99 Ways to Stop Bedwetting - ArticleRights.com
Bedwetting is not a rare problem. Experts think that five to seven million children in the USA wet the bed at least occasionally. The older children get, the less likely they are to wet the bed. However, 1% of older teenagers, and 20% of children between the ages of five and six will still wet their bed regularly.
Bedwetting creates stress for the entire family. Parents may be frustrated and fatigued by the extra laundry, drying mattresses, and reassurances that follow each incident.
The medical term for bedwetting is Enuresis and it is a serious subject for medical research. Researchers have found that a few basic causes of bedwetting seem to be the culprit for most sufferers. Among medical causes, ailments such as urinary tract infections, allergies, diabetes, cell anemia and sleep disorders are often the culprit.
Since bedwetting is often the first sign of these problems, it is a good idea to get your child checked out for these conditions. In addition, researchers have found that psychological reasons such as stress, upset, and trauma often contribute to bedwetting.