Flu Symptoms
Flu Symptoms
So, you are feeling a little funky but you are not sure if its the flu or not? Never fear! Here are some of the flu symptoms, according https://www.tradebit.com: A 100 F degree or higher fever or feeling feverish, cough and/or sore throat, a runny or stuffy nose, headaches and/or body aches, chills, and fatigue.
Often, a person with the flu goes through shivers and experiences pain in the sinus areas (the temple and under the nose). Sometimes, flu symptoms also include severe pain in the joints and a general sense of weakness, sleepiness, and flushed skin. WebMD also mentions ill appearance with warm, flushed skin and red, watery eyes along with a dry cough
Mayo https://www.tradebit.com lists a specific fever number (100.4 degrees or higher) and extreme fatigue as some of the symptoms of the flu, along with severe muscle ache. These symptoms need to last more than forty-eight hours. Flu https://www.tradebit.com lists four symptoms with the acronym FACTS: F- for fever, A for aches, C for chills, T for tiredness, S for sudden onset.
Now, the question remains whether it is the flu or just a cold. The two share a lot in common, however, they have distinct features that set them apart. For instance, when a person has a cold, fevers and headaches are rare. However, with the flu, the two symptoms are quite prominent according to WebMD. What distinguishes cold is a stuffy nose, sneezing, a sore throat and mild chest pain. The flu, on the other hand, has extreme exhaustion and fatigue that can last up to two to three weeks.
Their complications vary, too: a cold gone awry can cause a sinus congestion whereas a flu left untreated can turn into bronchitis or pneumonia, both of which are extremely dangerous and have the potential of being fatal.
The means of preventing both illnesses varies. For a cold, preventing it comes from good hygiene, as WebMD notes, which includes the use of hand sanitizers, wipes in stores before touching shopping carts, and so on. On the other hand, the flu can be prevented by the flu shot or nasal flu vaccination. As for treatment, both have vastly different ways of treating the illness. Colds cannot be cured by any specific medication. Instead, medications can be used to deal with the individual symptoms of colds. As for the flu, a prescribed anti-viral antibiotic may be needed to deal with the virus. There are also some over the counter flu medications that can assist in making the process of healing shorter, faster, and more efficient (as well as less painful for the patient). So, check your local drugstore for medications and give your physician a visit if you think you have the flu.
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