ShopbooK Accounting Software - FV
You have a Shop or Small Business, have all the books and software to manage your purchase, sales, accounting, Tax GST billing, inventory, income and expenses - but here is ShopbooK. An easy way to do the Job...
ShopbooK Full Version Features include:
PURCHASE Purchase Order, Purchase Log, Daily Purchase Report, Goods Receipt Voucher
SALES Sales Invoice, Sales Bill, Moving / New Items Report, Estimate, Delivery Note, Stores Demand Issue Voucher (SDIV)
PAYMENTS Statement of Payable, Payable Summary, Payment LogList
RECEIPTS Statement of Receivable, Receivable Summary, Receipt Loglist
LEDGERS Account Balance, Real Balance, Book Balance, Journal Voucher
STATEMENTS Item List, Price List, Stock Update, Stray Stock, Sales / Purchase Statement, Sales / Purchase Tax, Profit Report
ADMIN User Level Access and Posting of Invoices and Journals.
Note: ShopbooK Full Version includes ShopbooK Brand Ads on Reports and Statements. To Remove Ads kindly contact ShopbooK Customer Care.