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10 Tips To Prevent Getting The Flu
10 Tips to prevent getting the flu
There are probably very few such persons who have not been infected by the influenza or the flu virus at some point in their life. This is a viral infection of the lungs and the airways. The common symptoms include cough, cold, runny nose, fever and ache all over the body. The flu season typically extends from November to March.
Influenza is highly contagious. That is the reason why thousands of people fall sick with flu every year. It is important to know some basic flu prevention tips so that you reduce the possibility of catching this disease as much as possible.
Here are ten basic tips that you can follow to prevent flu:
1. Get the yearly flu vaccine at the beginning of the flu season every year. People who are at high risk like children, old people, health care workers, people recovering from serious illnesses and pregnant women should never skip the flu vaccine.
2. Wash your hands thoroughly, preferably with warm water and soap in order to get rid of the flu virus. Surfaces may contain flu virus which remain viable for up to 48 hours. So, it is necessary to wash your hands to prevent infection. Good quality hand sanitizers can be used if soap is not available.
3. Maintain your personal space. Try to keep a distance of about six feet between you and other persons especially if they exhibit symptoms of flu.
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