Sold by starsounds on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,279,943 satisfied buyers
DESCRIPTION : Unique generation from an uncommon signal generator
that has much higher signal accuracy than standard tone generators.
Tritone generated from Bb flat scale. Octave doubling raised from floor tone in the
low ULF region.
As per the article ; these tritones may cause physical state change, possibly triggering
These tritone frequencies referred to in the article are rendered to within an audible range and may still work even though they are not in the specified Khx, Mhz bandwidths.
Since physiological effects have been observed from scaling very high frequencies
to lower octaves in other past cases, the same principle may apply here.
These frequencies are entirely experimental and should only be used, purchased
after full understanding and agreeing to the associated disclaimer provided on
the associated page.
These tracks include very high frequencies, for audible comfort it would be best to use silent delivery tools rather than listening audibly, the sounds may not be pleasant to the ear since they are tritones. An exception to this is the
AUDIBLE OR COIL - PSYCHO ACOUSTIC MOTION track which may be suitable for audible listening. If you wish to listen to this one our suggestion is to play it simultaneously
in your back ground environment while either playing other music or watching TV. Adjust
the volume of this audio track so it is slightly below the other sound(s) you are playing.
This may help perceptual audible comfort by slightly masking some of the higher tones.
Note that this track has added psycho-acoustic effects which may be interpreted, experienced as a form of spatial, rotary movement.
File Data
This file is sold by starsounds, an independent seller on Tradebit.