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Work At Home For Busy Moms with MRR

Dear Friend,

Stop for a moment and ask yourself this…
Are you truly satisfied with your life? I mean really happy!

Do you have…

A rewarding career
A loving and supportive family,
Enough money to buy the things you wish you could have,
And the time to enjoy your family, your friends, and your passions?
Do you jump out of bed every morning feeling an overwhelming degree of excitement to start your day and do what you love?

Or is something missing? Now imagine for a moment - If you knew that next 10 or 20 years would repeat what you are doing now, would you look forward to them with enthusiasm and sense of fulfillment? Or do you have other things rattling around in your mind… something that is telling you there is more than what you are doing right now… that inner prompting, that gentle nudge that lets you know that something you’re doing now is not what you was meant to do… that the years are passing you by and the dreams you have locked up inside are never going to see the light of day?

I know this is tough —but be honest now — are you settling for less than what you think you can have?
If you have been leaning on the advice of well-meaning friends and family, and not listening to YOU and it’s only gotten you to where you are now, isn’t it time to try something different?

Yes, you really can be successful as a work at home mom!
In fact, you can bank on it!
But before I tell you how, let me share my own personal story…

Twelve years ago I left a high paying job with a reputable company. I was doing what most do — climbing the ‘corporate ladder’ the potential for advancement was diverse and the opportunities were plenty. I’m really not sure how far I could have got.

Then one day it hit me.
Something just didn’t feel right… or at least not for me. After having my second child, I realized that the long hours, the grueling traveling and the late nights getting home were starting to take their toll. I don’t know about you but children change everything. My priorities and desires had shifted. I felt torn, on one hand I loved the pride that came from my career but I could feel my enthusiasm and energy waning. I knew I enjoyed business and I wanted to still be able to bring my skills to the table and make a living, but I knew it wasn’t going to be by continuing in the same job.

It was serious. I knew something had to change, so I took a 4 day weekend and got away to think it over. It’s amazing what we discover when we get away from the busyness of life and listen to the part of us that gets smothered by the noise of life.

I made a list.
I created a picture of what I wanted my life to look like, how I wanted it to start and end each day and every part of it, included my kids, family and friends.

On the final day I woke up with renewed strength and goals. It was amazing to finally feel clarity about what I wanted, and that was — to start my own business from home. Tricky part was I only had $2,322 in my bank account. I did however have a strong desire to make it happen.

To say I was excited would be an understatement. I had plans, and I was going to tell those that I knew about them.
First people I told were a couple of friends from work; I even told them they should do it. I knew they didn’t love their jobs. But here’s the thing… I expected them to be excited and yet it was quite the opposite. Instead of them saying “sounds great, go for it” or “you can do it, “these so called friends that I admired said “Are you crazy?” “What about benefits?” and “Best of luck, I’ll see you in a month.”
Well if words were water — theirs nearly put out my fire! Harsh!

Obviously, I started to second guess myself, was I really making the right decision? Could I really make a go of it? Maybe I should just accept the career I had and be happy for the little time I got with my kids. Now, I don’t know if this is something you can relate too, but something rose up inside of me and I just kept going. I wasn’t going to let their words shake me. Instead I took the plunge!

I began investigating all the different aspects of starting a business…
But let me tell you… while I held down a great career with a company, my skills were seriously lacking and my knowledge of accounting, being self-motivated and self-managed were pretty much nil. Who needs those when you have a boss breathing down your neck?

At that time, I remember this like it was yesterday. I spent a lot of money on courses from so called ‘experts’ thinking I would need a lot of new skills, oh boy was I wrong!

Not only did my bank account go down fast, but later I realized that I didn’t need half of the skills that I had spent money on to work from home.

Anyway, after several months of beating my head against the wall and ending up no further ahead, I realized I was going at this all the wrong way. I could already hear my co-workers laughing it up at my expense. It wouldn’t be long and I would be back, groveling for my old job.

Finally, out of pure desperation, I decided I would seek out moms who had already done it. I mean why re-invent the wheel right? If they had succeeded maybe there was something they could tell me about where I was going wrong and what I should be doing.

I knew of two mothers from the moms and tots who held down careers from home, and another was a co-worker I had met in my previous job. She had left and done exactly what I had but for whatever reason, she was succeeding.

Thankfully after much beating around the bush, I asked them if they would share what they had done to be successful with their businesses working from home.

Secrets To Being A Work At Home Mom
I listened with baited breath, took notes and asked some dumb questions.

At the end of our conversations, I was completely dumbfounded…

I have to admit I felt like a complete idiot. There was me, with my high flying career and yet I couldn’t piece together what it took to start, run and build a business from home that paid handsomely.

And you want to know what the most astonishing part of it was — the bulk of it was just plain old common sense!

Now of course there was some things I would have never had known unless I spoke with them, and for that I am grateful. It’s saved me a ton of problems.

Obviously, I immediately went home and applied their wisdom… and sure enough, it worked!
There’s no easier way to put it. Their approach VS mine was like night and day.

So, let’s fast forward this…
One thing I learned from them quickly is that you don’t have to put in long, painful hours, spend lots of money or gain a massive amount of skills to have a part time or full time income from home.

