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Tradebit Affiliate Php Script
Tradebit Affiliate Php Script
For affiliate
Make Money With Tradebit Affiliate Php Script
This php script for affiliate tradebit make easy to display all tradebit product download file without need to create post or write content with download affiliate link one by one.
This script using php and mysql and show all file from tradebit page per page with download link include your affiliate id.
Not just display all file download link but complete with search function for easy your visitor to find what file their need it.
see live i am using only shared hosting VIEW LIVE SITE follow the url at the picture above.
Before you buy, make sure you register as user at and you get your affiliate id after that.
Your server using php 5.0 above.
Ask you hosting to make:
allowed php include On
and PDO extentions enabled on your php configuration.
Thats all.
you can modify your site by edit the css file for a good looking. I am create this script for basic looking,searching and all link have your affiliate id automaticaly.
Use and modify as your own risk.. Thanks You..
with buy this php script, you can
#modify,change and sell it but the price must be above $25#
Any suggestion, please contact me at
File Data
This file is sold by myrbm, an independent seller on Tradebit.