running Quickly!

If you want to learn how to create
a highly profitable, income-generating
business with minimum start-up costs, this guide
will teach you how. I don't
leave anything to chance; instead, in this ebook,
I teach you from the ground
up, each step of the way, how to create an income
stream from membership sites
that will provide profits for years.

In this course you'll learn such things as:


  • How to build a successful
    membership site, including features,
    layout, and fonts-without spending outrageous
    web development fees.


  • The top categories for paid
    membership sites. You'll learn
    which ones are 'hot' and why (including the
    top three, that accounted for
    62 of ALL paid content revenues last year)


  • Marketing trends: Learn what the
    potential income is, and most
    importantly, WHERE it's coming from.


  • Success stories from top paid
    membership sites. You'll hear
    the details of those who have succeeded, and
    learn what makes them work
    (and how you can use their ideas legitimately on
    your own site!)


  • How to create a business plan
    and model that really works.


  • How to get feedback, and update
    your site to increase sales.


  • How to successfully promote your
    site. You'll learn secrets
    that normally take thousands of dollars and
    years to learn and with these
    proven methods, your site will take off


  • And much, much


The Internet Is No Longer Free!... Get In On The
Growing Groundswell Of Paid Internet Membership Sites!

Paid membership sites, and paying
for online content is growing
faster than ever. Savvy entrepreneurs are taking
advantage of what is now one of
the hottest methods of growing income today.

People are eagerly seeking information, and they
will gladly pay for what they
perceive as more valuable, reliable
content-because they paid for it! I'll show
you why they'll pay, what they are looking for-and
how to effectively market
your own paid membership site that can earn you
monthly, six-month, or yearly
fees. That's money that keeps coming in, month
after month, year after year!

If you're not sure what content to offer-I'll show
you what to offer, and where
to get it. I've literally created a foolproof
method that has worked time after
time on my own sites, and I'll teach you how easy
it really is to set up your
own income-generating site. I'll even show you how
to find affiliates, who will
promote YOUR site.

Just so you know, I'm not talking about promoting
porn to make this kind of
money. I'm talking about promoting legitimate
information, and how to create the
type of site that people will flock to-and pay you
money-for allowing them
access to information that they want.


You'll Receive Special 'Insider Tips'

There are certain
"industry secrets" that most people
don't like to let out (after all, they're
afraid of competition).

But in this course I reveal all of them...


  • Keys for choosing topics
    that people will pay to read


  • How to create an
    "addictive" site that people come
    back to time and time again.


  • Special methods for
    creating-and growing-an online


  • How to do better than your


  • Ways to make YOUR site stand
    out from the pack that I've
    tried, and that work!


  • ...This is just the
    beginning of what I'll share with


If you were to ask a web developer how to create a
successful membership site,
he would charge you thousands of dollars for the
information that I share about
web development in my ebook. You'll learn in my
ebook about each and every
element that you need to have a successful
ecommerce site- one that works and
performs- including detailed site management
information that you would pay high
prices for elsewhere.

I lay out each element, each detail, in an
easy-to-read fashion. By the time
you're done, you'll know exactly what you need,
and where to find it-affordably-to
set up your site, and even how to promote it.
You'll understand how search
engine optimization works, and how to get your
site to rise through the ranks on
Google and other online search engines.

This is just the beginning. If you were ask a
marketing professional how to
successfully promote your web site online, you
would again be charged hundreds
or thousands of dollars for professional advice on
the best promotional methods.
They would discuss with you the benefits and
problems with each one.

In this ebook, I share with you, step-by-step, how
to successfully promote a
membership site and build a real online community
that people want to become
part of. You'll receive invaluable marketing
advice as part of the package.
You'll learn what software works (and what
doesn't!), where to advertise, what
to advertise and five secrets of getting people to
join your membership site.
You'll learn how to write good marketing copy, and
what information it should

People want to join membership sites: they
enjoy the sense of community
that it brings. And if you use the
community-building tips that I show you in my
ebook, they will be eager to join-and to pay for
the privilege of belonging to
an exclusive community that allows them to network
with like-minded others.

People today want quality information: if you can
offer them reliable, accurate
information on topics that they're interested in,
they are more than willing to
pay. The service you provide, by offering this
information at one centralized
location, is valuable. I'll show you the what, the
whys, and most importantly,
exactly how to implement them.

This Guide Is Filled With Practical Advice That You

Use Every Day In Running Your
Membership Site!

...And Includes A Complete Discussion Of:

  • How to create a "mentor"
    one of the fastest
    growing arenas for paid membership sites are
    those that offer specialized
    expertise and knowledge. We'll teach you how to
    take what YOU know, and turn
    it into a successful site where you share your
    enthusiasm or knowledge of a


  • Five rules of site
    architecture that you MUST know:

    we'll show you how the flow of your site, your
    links, and its interactivity,
    if done well, can cause your site to take off.
    If you don't follow these rules,
    though, it will sit there and do nothing!This is
    information that you can't
    afford to miss, and has been responsible for my
    own successful sites.


  • The secret of creating ads
    that get response:
    help you learn how to write ads that get
    noticed-and where to place them for
    the best response (it isn't where you might
    think). And we'll teach you how to
    create mail lists that people subscribe to-and
    pass along to their friends.


  • How to take credit card
    billing and protect your customers
    Internet security is important today, and you
    need to know how to provide this
    to your clients, or they will walk. We teach you
    how to do this, and how to
    take payment-and pay others-securely and
    confidentially online. We'll also let
    you know which companies are trustworthy, and
    who will take care of billing
    for you, for just a small fee.


  • How to promote yourself
    we'll show you how not
    only online promotion, but what you do offline
    can help your site keep growing
    and showing healthy profits.


You'll Learn From Other's Success Stories, And Get
Ideas From Those Who Have Created Highly
Successful Membership Sites!

The best teacher is the person who
has succeeded, and those who
follow can learn from their brilliant successes
(and their failures, by learning
what to avoid). I analyze highly successful paid
membership sites, and discuss
in my book what they did right-so you can learn,

I'll even teach you how to copy their
success-legitimately! You'll learn what to
do, how to do it, and why, using the same
principles that bring in other sites
thousands of dollars each month.

This is just the beginning of the valuable
information that I'll share with you
in this information-packed ebook.

If you order today, you'll receive an ebook that
literally gives you thousands
of dollars of advice-for the cost of two gas

Think of buying this ebook as fueling your own
success, and helping your income
to start taking off. The advice on web development
and marketing alone will save
you hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars.

It's hard to believe that I'm offering you this
much information, gathered from
my own experience as well as learning from others,
for the low price of only

That's right! This gives you access to this
invaluable advice that teaches you
how to create a successful paid membership site.
All you have to do is follow
the steps that I share with you-and start earning
income from your own paid
membership site. I've taken all the guesswork out,
and given you everything
you'll need in one feature-packed ebook.

Doesn't it make sense to invest only $37 to
receive information that can help
you create your own highly profitable online

That Provides You With Information About:

  • The top paid membership site
    categories, with a detailed
    discussion of each. Including what factors to
    consider while selecting your


  • How to promote your site, with
    methods that really work.


  • What makes a site that sells and
    mistakes to avoid.


  • Everything you need to know
    about setting up, administering,
    and managing a paid membership site, including
    details on payment, paying
    others, secure transactions, and site


  • A business model for success
    that you can copy (including a
    full business plan).


  • Tips on writing good sales copy
    for your membership site to
    maximize subscriptions.


  • Case studies of successful


  • And much, much



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