Healthy Body Image Album
Do you have a negative self body image?
Are you unhappy with the size or shape of your body, or personal appearance?
Do you always find something else which is wrong, or holding you back?
The way you feel about yourself will also influence the way you will be treated by other people. If you have a negative body image then exercise and dieting can be a struggle for you. If you have negative beliefs, that negativity breeds further negativity, so you end up giving up on your diet or exercise routine and go back to your old way. This reinforces your negativity and reduces your self perception of your body image even further. This cycle can continue many times, and each time you will end up in a worse mental position than when you started.
When you can get past your negativity towards your body, and learn to see yourself in a positive light you will find that healthy eating and exercise are not the chore or struggle that they once were.
You can use the power of this subliminal album to change how you feel towards your body, and make large improvements to your quality of life.
This album works to:
Change the way you think about yourself and your body and bring more positive people and experiences into your life.
Bypass your limiting beliefs and allow yourself to begin to accept the positive thoughts that lead to your development.
Allow your mind to emotionally release negative past memories, experiences, and rejections.
Attract more and positive attention from the opposite sex due to greater confidence in yourself and your body.
Remove any mental barriers to success, and eliminate any negative thoughts that might hinder your progress.
Some Affirmations in this album include:
I am beautiful
I love my body
I have a healthy body image
I accept myself completely
I am thankful for my body
I am building a positive body image
My body is perfect just the way it is
I am confident in the way I look
I always feel comfortable in my own skin
I appreciate my body
I will have a healthy body image
I will always love my body no matter what
I am beginning to accept myself more and more
I am beginning to feel content with the way I look
I am becoming happier with my body
Each day I look and feel better
I will always have gratitude for my body
My self acceptance is beginning to change the way other people see me
I am overcoming negativity and building a positive attitude towards myself
I am finding it easier to feel confident in the way I look
Disclaimer: Never listen to our albums while driving, or operating heavy machinery, or doing any activity where your attention is requited elsewhere for safety reasons.