You don’t have to speak to a soul if you don’t want to; in fact one of them does her business entirely online, from home. The others operate locally, with their own hours which they work in and around their family life, always allowing them to be there.

Truth is, and it was a costly lesson I learned before I spoke with them, is that you just need to know a few simple strategies… and that’s exactly what I’m going to give to you…

Introducing ‘Work At Home For Busy Moms’
I Promised Them That I Would Let Others In On These Work At Home Success Secrets
Imagine having your own business that brings in money part-time or full-time. This is an all-in-one, comprehensive work-at-home book for moms that holds nothing back, letting you take advantage of all the strategies and advice that I gleaned from three successful work at home moms and the same strategies that I’ve applied in my business.

Think how amazing it would feel to wake up in the morning and have already been paid for products or services you have offered to people all over the world or even just locally.

It’s incredible and moms are discovering they do have what it takes, once they learn these proven and time-tested strategies used by other moms with successful work at home businesses.


Here’s just a tiny peek at what the book covers:

- How to tell if working at home is right for you
- Financial positioning matters
- Family support is crucial
- Self-discipline gets the job done
- Handling isolation
- The benefits of working at home
- The potential pitfalls
- Overcoming obstacles
- Opportunities for unskilled workers
- Gaining necessary training quickly and affordably
- Where to look for jobs
- Using employment agencies
- Franchises can be a dream
- Connect with employment web sites
- Things to avoid
- Tips for landing the job
- Getting a handle on face-to-face interviewing
- Landing an online job
- Setting up the home office right
- Getting on the road to success
- Why advertising matters
- Networking serves several purposes
- A good reputation is golden
- What about benefits?
- Getting insurance
- Readying for retirement
- A penny saved is a penny earned
- How to juggle it all with ease

Think about the incredible benefits…

- Being able to set your own hourly rates and have people pay you what your worth

- Being able to work anywhere you wish depending on the type of business you decide to do

- Not having to spend hundreds or thousands on gaining new skills

- Not having to go out and buy expensive equipment

- Being able to start part-time or go full-time. You get to decide when and how you will work
As this reveals everything you need to know in order to start, run and manage a business from home that pays outrageously well even if you have little to no skills.

But here’s the important part: Here are 20 Good Reasons Why You Should Take Action Today

You’re going to learn:

- The single most important factor to determine if working at home is right for you.
- 3 financial pearls of wisdom to help you make the transition to self-employed without ending up broke
- Critical family questions you must ask before you take the leap into your own business ( Avoid these and your dream job can turn into a nightmare)
- The 3 things that cause even the savviest work at home moms to fail when others survive with the odds stacked against them
- 4 proven ways to guarantee you don't lose your mind working from home ( this is the one reason why many return back to a job)
- 5 surprising benefits to consider if you think working at home may not be for you — these might just change your mind
- 6 pitfalls that will destroy not only your business but you and your family and clear and straight-forward advice that will help you avoid them
- The 6 secrets of successful entrepreneur mothers and what each agree, works like gangbusters to overcome the largest hurdles common to moms working from home
- 12 overlooked jobs that pay amazing and require you to have little to no skills
- 8 little-known hidden resources you can take advantage of to brush up on your skills to expand your ability to land more clients without spending a fortune
- Top 3 work-at-home legitimate sources for paid work that pay handsomely
- The 4 best ways to avoid scam artists and bad clients
- Quick steps to land the job with a client offline or online
- 7 basic foundations you must have in place for running a business or you’ll fail
- 4 ways to connect and get the word out about your business and create a stampede of new clients
- Detailed strategies to networking from winning entrepreneurs
- The one golden rule that ‘successful moms’ live by that will land you so much work you will be turning it away
- The truth behind insurance, retirement and how to not be left hanging dry and working way into your 60s
- 4 leading ways to have the business run like clockwork giving you more time to spend with family, friends and children
- 7 things to remember before you make the decision to work from home, be it part time or full time.

Make Full Use Of This Knowledge And Get A Real Look At Work At Home For Busy Moms!
Let’s face it…If you're still running your financial life according to the wealth-building rules we all grew up with, you're severely limiting your might, creativity, and financial potential as a result. As recent economical events have demonstrated, these "old rules" are inanimate. A fresh and radically different set of rules have taken their place. And the time for you to study them and stake your claim in the new economy is today!

That is why is it very important for you to realize the value of what I’m offering.

The price I’m charging for this book is minimal when you consider the fact that you can use just one of these strategies to make your money back 10-15 times over.

Remember that if you fail to take action today, things will not get better… at least not immediately.

So make sure you take action and get a copy of this book right away!

And The Best Part Is...
That You Can Be Reading This Book In Less Than 90 Seconds From Now!
That's right! No more waiting for the mailman to come to your door 7-10 days later.. You can start reading this book instantly!

This new breakthrough book is a guide, really. A guide as a result of years of searching, studying, and scouring hundreds of websites, stores, and magazines.

And this isn't one of those "Latin" books where you don't understand what's being said. Everything is in plain English, so you can put the Latin book away :)

This truly is a one-of-a-kind book that can not be found offline, or online other than right here.

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